English: The Chandra mosaic of a region of the sky known as the Lockman Hole (named after astronomer Felix Lockman, who discovered that this region of the Galaxy is almost free of absorption by neutral hydrogen gas) shows hundreds of X-ray sources. The high spatial resolution of Chandra allowed for the identification of many supermassive black holes in this image.
The Lockman Hole data and two other surveys with Chandra and the Hubble Space Telescope have provided a reasonably accurate census of supermassive black holes in the Universe. Astronomers have used this census to study the rate at which these enormous black holes grow by pulling in gas from their surroundings.
Most of the largest supermassive black holes appear to have grown rapidly until they attained a mass of a few hundred million to a few billion Suns, and then, with few exceptions, grew no more. Their growth spurt, which occurred shortly after the first galaxies were formed 13 billion years ago, lasted for about 100 million to a billion years.
In contrast, the supermassive black holes in the census that grew more slowly are still growing today. These supermassive black holes have masses less than 100 million Suns, and are much more common than the more massive varieties. The more slowly growing black holes also tend to have more gas and dust around them (See illustration on lower right).
This distinction may be a clue as to why the two types of supermassive black holes have different growth patterns. The extremely rapid growth of the most massive black holes could have created a blowback effect. Intense heating and the production of jets of high energy particles associated with large amounts of gas falling into the black hole could have cleared out much of the gas and dust in the surrounding area (see illustration on upper right). Without an abundant supply of matter to swallow, the black holes stopped growing. Image is about 50 arcmin per side. RA 10h 34m 00.00 | Dec +57° 40' 00.00" Ursa Major Observation dates: 2001: 17 May, 30 April, 16 May; 2002: 29 April - 04 May, color code: Energy (red 0.4-2keV, green 2-8keV, blue 4-8keV), instrument: ACIS. A. Barger et al. 2005, Astronomical Journal, 129:578-609
إنَّ جميع المواد المُنشأة بواسطة مُستشعِرات مِسبار الشمس وغلافها محميَّة بحقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر، ويلزم الحصول على تصريح قبل استعمالها في الأنشطة غير الرِّبحيَّة. انظر صفحة حقوق التَّأليف والنَّشر الخاصَّة بالمِسبار.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=The Chandra mosaic of a region of the sky known as the Lockman Hole (named after astronomer Felix Lockman, who discovered that this region of the Galaxy is almost free of absorption by neutral hydrogen gas) shows hundreds
هذا الملف يحتوي على معلومات إضافية، غالبا ما تكون أضيفت من قبل الكاميرا الرقمية أو الماسح الضوئي المستخدم في إنشاء الملف.
إذا كان الملف قد عدل عن حالته الأصلية، فبعض التفاصيل قد لا تعبر عن الملف المعدل.
عنوان الصورة
This Chandra image of the Lockman Hole region is a mosaic that shows hundreds of X-ray sources, many of which are supermassive black holes in distant galaxies. These and other data have enabled astronomers to study the rate at which these enormous black holes grow by pulling in gas from their surroundings. On average, the most massive black holes appear to have grown rapidly until they attained a mass of a few hundred million to a few billion Suns and then stopped. Intense heating released by their rapid growth could have produced a blowback effect that cleared away much of the gas and dust around the black hole (illustration, upper right). In contrast, smaller supermassive black holes grow more slowly and retain most of the gas and dust around them (illustration, lower right).
Chandra X-ray Observatory Center
Chandra X-ray Observatory
X-ray: NASA/CXC/U. Wisconsin/A.Barger et al.; Illustrations: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss
A region of the sky with a minimum of light-absorbing gas.