الوصفHacker Inside Logo (based on Intel 2002-2005 logo).svg
English: Parody of the "Intel Inside" logo featuring the words "Hacker Inside". ...because it was just too good of a joke to pass up... "Does _your_ computer have a hacker inside? *G*" (Events of this nature were quite a bit more light-hearted when I made this--also, access controls were practically made of cotton candy compared to how things are now.) It was done for a giggle prior to the first PhreakNIC hacker convention, and has since become somewhat of a heraldic stamp of the convention (and to a lesser extent, a whoooole lotta hackers).
Understand that this is a specifically a parody of the trademark Intel put on literally everything back in the 90's. You will (if you dislike being sued by angry lawyers!) be sure to maintain it's parody setting or you risk losing the protections that a parody work enjoys. Notably, if you do something stupid with it that gets me sued, I will be extremely cross about it and will probably be asking you to foot my legal bill. We've gone fourteen years now without anyone getting upset, so let's keep it that way.
I think I did a pretty good job on this by leveraging my knowledge of calligraphy--the letters that did not exist in the original graphic I created anew using the appropriate parts of the strokes from the other letters, and have never seen anyone do a more perfect job of it. If I remember correctly, it was JonnyX who elected to flip the "R" around at the last minute. By the way, I actually do happen to like Intel.
Hopefully by publishing this vector art version of the image we can finally put an end to ugly, artifact-ridden, misshapen versions that keep popping up from time to time.
أنا، صاحب حقوق التأليف والنشر لهذا العمل، أنشر هذا العمل تحت الرخصة التالية:
نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه – يلزم نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه بشكل مناسب وتوفير رابط للرخصة وتحديد ما إذا أجريت تغييرات. بالإمكان القيام بذلك بأية طريقة معقولة، ولكن ليس بأية طريقة تشير إلى أن المرخِّص يوافقك على الاستعمال.
الإلزام بترخيص المُشتقات بالمثل – إذا أعدت إنتاج المواد أو غيرت فيها، فيلزم أن تنشر مساهماتك المُشتقَّة عن الأصل تحت ترخيص الأصل نفسه أو تحت ترخيص مُتوافِقٍ معه.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Parody of the "Intel Inside" logo featuring the words "Hacker Inside". ...because it was just too good of a joke to pass up... "Does _your_ computer have a hacker inside? *G*" (Events of this nature were quite a bit more