انتقل إلى المحتوى


من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

ملاحظة: بعد الحفظ، قد يلزمك إفراغ الكاش لرؤية التغييرات.

// // Minimal code to test user scripts
// $('#bodyContent').prepend('<p>Hello world! (test user script)</p>');

 * Parses an HTML string and extracts data from specific columns.
 * @param {string} htmlString - The HTML string, contains a table.
 * @returns {Array} An array of objects containing the extracted data.
 * @example
 * // Example usage
 * const htmlString = '<table>...</table>'; // Replace with your HTML string
 * const extractedData = parseTable(htmlString);
 * console.log(extractedData);
 * // Output:
 * // [
 * //   {
 * //     ar: "مقراب",
 * //     en: "telescope",
 * //     ge: "",
 * //     fr: "télescope",
 * //     url: "http://www.arabterm.org/index.php?id=40&L=1&tx_3m5techdict_pi1[id]=140327",
 * //   },
 * //   ...
 * // ]
function parseTable(htmlString) {

  // Parse the HTML string into a document
  // Otherwise, to parse default document: const doc = document;
  const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(htmlString, "text/html")

  // Example usage (assuming you have a reference to the table element)
  const tableElement = doc.querySelector('table'); // Replace with your selector
  const rows = tableElement.querySelectorAll('tr'); // Select all rows
  const searchData = [];

  // Skip row[0] because it is the header row
  // Loop through remaining rows
  for (let i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {
    const row = rows[i];
    const cells = row.querySelectorAll('td');
    const result = {
      'en': cells[2].textContent.trim(),
      'ge': cells[3].textContent.trim(),
      'fr': cells[4].textContent.trim(),
      'ar': cells[5].textContent.trim(),
      'url': cells[2].querySelector('a').href, // hiden in english column

  return searchData

function getSearchPage(term) {
  // ES6 (ES2015) doesn't support async/await. So we need to use Promise
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
    urlencoded.append('tx_3m5techdict_pi1[action]', 'search');
    urlencoded.append('tx_3m5techdict_pi1[sword]', term);
    var requestOptions = {
      method: "POST",
      body: urlencoded,
      redirect: "follow"

    const LOCAL_TESTING = false;
    const USE_CORS_PROXY = true;
    const arabTermUrl = 'http://www.arabterm.org/index.php?L=1';
    var fullUrl = arabTermUrl;

    if (USE_CORS_PROXY) {
      // URL with CORS proxy
      var fullUrl = 'https://corsproxy.io/?' + encodeURIComponent(arabTermUrl);

    if (LOCAL_TESTING) {
      // URL to test with localhost:
      var fullUrl = 'http://localhost:8000/exampleTelescope.html';
      requestOptions = { method: 'GET' };
    fetch(fullUrl, requestOptions)
      .then(response => response.text())
      .then(responseText => resolve(responseText))
      .catch(error => reject(error));

// // Example usage: search for term 'telescope'
// responseText = await getSearchPage('telescope')
// const jsonDataString = parseTable(responseText);
// console.log(jsonDataString);

mw.loader.using(['oojs-ui-core', 'oojs-ui-widgets', 'oojs-ui-windows']).done(function () {
  $(function () {
    var widgets = {};

    // ================================================= //
    OO.ui.TableWidget = function OoUiTableWidget(config) {
      // Parent constructor
      OO.ui.TableWidget.super.call(this, config);

      // Create table element
      this.$table = $('<table>')
        .css('border', '2px solid rgb(140 140 140)')
        .css('border-collapse', 'collapse').css('text-align', 'center');
      // Append the table to the widget's $element
    OO.inheritClass(OO.ui.TableWidget, OO.ui.Widget);
    // Method to set headers
    OO.ui.TableWidget.prototype.setHeaders = function () {
      var thead = $('<thead>');
      const trHead = $('<tr>');
      const cssThBorder = '1px solid rgb(160 160 160)';
      const cssThPadding = '8px 10px';
      trHead.append($('<th scope="col">').css('border', cssThBorder).css('padding', cssThPadding).text('العربية'));
      trHead.append($('<th scope="col">').css('border', cssThBorder).css('padding', cssThPadding).text('الفرنسية'));
      trHead.append($('<th scope="col">').css('border', cssThBorder).css('padding', cssThPadding).text('الإنجليزية'));


    // Method to add rows
    OO.ui.TableWidget.prototype.addRows = function (searchData) {
      const tbody = $('<tbody>');
      searchData.forEach(item => {
        const row = $('<tr>');
        const cssTdBorder = '1px solid rgb(160 160 160)';
        const cssTdPadding = '8px 10px';

        // row.append($('<td>').css('border', cssTdBorder).css('padding', cssTdPadding).text(item.ar));

