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سجل مرشح الإساءة

التفاصيل لمدخلة السجل 2٬398٬759

13:09، 11 أكتوبر 2018: بحوثات (نقاش | مساهمات) أطلق المرشح 102; مؤديا الفعل "edit" في فتى الصحف. الأفعال المتخذة: وسم; وصف المرشح: تعديلات طويلة (افحص | فرق)

التغييرات التي أجريت في التعديل


{{معلومات لعبة فيديو
Assignment 1:

Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia


                      Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill

               To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill.

I. Review of the literature:

            According to Watkins &Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition.

II. References:

Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.''

Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics.

Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.

Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics.

Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman,

Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38.

Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497

Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376

Watkins, J. & Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins.


Graduation project

The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia

A research in fulfillment of the graduation project

Table of Contents:



Literature review:​3

Significance of the study:​4

Research question​4


Limitation of the study:​5

Expected results:​5


Purpose of the study:​6




       This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia.


               YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age.

                  Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before.

                 Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners.            This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia.

Literature review:

        There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video  in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found.

Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity.

Significance of the study:

           The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old.

YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those

This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process.

Research question

The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions:

1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills?

2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old?

3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills?


                    The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia.

Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure.

Limitation of the study:

      This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them.

Expected results:

           It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language.


          To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia.

Purpose of the study:

         To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old.


Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.''

Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics.

Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.  

Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics.

Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman,

Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38.

Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497

Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376



1are you an English teacher on:

□ preschool

□ Other

2. The teaching are which am teaching is

□ Science

□ Social Science

□ English/Language arts

□ Mathematics

□ Reading

3. Do you have experience if yes how much?

□ More than five years

□ More than ten years

□ More than twenty

□ Less than one

□ Less than five years

□ Five to ten years

4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often

□ Two times a week

□ More than ten times

□ a lot

□ once a week

□ Five to ten times

□ More than five times

5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development?

□ I don’t know

□ Waste time

□ Very helpful

□ helpfulness

6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language?

□ Very helpful

□ Helpfulness

□ I don’t know

□ Waste time

7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation

□ Very helpful

□ Helpfulness

□ I don’t know

□ Waste time

8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills?

