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المتغيرات المولدة لهذا التغيير

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عنوان الصفحة (بدون نطاق) (page_title)
'Monoprix damascus'
عنوان الصفحة الكامل (page_prefixedtitle)
'Monoprix damascus'
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ملخص التعديل/السبب (summary)
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نص الويكي القديم للصفحة، قبل التعديل (old_wikitext)
نص الويكي الجديد للصفحة، بعد التعديل (new_wikitext)
'Monoprix Damascus is one of the branches of the supermarket Monoprix French origin, which is supervised by a Lebanese company called ADMIC ,Monoprix Damascus is the largest supermarket in Damascus as an area of more than 7000 square meters,the supermarket is located in the Damasquino Mall content in the area of Kfar Sousse and extends on two floors, the supermarket is importing most materials from France for the fact that Monoprix supermarket is french. Monoprix Damascus also offers a loyalty program to its customers under the name carte rouge or carte Gold.'
ما إذا كان التعديل قد تم عمله من خلال عقدة خروج تور (tor_exit_node)
طابع زمن التغيير ليونكس (timestamp)