            .css('border', cssTdBorder)
            .css('padding', cssTdPadding)
                .attr('href', item.url)
                .attr('target', '_blank')
        // TODO: icon of external link ?
        // TODO: add link to arabterm.org
        // const arColumn = $('<td>').css('border', cssTdBorder).css('padding', cssTdPadding).append(
        //   $('<span>').text(item.ar)
        // ).append(
        //   new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
        //     framed: false,
        //     flags: ['progressive'],
        //     icon: 'external-link',
        //     href: item.url,
        //     target: '_blank',
        //     invisibleLabel: true,
        //   }).$element
        // );
        // row.append(arColumn);
        row.append($('<td>').css('border', cssTdBorder).css('padding', cssTdPadding).text(item.fr));
        row.append($('<td>').css('border', cssTdBorder).css('padding', cssTdPadding).text(item.en));

    // ================================================= //
    // Integrate Custom Widget with OO.ui.SearchWidget
    // Extend the OO.ui.SearchWidget to use your TableWidget
    OO.ui.CustomSearchWidget = function OoUiCustomSearchWidget(config) {
      // Parent constructor
      OO.ui.CustomSearchWidget.super.call(this, config);

      // Replace the results widget with a custom table widget
      this.results = new OO.ui.TableWidget();

      // Class oo-ui-searchWidget-results has a css line-hight:0
      // => must disable it for table to display correctly
      this.results.$element.addClass('oo-ui-searchWidget-results').css('line-height', 'normal');

      // Replace the results menu with our custom table
      this.$results = this.results.$element;

    // Inherit from OO.ui.SearchWidget
    OO.inheritClass(OO.ui.CustomSearchWidget, OO.ui.SearchWidget);

    // Method to set search results
    OO.ui.CustomSearchWidget.prototype.displayResults = function (searchData) {
      this.results.$table.empty(); // Clear previous results

    // ================================================= //

    // Initial example from: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Windows/Process_Dialogs
    // Subclass ProcessDialog.
    function ProcessDialog(config) {
      ProcessDialog.super.call(this, config);
    OO.inheritClass(ProcessDialog, OO.ui.ProcessDialog);

    // Specify a name for .addWindows()
    ProcessDialog.static.name = 'myDialog';
    // Specify a static title and actions.
    ProcessDialog.static.title = 'البحث عن مصطلحات';
    ProcessDialog.static.actions = [
      { action: 'cancel', label: 'Cancel', flags: ['safe', 'close'] }

    // Use the initialize() method to add content to the dialog's $body,
    // to initialize widgets, and to set up event handlers.
    ProcessDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
      ProcessDialog.super.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

      // TODO: use OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget instead ? (in OO.ui.FormLayout)
      // TODO: use OO.ui.PanelLayout to display results ?
      // this.searchWidget = new OO.ui.SearchWidget();
      this.searchWidget = new OO.ui.CustomSearchWidget();
      widgets.searchWidget = this.searchWidget;

      // // Initialisation example: add 10 items
      // var items = [];
      // for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
      //   items.push(new OO.ui.OptionWidget({ data: i, label: 'Item ' + i }));
      // }
      // this.searchWidget.results.addItems(items);
      this.searchWidget.onQueryChange = function () {
        // console.log('query changed');
      this.searchWidget.onQueryEnter = function () {
        var term = this.getQuery().value; // here 'this' is the searchWidget
        console.log('term:', term);

          .then(responseText => parseTable(responseText))
          .then(searchData => {

            this.displayResults(searchData); // `this` is the searchWidget
          .catch(error => console.error(error));

        // fetch('https://dummyjson.com/products')
        //   .then(res => res.json())
        //   .then(data => {
        //     console.log(data); // Response from the server
        //     this.results.clearItems();  // here 'this' is the searchWidget
        //     data['products'].forEach(item => {
        //       this.results.addItems([new OO.ui.OptionWidget({ data: item.id, label: item.title + ' / ' + item.category })]);
        //     });
        //   })
        //   .catch(error => {
        //     console.error('Error:', error);
        //   });



    // Use the getActionProcess() method to specify a process to handle the
    // actions (for the 'save' action, in this example).
    ProcessDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function (action) {
      var dialog = this;
      if (action) {
        return new OO.ui.Process(function () {
            action: action
      // Fallback to parent handler.
      return ProcessDialog.super.prototype.getActionProcess.call(this, action);

    // Get dialog height.
    ProcessDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () {
      // return this.searchWidget.$element.outerHeight(true); // FIXME: not working
      return 300

    // Create and append the window manager.
    var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();

    // Create a new dialog window.
    var processDialog = new ProcessDialog({
      size: 'large'

    // Add windows to window manager using the addWindows() method.

    widgets.processDialog = processDialog;

    widgets.button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
      label: 'البحث عن مصطلح',
      icon: 'search',
      flags: ['progressive'],
      framed: false,
    widgets.button.on('click', function () {
      // OO.ui.alert('You clicked the button!');
      // Open the window.

    if (mw.config.get('wgPageName') === 'Special:ContentTranslation') {
      var checkElement = setInterval(function () {
        if ($('.cx-feedback-link').length) {
      }, 100);
    } else {
      // $('#mw-content-text').append(button.$element);

    // expose this so we can reference widgets in the console
    mw.mywidgets = widgets;