□ Very helpful

□ Helpfulness

□ I don’t know

□ Waste time

9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English

□ Very helpful

□ Helpfulness

□ I don’t know

□ Waste time

10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills

□ Very helpful

□ Helpfulness

□ Waste time

10{{تصنيف كومنز|Megaliths
}}{{معلومات لعبة فيديو
|عنوان اللعبة=فتى الصحف
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'{{يتيمة|تاريخ=يناير_2014}} {{معلومات لعبة فيديو |عنوان اللعبة=فتى الصحف |غلاف=[[ملف:Paperboy_arcadeflyer.png|لاإطار]] |عنوان الغلاف= الملصق الرسمي للعبة |مطور= |ناشر= |موزع= |سلسلة= |مخرج= |منتج= |مصمم= |مبرمج= |كاتب= |فنان= |مؤلف الموسيقى= |محرك= |نسخة= |إصدر=1984 |نوع=لعبة أكشن |نمط=[[لعبة فيديو فردية|لاعب واحد]]، [[لعبة فيديو جماعية|عدة لاعبين]] |تقدير= |أنظمة=[[ألعاب آركيد]] |وسائط= |متطلبات= }} '''فتى الصحف''' {{إنج|Paperboy}} هي [[لعبة فيديو]] صدرت في عام 1984، وهي متوفرة على أجهزة [[ألعاب آركيد]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8977 |title=Paperboy |publisher =The International Arcade Museum |accessdate =5 Oct 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title = Review - ''Paperboy'' | url=http://amr.abime.net/review_39026 | journal = '''The One''' | date= September 1989 | issue = 32-34 | pages = 14 | accessdate = 2014-06-23 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title = Review - ''Paperboy'' | url=http://www.crashonline.org.uk/33/paperboy.htm | journal = '''Crash''' | date= October 1986 | issue = 33 | pages = 18 | accessdate = 2014-06-23 }}</ref> == مراجع == {{مراجع}} == وصلات خارجية == *{{KLOV game|id=8977|name=Paperboy}} *{{StrategyWiki|Paperboy}} *{{moby game|id=/paperboy|name=''Paperboy''}} *{{WoS game|id=0003603|name=Paperboy}} *{{Internet Archive game | arcade_paperboy | Paperboy | arcade }} {{شريط بوابات|عقد 1980|ألعاب فيديو}} {{بذرة لعبة فيديو}} [[تصنيف:ألعاب آبل آي آي جي إس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آبل II]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آي أو إس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري إس تي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري لينكس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أمستراد CPC]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أميغا]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب الهاتف المحمول]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب إكس بوكس لايف آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بلاي ستيشن]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بلاي ستيشن 2]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بي بي سي ميكرو وآكرون إليكترون]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب تايغر هاندهيلد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب تي آر إس-80 كولر كمبيوتر]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي أدفانس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي كولر]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم جير]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب دريم كاست]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب دوس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب زي إكس سبكتروم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب سيجا ماستر سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب سيجا ميجا درايف]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو 1984]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو 1985]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو حركة]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو مطورة في الولايات المتحدة]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو من ميدواي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب كومودور 16 و بلس/4]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب كومودور 64]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب ماستر سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو 64]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو إنترتينمنت سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو غيم كيوب]] [[تصنيف:علامة تجارية من وارنر برذرز]]'
نص الويكي الجديد للصفحة، بعد التعديل (new_wikitext)
'{{يتيمة|تاريخ=يناير_2014}} Assignment 1: Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia Description:                       Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill                To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill. I. Review of the literature:             According to Watkins &Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition. II. References: Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.'' Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 Watkins, J. & Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins. 1 Graduation project The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia A research in fulfillment of the graduation project Table of Contents: Abstract​1 Introduction:​2 Literature review:​3 Significance of the study:​4 Research question​4 Methodology:​5 Limitation of the study:​5 Expected results:​5 Objective:​6 Purpose of the study:​6 References:​6 Appendix:​7 Abstract        This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia. Introduction:                YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age.                   Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before.                  Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners.            This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. Literature review:         There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video  in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found. Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity. Significance of the study:            The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old. YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process. Research question The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions: 1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills? 2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old? 3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills? Methodology:                     The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure. Limitation of the study:       This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them. Expected results:            It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language. Objective:           To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia. Purpose of the study:          To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old. References: Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.'' Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.   Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 Appendix: Survey: 1are you an English teacher on: □ preschool □ Other 2. The teaching are which am teaching is □ Science □ Social Science □ English/Language arts □ Mathematics □ Reading 3. Do you have experience if yes how much? □ More than five years □ More than ten years □ More than twenty □ Less than one □ Less than five years □ Five to ten years 4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often □ Two times a week □ More than ten times □ a lot □ once a week □ Five to ten times □ More than five times 5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development? □ I don’t know □ Waste time □ Very helpful □ helpfulness 6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language? □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills? □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ Waste time 10{{تصنيف كومنز|Megaliths }}{{معلومات لعبة فيديو |عنوان اللعبة=فتى الصحف |غلاف=[[ملف:Paperboy_arcadeflyer.png|لاإطار]] |عنوان الغلاف= الملصق الرسمي للعبة |مطور= |ناشر= |موزع= |سلسلة= |مخرج= |منتج= |مصمم= |مبرمج= |كاتب= |فنان= |مؤلف الموسيقى= |محرك= |نسخة= |إصدر=1984 |نوع=لعبة أكشن |نمط=[[لعبة فيديو فردية|لاعب واحد]]، [[لعبة فيديو جماعية|عدة لاعبين]] |تقدير= |أنظمة=[[ألعاب آركيد]] |وسائط= |متطلبات= }} '''فتى الصحف''' {{إنج|Paperboy}} هي [[لعبة فيديو]] صدرت في عام 1984، وهي متوفرة على أجهزة [[ألعاب آركيد]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8977 |title=Paperboy |publisher =The International Arcade Museum |accessdate =5 Oct 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title = Review - ''Paperboy'' | url=http://amr.abime.net/review_39026 | journal = '''The One''' | date= September 1989 | issue = 32-34 | pages = 14 | accessdate = 2014-06-23 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |title = Review - ''Paperboy'' | url=http://www.crashonline.org.uk/33/paperboy.htm | journal = '''Crash''' | date= October 1986 | issue = 33 | pages = 18 | accessdate = 2014-06-23 }}</ref> == مراجع == {{مراجع}} == وصلات خارجية == *{{KLOV game|id=8977|name=Paperboy}} *{{StrategyWiki|Paperboy}} *{{moby game|id=/paperboy|name=''Paperboy''}} *{{WoS game|id=0003603|name=Paperboy}} *{{Internet Archive game | arcade_paperboy | Paperboy | arcade }} {{شريط بوابات|عقد 1980|ألعاب فيديو}} {{بذرة لعبة فيديو}} [[تصنيف:ألعاب آبل آي آي جي إس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آبل II]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب آي أو إس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري إس تي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أتاري لينكس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أمستراد CPC]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب أميغا]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب الهاتف المحمول]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب إكس بوكس لايف آركيد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بلاي ستيشن]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بلاي ستيشن 2]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب بي بي سي ميكرو وآكرون إليكترون]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب تايغر هاندهيلد]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب تي آر إس-80 كولر كمبيوتر]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي أدفانس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم بوي كولر]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب جيم جير]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب دريم كاست]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب دوس]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب زي إكس سبكتروم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب سيجا ماستر سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب سيجا ميجا درايف]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو 1984]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو 1985]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو حركة]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو مطورة في الولايات المتحدة]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب فيديو من ميدواي]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب كومودور 16 و بلس/4]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب كومودور 64]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب ماستر سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو 64]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو إنترتينمنت سيستم]] [[تصنيف:ألعاب نينتندو غيم كيوب]] [[تصنيف:علامة تجارية من وارنر برذرز]]'
فرق موحد للتغييرات المصنوعة بواسطة التعديل (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,4 +1,258 @@ {{يتيمة|تاريخ=يناير_2014}} -{{معلومات لعبة فيديو + +Assignment 1: + +Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia + +Description: + +                      Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill + +               To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill. + +I. Review of the literature: + +            According to Watkins &Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition. + +II. References: + +Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.'' + +Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. + +Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. + +Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. + +Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, + +Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. + +Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 + +Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 + +Watkins, J. & Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins. + +1 + +Graduation project + +The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia + +A research in fulfillment of the graduation project + +Table of Contents: + +Abstract​1 + +Introduction:​2 + +Literature review:​3 + +Significance of the study:​4 + +Research question​4 + +Methodology:​5 + +Limitation of the study:​5 + +Expected results:​5 + +Objective:​6 + +Purpose of the study:​6 + +References:​6 + +Appendix:​7 + +Abstract + +       This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia. + +Introduction: + +               YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age. + +                  Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before. + +                 Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners.            This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. + +Literature review: + +        There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video  in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found. + +Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity. + +Significance of the study: + +           The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old. + +YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those + +This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process. + +Research question + +The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions: + +1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills? + +2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old? + +3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills? + +Methodology: + +                    The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. + +Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure. + +Limitation of the study: + +      This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them. + +Expected results: + +           It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language. + +Objective: + +          To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia. + +Purpose of the study: + +         To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old. + +References: + +Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.'' + +Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. + +Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.   + +Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. + +Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, + +Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. + +Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 + +Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 + +Appendix: + +Survey: + +1are you an English teacher on: + +□ preschool + +□ Other + +2. The teaching are which am teaching is + +□ Science + +□ Social Science + +□ English/Language arts + +□ Mathematics + +□ Reading + +3. Do you have experience if yes how much? + +□ More than five years + +□ More than ten years + +□ More than twenty + +□ Less than one + +□ Less than five years + +□ Five to ten years + +4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often + +□ Two times a week + +□ More than ten times + +□ a lot + +□ once a week + +□ Five to ten times + +□ More than five times + +5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development? + +□ I don’t know + +□ Waste time + +□ Very helpful + +□ helpfulness + +6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language? + +□ Very helpful + +□ Helpfulness + +□ I don’t know + +□ Waste time + +7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation + +□ Very helpful + +□ Helpfulness + +□ I don’t know + +□ Waste time + +8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills? + +□ Very helpful + +□ Helpfulness + +□ I don’t know + +□ Waste time + +9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English + +□ Very helpful + +□ Helpfulness + +□ I don’t know + +□ Waste time + +10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills + +□ Very helpful + +□ Helpfulness + +□ Waste time + +10{{تصنيف كومنز|Megaliths +}}{{معلومات لعبة فيديو |عنوان اللعبة=فتى الصحف |غلاف=[[ملف:Paperboy_arcadeflyer.png|لاإطار]] '
حجم الصفحة الجديد (new_size)
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[ 0 => false, 1 => 'Assignment 1:', 2 => false, 3 => 'Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia', 4 => false, 5 => 'Description:', 6 => false, 7 => '                      Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill', 8 => false, 9 => '               To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill.', 10 => false, 11 => 'I. Review of the literature:', 12 => false, 13 => '            According to Watkins &Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition.', 14 => false, 15 => 'II. References:', 16 => false, 17 => 'Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.''', 18 => false, 19 => 'Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics.', 20 => false, 21 => 'Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.', 22 => false, 23 => 'Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics.', 24 => false, 25 => 'Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman,', 26 => false, 27 => 'Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38.', 28 => false, 29 => 'Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497', 30 => false, 31 => 'Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376', 32 => false, 33 => 'Watkins, J. & Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins.', 34 => false, 35 => '1', 36 => false, 37 => 'Graduation project', 38 => false, 39 => 'The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia', 40 => false, 41 => 'A research in fulfillment of the graduation project', 42 => false, 43 => 'Table of Contents:', 44 => false, 45 => 'Abstract​1', 46 => false, 47 => 'Introduction:​2', 48 => false, 49 => 'Literature review:​3', 50 => false, 51 => 'Significance of the study:​4', 52 => false, 53 => 'Research question​4', 54 => false, 55 => 'Methodology:​5', 56 => false, 57 => 'Limitation of the study:​5', 58 => false, 59 => 'Expected results:​5', 60 => false, 61 => 'Objective:​6', 62 => false, 63 => 'Purpose of the study:​6', 64 => false, 65 => 'References:​6', 66 => false, 67 => 'Appendix:​7', 68 => false, 69 => 'Abstract', 70 => false, 71 => '       This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia.', 72 => false, 73 => 'Introduction:', 74 => false, 75 => '               YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age.', 76 => false, 77 => '                  Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before.', 78 => false, 79 => '                 Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners.            This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia.', 80 => false, 81 => 'Literature review:', 82 => false, 83 => '        There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video  in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found.', 84 => false, 85 => 'Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity.', 86 => false, 87 => 'Significance of the study:', 88 => false, 89 => '           The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old.', 90 => false, 91 => 'YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those', 92 => false, 93 => 'This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process.', 94 => false, 95 => 'Research question', 96 => false, 97 => 'The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions:', 98 => false, 99 => '1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills?', 100 => false, 101 => '2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old?', 102 => false, 103 => '3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills?', 104 => false, 105 => 'Methodology:', 106 => false, 107 => '                    The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia.', 108 => false, 109 => 'Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure.', 110 => false, 111 => 'Limitation of the study:', 112 => false, 113 => '      This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them.', 114 => false, 115 => 'Expected results:', 116 => false, 117 => '           It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language.', 118 => false, 119 => 'Objective:', 120 => false, 121 => '          To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia.', 122 => false, 123 => 'Purpose of the study:', 124 => false, 125 => '         To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old.', 126 => false, 127 => 'References:', 128 => false, 129 => 'Brown, D. (1980). ''Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.''', 130 => false, 131 => 'Carroll, J. (1968). ''Contrastive Analysis and Interference'' Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics.', 132 => false, 133 => 'Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers.  ', 134 => false, 135 => 'Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics.', 136 => false, 137 => 'Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman,', 138 => false, 139 => 'Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38.', 140 => false, 141 => 'Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497', 142 => false, 143 => 'Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376', 144 => false, 145 => 'Appendix:', 146 => false, 147 => 'Survey:', 148 => false, 149 => '1are you an English teacher on:', 150 => false, 151 => '□ preschool', 152 => false, 153 => '□ Other', 154 => false, 155 => '2. The teaching are which am teaching is', 156 => false, 157 => '□ Science', 158 => false, 159 => '□ Social Science', 160 => false, 161 => '□ English/Language arts', 162 => false, 163 => '□ Mathematics', 164 => false, 165 => '□ Reading', 166 => false, 167 => '3. Do you have experience if yes how much?', 168 => false, 169 => '□ More than five years', 170 => false, 171 => '□ More than ten years', 172 => false, 173 => '□ More than twenty', 174 => false, 175 => '□ Less than one', 176 => false, 177 => '□ Less than five years', 178 => false, 179 => '□ Five to ten years', 180 => false, 181 => '4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often', 182 => false, 183 => '□ Two times a week', 184 => false, 185 => '□ More than ten times', 186 => false, 187 => '□ a lot', 188 => false, 189 => '□ once a week', 190 => false, 191 => '□ Five to ten times', 192 => false, 193 => '□ More than five times', 194 => false, 195 => '5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development?', 196 => false, 197 => '□ I don’t know', 198 => false, 199 => '□ Waste time', 200 => false, 201 => '□ Very helpful', 202 => false, 203 => '□ helpfulness', 204 => false, 205 => '6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language?', 206 => false, 207 => '□ Very helpful', 208 => false, 209 => '□ Helpfulness', 210 => false, 211 => '□ I don’t know', 212 => false, 213 => '□ Waste time', 214 => false, 215 => '7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation', 216 => false, 217 => '□ Very helpful', 218 => false, 219 => '□ Helpfulness', 220 => false, 221 => '□ I don’t know', 222 => false, 223 => '□ Waste time', 224 => false, 225 => '8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills?', 226 => false, 227 => '□ Very helpful', 228 => false, 229 => '□ Helpfulness', 230 => false, 231 => '□ I don’t know', 232 => false, 233 => '□ Waste time', 234 => false, 235 => '9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English', 236 => false, 237 => '□ Very helpful', 238 => false, 239 => '□ Helpfulness', 240 => false, 241 => '□ I don’t know', 242 => false, 243 => '□ Waste time', 244 => false, 245 => '10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills', 246 => false, 247 => '□ Very helpful', 248 => false, 249 => '□ Helpfulness', 250 => false, 251 => '□ Waste time', 252 => false, 253 => '10{{تصنيف كومنز|Megaliths', 254 => '}}{{معلومات لعبة فيديو' ]
السطور المزالة في التعديل (removed_lines)
[ 0 => '{{معلومات لعبة فيديو' ]
نص الصفحة الجديد، مجردا من أية تهيئة (new_text)
' هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ لا تصل إليها مقالة أخرى. ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالة متعلقة بها. (يناير_2014) Assignment 1: Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia Description: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill. I. Review of the literature: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; According to Watkins &amp;Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition. II. References: Brown, D. (1980). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Carroll, J. (1968). Contrastive Analysis and Interference Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 Watkins, J. &amp; Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins. 1 Graduation project The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia A research in fulfillment of the graduation project Table of Contents: Abstract​1 Introduction:​2 Literature review:​3 Significance of the study:​4 Research question​4 Methodology:​5 Limitation of the study:​5 Expected results:​5 Objective:​6 Purpose of the study:​6 References:​6 Appendix:​7 Abstract &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia. Introduction: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age. &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before. &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners. &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. Literature review: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video &#160;in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found. Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity. Significance of the study: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old. YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process. Research question The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions: 1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills? 2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old? 3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills? Methodology: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure. Limitation of the study: &#160; &#160; &#160; This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them. Expected results: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language. Objective: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia. Purpose of the study: &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old. References: Brown, D. (1980). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Carroll, J. (1968). Contrastive Analysis and Interference Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. &#160; Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 Appendix: Survey: 1are you an English teacher on: □ preschool □ Other 2. The teaching are which am teaching is □ Science □ Social Science □ English/Language arts □ Mathematics □ Reading 3. Do you have experience if yes how much? □ More than five years □ More than ten years □ More than twenty □ Less than one □ Less than five years □ Five to ten years 4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often □ Two times a week □ More than ten times □ a lot □ once a week □ Five to ten times □ More than five times 5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development? □ I don’t know □ Waste time □ Very helpful □ helpfulness 6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language? □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills? □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ I don’t know □ Waste time 10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills □ Very helpful □ Helpfulness □ Waste time 10 في كومنز صور وملفات عن: فتى الصحف فتى الصحف الملصق الرسمي للعبة النظام ألعاب آركيد تاریخ الإصدار 1984 نوع اللعبة لعبة أكشن النمط لاعب واحد، عدة لاعبين تعديل&#160; فتى الصحف (بالإنجليزية: Paperboy) هي لعبة فيديو صدرت في عام 1984، وهي متوفرة على أجهزة ألعاب آركيد.&#91;1&#93;&#91;2&#93;&#91;3&#93; مراجع[عدل] ^ "Paperboy". The International Arcade Museum. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 05 أكتوبر 2013.&#160; ^ "Review - Paperboy". The One (32-34): 14. September 1989. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 23 يونيو 2014.&#160; ^ "Review - Paperboy". Crash (33): 18. October 1986. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 23 يونيو 2014.&#160; وصلات خارجية[عدل] Paperboy على موقع قائمة كلير لألعاب الفيديو Paperboy guide في موقع ستراتيجي ويكي Paperboy على موبي جيمز Paperboy في موقع World of Spectrum قالب:Internet Archive game بوابة عقد 1980 بوابة ألعاب فيديو هذه بذرة مقالة&#160;عن ألعاب الفيديو وما يتعلق بها بحاجة للتوسيع. شارك في تحريرها. '
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'<div class="mw-parser-output"><div class="إعلام أسلوب مخفي" style="display:none"><div class="صورة" style="display:inline"><a href="/wiki/%D9%85%D9%84%D9%81:Icone_Puzzle.svg" class="image"><img alt="Icone Puzzle.svg" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Icone_Puzzle.svg/30px-Icone_Puzzle.svg.png" width="30" height="30" srcset="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Icone_Puzzle.svg/45px-Icone_Puzzle.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c4/Icone_Puzzle.svg/60px-Icone_Puzzle.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="371" data-file-height="371" /></a></div> <div style="display:inline">هذه المقالة <a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7:%D9%8A%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A9" title="ويكيبيديا:يتيمة">يتيمة</a> إذ <a class="external text" href="//ar.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B5:%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B0%D8%A7_%D9%8A%D8%B5%D9%84_%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A7&amp;target=%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D9%81&amp;namespace=0">لا تصل إليها</a> مقالة أخرى. ساعد بإضافة <a href="/wiki/%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AF%D8%A9:%D9%88%D8%B5%D9%84%D8%A9" title="مساعدة:وصلة">وصلة</a> إليها في مقالة متعلقة بها. (يناير_2014)</div></div> <p>Assignment 1: </p><p>Tittle: The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia </p><p>Description: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; Vocabulary mastery has continually existed one of the actual difficult responsibilities in the foreign language learning (FLL) procedure, it is considered as the toughest experiment for both EFL educators and beginners. Due to its problems, learners have many difficulties to advance there balanced of interaction, interpretation, literature, and communication. Consequently, the present study is expected to explore the significance of implanting YouTube videos in the schoolroom to improve the Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia. It purposes at examining the degree to which the assimilation of YouTube records can encourage EFL learners’ level in speaking skill </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;To this end, I were managed double questionnaires as a data gathering instrument for both teachers and Pre-school Children students in order to investigate their approaches about the significance of YouTube videos as a innovative knowledge class in improving students’ speaking skill. </p><p>I. Review of the literature: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; According to Watkins &amp;Wilkins (2011), study, which was showed with the aim of examining the influence of assimilating YouTube video, fasteners during reading actions on the expansion of vocabulary understanding and gratitude of Saudi EFL learners registered in the preparatory year concentrated English progression at King Abdul-Aziz College, Saudi Arabia. Alternative aim was to discover out contributors` insights toward YouTube audio-visual clip use on the gaining of language. 100 Saudi lady middle level learners old among 18-20 years old joined in the analysis. The analysis also comprised fiveEFL lady educators. 4 schoolrooms were elaborate in the analysis and remained alienated as 3:1 to the investigational and regulator collections. In the trial collection, learners were trained the goal terminology in a hypermedia situation, expending YouTube videotapes; while, contributors in the regulator collection were trained the new terminology in a old-fashioned way exploiting only images. Post-tests and Pre-tests in addition to surveys for learners and educators were managed so as to assemble the compulsory statistics. The results of the training disclose that the collection that observed the YouTube clips outdid the collection that was not unprotected to YouTube videocassettes in the Terminology Information Measure test. The results clearly show that YouTube provided statistically significant effects on the students' vocabulary acquisition. </p><p>II. References: </p><p>Brown, D. (1980). <i>Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.</i> </p><p>Carroll, J. (1968). <i>Contrastive Analysis and Interference</i> Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. </p><p>Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. </p><p>Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. </p><p>Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, </p><p>Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. </p><p>Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy. TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 </p><p>Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 </p><p>Watkins, J. &amp; Wilkins, M. (2011). Using YouTube in the EFL Classroom. Language Education in Asia, 2(1). doi:10.5746/leia/11/v2/i1/a09/watkins_wilkins. </p><p>1 </p><p>Graduation project </p><p>The Influence of YouTube Videos on Developing the Acquisition of English Speaking Skills for Pre-school Children in Saudi Arabia </p><p>A research in fulfillment of the graduation project </p><p>Table of Contents: </p><p>Abstract​1 </p><p>Introduction:​2 </p><p>Literature review:​3 </p><p>Significance of the study:​4 </p><p>Research question​4 </p><p>Methodology:​5 </p><p>Limitation of the study:​5 </p><p>Expected results:​5 </p><p>Objective:​6 </p><p>Purpose of the study:​6 </p><p>References:​6 </p><p>Appendix:​7 </p><p>Abstract </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;This research project will designates a analysis the influence of English YouTube videos on help the kids the acquisition of English communicationskills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old and similarly will debate an method of English YouTube approaches that improve the acquisition of English language the kids from two to five years on rising the gaining of English language skills in western Saudi Arabia the suggestion and recommendation with this research paper results will accessible and will be presented analytically and clearly to provision my research hypothesis. In specific way, the study pursues to observe and make interview with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Surveystrategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools inwestern Saudi Arabia. </p><p>Introduction: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;YouTube videos have been used to enrich the classroom lessons. And launching a conversation in class, to add something vital to theoretical concepts. Also, enter the mind of the learner through Visual means is a constant feedback. There are models for the contribution of teachers to integrate video into their lessons you can learn from them, this website lets join the community of teachers spatially pre school age. </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; Is one of the best sites to search for information through video clips? Help pre school age which is from three to five years to develop there English in the search and view the latest inventions and ideas and discoveriesby cartoon and ray them English songs videos the increase situation in the main in the world. The site structures multilingualism, benefit users around the world. Help the kids between three to five years old and educators them using monitoring in showing their experience and their works to the benefit of browsing, taking advantage of the browsers attach comments site. Features quick responsiveness updates their views with videos and experiments before. </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;Overview providing of model lessons for teachers who Excel in various materials and school years for the benefit of junior researchers and teachers about new methods of education. Find your browser display illustrate my work, so the recipient sees practically in front of it, Maimonides explains and tests. Provides flexibility and a way to view the tutorials, as a preliminary, or explain, or clarify, or martyrdom, and the conclusion for learners. &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;This study will use conference and questioning teachers and Survey approaches from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. </p><p>Literature review: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; There are many pervious study such as, A new study since King Khalid University in Abha (2010), prepared by researcher intact, the ability of technology and social media spatially YouTube videos help in learning English and develop acquisition of speaking skills in pre school age from three to five years old, , and develop the skills of reading, writing, and listening. And the other purpose of this study is to see the impact of using technology such as modern smart phones, computer software (electronic dictionaries), and social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, what's app, blog), and Skype, YouTube, learning English as a foreign language. The researcher used a descriptive analytical electronic survey tool to collect data. Also been using statistical analysis software SPSS for data analysis, the study applied (36). The results of the study revealed that most students are using technology to always raise the level of writing and speaking, reading, and listening. 97.2% of pre school kids from three to five years also enjoy using YouTube video &#160;in learning English to develop speaking skills and 94.4% of teachers believe that YouTube videos and computer programs effective impact in improving their speaking skills and acquisition of English language . Theresults of the study also found. </p><p>Another study prove that some student’s think that YouTube have hugeeffective impact in improving the skill of speaking and listening. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, and what's app program Facebook and Twitter and blog; as you can see most of the students that's pretty neighbourly of us apps, programs and learning English helped develop their creativity. </p><p>Significance of the study: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second languagespecially speaking skill. Pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language and has been measured the most actual way for English achievement especially for kids from two to five years old. </p><p>YouTube is the most powerful applications, although most people use it for entertainment, but YouTube can be an effective educational tool and very useful, whether in research or educational presentations, and due to the digital content are infinite, YouTube can really imagine a world where everyone is connected to high speed Internet, and was motivated enough and works hard, get a good education through online video. Also revealed the results of the study: that of programs that helped develop the skill of communicating with others and read and write of female students, However, kids cannot use YouTube in education as a main or alternative tool, but as a usefulness can be integrated into the classroom to help clarify some of the topics that are hard to absorb by learners and the kids from three to five are easily interested in ray them and cartoon in English videos help a lot in motivating kids, and especially those </p><p>This Portal allows kids and teachers to access a wide range of educational videos such as learn fruit names and numbers and letters in English, including lectures and speeches. YouTube EDU also provides access to thousands of videos submitted by its partners such as national geographic, TED, and PBS. It serves as a starting point towards the search for academic content that will no doubt substantial added value for learning process. </p><p>Research question </p><p>The purpose of study is to examine and focuses to answer the following studyquestions: </p><p>1) What is the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the achievement of English speaking skills? </p><p>2) What are attitudes towards the influence of English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old? </p><p>3) What are the teachings methods suggested by the Saudi Arabian curriculum that use English YouTube videos on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills? </p><p>Methodology: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; The analysis follows to note and make interview questions with kind garden English language teachers background and the way of using YouTube videos methods for Saudi Arabian pre-schools students in western Saudi Arabia. This study will use meeting and interviewing teachers and Survey strategies from kindly garden schools kids in five special pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia. </p><p>Interviews are among the most challenging and rewarding forms of measurement in research that why I choose this method they require a personal compassion and flexibility as well as the capability to stay in the limits of the calculated procedure. </p><p>Limitation of the study: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; This analysis document will motivations on study the Connoisseurdimension of five different pre-schools in western Saudi Arabia and survey 25 teacher and make interview with them. </p><p>Expected results: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;It is predictable that the study will estimate the best way and methodsand will prove that, The pre-school stages such as from three to five years old are the most serious time for them to acquisition English language as a second language specially speaking skill. Because pervious studies prove that YouTube videos is the most Effective strategies to learn English language. </p><p>Objective: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; To evaluate information of the effect of Teaching using YouTube videos and assess the impact of English YouTube videos on increasing the achievement of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian children from two to five years old in western Saudi Arabia. </p><p>Purpose of the study: </p><p>&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160;To investigate, and answer my study list of questions and to prove that of the YouTube videos play important rule on developing the acquisition of English speaking skills of Saudi Arabian kids from two to five years old. </p><p>References: </p><p>Brown, D. (1980). <i>Principles of Language Learning and Teaching.</i> </p><p>Carroll, J. (1968). <i>Contrastive Analysis and Interference</i> Theory, In James Alatis (Ed.), Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics. </p><p>Collins ,C. (1995). London: HarperCollins Publishers. &#160; </p><p>Corder, S.P. (1973). Introducing Applied Linguistics. </p><p>Anson, Chris M., and Robert A.( 2010) Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers and Readers. 6th ed. New York: Longman, </p><p>Alm, A. (2006). CALL for autonomy, compe- tence and relatedness: Motivating lan- guage learning environments in Web 2.0. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(3), 29-38. </p><p>Britsch, S. (2009). ESOL educators and the experience of visual literacy.TESOL Quarterly, 43(4), 710-721. doi:10.2307/3585497 </p><p>Chau, C. (2011). YouTube as participatory culture. New Directions for Youth Develop- ment 2010 (128), 65-74. doi: 10.1002/yd.376 </p><p>Appendix: </p><p>Survey: </p><p>1are you an English teacher on: </p><p>□ preschool </p><p>□ Other </p><p>2. The teaching are which am teaching is </p><p>□ Science </p><p>□ Social Science </p><p>□ English/Language arts </p><p>□ Mathematics </p><p>□ Reading </p><p>3. Do you have experience if yes how much? </p><p>□ More than five years </p><p>□ More than ten years </p><p>□ More than twenty </p><p>□ Less than one </p><p>□ Less than five years </p><p>□ Five to ten years </p><p>4. do use YouTube video on English to teach your kids is yeas how often </p><p>□ Two times a week </p><p>□ More than ten times </p><p>□ a lot </p><p>□ once a week </p><p>□ Five to ten times </p><p>□ More than five times </p><p>5. YouTube video is Helpfulness strategy on speaking skill development? </p><p>□ I don’t know </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ helpfulness </p><p>6. there is huge Benefits of YouTube on speaking skills of English language? </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ Helpfulness </p><p>□ I don’t know </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p>7. YouTube videos developing Vocabulary and pronunciation </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ Helpfulness </p><p>□ I don’t know </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p>8. YouTube videos developing Listening/Speaking skills? </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ Helpfulness </p><p>□ I don’t know </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p>9. watching films or series and story using YouTube video on classroom help kids to learn English </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ Helpfulness </p><p>□ I don’t know </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p>10. Viewing Cartoons on preschool classroom help kids to learn speaking English skills </p><p>□ Very helpful </p><p>□ Helpfulness </p><p>□ Waste time </p><p> 10</p><div class="إعلام صغير plainlinks sisterlinks commonscat" style=""><div class="صورة" style="display:inline"><a href="/wiki/%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B5:%D8%A8%D8%AD%D8%AB/%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D9%81" title="مشاريع شقيقة"><img alt="مشاريع شقيقة" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Commons-logo.svg/49px-Commons-logo.svg.png" width="49" height="66" srcset="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Commons-logo.svg/74px-Commons-logo.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4a/Commons-logo.svg/98px-Commons-logo.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="1024" data-file-height="1376" /></a></div> <div style="display:inline">في <a href="/wiki/%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A7_%D9%83%D9%88%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B2" title="ويكيميديا كومنز">كومنز</a> صور وملفات عن: <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Megaliths" class="extiw" title="commons:Category:Megaliths">فتى الصحف</a></div></div> <table class="infobox_v2 plainlist" cellspacing="3px"> <tbody><tr> <th scope="col" colspan="2" class="entete jeuvideo" style="line-height:1.5em; 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The International Arcade Museum<span class="reference-accessdate">. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 05 أكتوبر 2013</span>.</span><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Far.wikipedia.org%3A%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%D9%81&amp;rft.btitle=Paperboy&amp;rft.genre=unknown&amp;rft.pub=The+International+Arcade+Museum&amp;rft_id=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.arcade-museum.com%2Fgame_detail.php%3Fgame_id%3D8977&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Abook" class="Z3988"><span style="display:none;">&#160;</span></span></span> </li> <li id="cite_note-2"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><b><a href="#cite_ref-2">^</a></b></span> <span class="reference-text"><span class="citation journal"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://amr.abime.net/review_39026">"Review - <i>Paperboy</i>"</a>. <i><span></span><b>The One</b><span></span></i> (32-34): 14. September 1989<span class="reference-accessdate">. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 23 يونيو 2014</span>.</span><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Far.wikipedia.org%3A%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%D9%81&amp;rft.atitle=Review+-+Paperboy&amp;rft.date=1989-09&amp;rft.genre=article&amp;rft.issue=32-34&amp;rft.jtitle=%27%27%27The+One%27%27%27&amp;rft.pages=14&amp;rft_id=http%3A%2F%2Famr.abime.net%2Freview_39026&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal" class="Z3988"><span style="display:none;">&#160;</span></span></span> </li> <li id="cite_note-3"><span class="mw-cite-backlink"><b><a href="#cite_ref-3">^</a></b></span> <span class="reference-text"><span class="citation journal"><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://www.crashonline.org.uk/33/paperboy.htm">"Review - <i>Paperboy</i>"</a>. <i><span></span><b>Crash</b><span></span></i> (33): 18. October 1986<span class="reference-accessdate">. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 23 يونيو 2014</span>.</span><span title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&amp;rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Far.wikipedia.org%3A%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89+%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%D9%81&amp;rft.atitle=Review+-+Paperboy&amp;rft.date=1986-10&amp;rft.genre=article&amp;rft.issue=33&amp;rft.jtitle=%27%27%27Crash%27%27%27&amp;rft.pages=18&amp;rft_id=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crashonline.org.uk%2F33%2Fpaperboy.htm&amp;rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal" class="Z3988"><span style="display:none;">&#160;</span></span></span> </li> </ol></div> <h2><span id=".D9.88.D8.B5.D9.84.D8.A7.D8.AA_.D8.AE.D8.A7.D8.B1.D8.AC.D9.8A.D8.A9"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="وصلات_خارجية">وصلات خارجية</span><span class="mw-editsection"><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">[</span><a href="/w/index.php?title=%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%89_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D9%81&amp;action=edit&amp;section=2" title="عدل القسم: وصلات خارجية">عدل</a><span class="mw-editsection-bracket">]</span></span></h2> <ul><li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8977"><i>Paperboy</i></a> على موقع <a href="/w/index.php?title=Killer_List_of_Videogames&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1" class="new" title="Killer List of Videogames (الصفحة غير موجودة)">قائمة كلير لألعاب الفيديو</a></li> <li><a href="http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Paperboy" class="extiw" title="strategywiki:Paperboy"><i>Paperboy</i> guide</a> في موقع ستراتيجي ويكي</li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://www.mobygames.com/game/paperboy"><i>Paperboy</i></a> على <a href="/wiki/%D9%85%D9%88%D8%A8%D9%8A_%D8%AC%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%B2" title="موبي جيمز">موبي جيمز</a></li> <li><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0003603"><i>Paperboy</i></a> في موقع World of Spectrum</li> <li><a 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