انتقل إلى المحتوى

ملف:Rainbow formation.png

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

الملف الأصلي (721 × 902 بكسل حجم الملف: 280 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/png)

English: Diagram showing how primary and secondary rainbows are formed due to the light propagation in spherical droplets. Details follow soon!


  1. Spherical droplet
  2. Places where internal reflection of the light occurs
  3. Primary rainbow
  4. Places where refraction of the light occurs
  5. Secondary rainbow
  6. Incoming beams of white light
  7. Path of light contributing to primary rainbow
  8. Path of light contributing to secondary rainbow
  9. Observer
  10. Region forming the primary rainbow
  11. Region forming the secondary raimbow
  12. Zone in the atmosphere holding countless tiny spherical droplets
Español: Diagrama que muestra como se forman los arco iris primarios y secundarios debido a la descomposición de luz blanca en gotitas esféricas:


  1. Gotitas esféricas
  2. Lugares donde ocurre el reflejo interno de la luz
  3. Arco iris primario
  4. Lugares donde ocurre la refracción de la luz.
  5. Arco iris secundario
  6. Rayos entrantes de luz blanca
  7. Recorrido de la luz que forma el arco iris primario
  8. Recorrido de la luz que forma el arco iris secundario
  9. Observador
  10. Región que forma el arco iris primario
  11. Región que forma el arco iris secundario
  12. Zona en la atmósfera llena de incontables diminutas gotitas esféricas
Português: Diagrama que mostra como se formam os arco-íris primários e secundários em função da decomposição de luz branca em gotículas esféricas:


  1. Gotículas esféricas;
  2. Locais onde ocorre o reflexo interno da luz;
  3. Arco-íris primário;
  4. Locais onde ocorre a refração da luz;
  5. Arco-íris secundário;
  6. Raios incidentes de luz branca;
  7. Caminho percorrido pelo luz que forma o arco-íris primário;
  8. Caminho percorrido pelo luz que forma o arco-íris secundário;
  9. Observador;
  10. Região que forma o arco-íris primário;
  11. Região que forma o arco-íris secundário;
  12. Zona na atmosfera plena de incontáveis e diminutas gotículas esféricas.
Català: Diagrama que mostra com es formen els arcs de Sant Martí primaris i secundaris a causa de la descomposició de la llum blanca en gotes esfèriques:


  1. Gotes esfèriques
  2. Punts on succeeix el reflex intern de la llum
  3. Arc de Sant Martí primari
  4. Llocs on succeeix la refracció atmosfèrica.
  5. Arc de Sant Martí secundari
  6. Raigs entrants de llum blanca
  7. Recorregut de la llum que forma l'arc de Sant Martí primari
  8. Recorregut de la llum que forma l'arc de Sant Martí secundari
  9. Observador
  10. Regió que forma l'arc de Sant Martí primari
  11. Regió que forma l'arc de Sant Martí secundari
  12. Zona de l'atmosfera plena de petites gotes esfèriques
Tiếng Việt: Sơ đồ cho thấy cách cầu vồng sơ cấp và thứ cấp được hình thành do sự truyền ánh sáng trong các giọt hình cầu. Thông tin chi tiết theo dõi ngay sau đây:

Huyền thoại:

  1. Giọt hình cầu
  2. Những nơi xảy ra phản xạ bên trong của ánh sáng
  3. Cầu vồng chính
  4. Những nơi xảy ra hiện tượng khúc xạ ánh sáng
  5. Cầu vồng phụ
  6. Chùm ánh sáng trắng tới
  7. Đường đi của ánh sáng góp phần tạo nên cầu vồng chính
  8. Đường đi của ánh sáng góp phần tạo nên cầu vồng thứ cấp
  9. Người quan sát
  10. Vùng hình thành cầu vồng chính
  11. Khu vực hình thành cầu vồng thứ cấp
  12. Vùng trong bầu khí quyển chứa vô số giọt hình cầu nhỏ
المصدر See below / Mirar abajo / Ver abaixo
المؤلف Peo
أنا، صاحب حقوق التأليف والنشر لهذا العمل، أنشر هذا العمل تحت الرخص التالية:
GNU head يسمح نسخ وتوزيع و/أو تعديل هذه الوثيقة تحت شروط رخصة جنو للوثائق الحرة، الإصدار 1.2 أو أي إصدار لاحق تنشره مؤسسة البرمجيات الحرة؛ دون أقسام ثابتة ودون نصوص أغلفة أمامية ودون نصوص أغلفة خلفية. نسخة من الرخصة تم تضمينها في القسم المسمى GNU Free Documentation License.
w:ar:مشاع إبداعي
نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه الإلزام بترخيص المُشتقات بالمثل
هذا الملفُّ مُرخَّص بموجب رخصة المشاع الإبداعي نسبة المُصنَّف إِلى مُؤَلِّفه - المشاركة بالمثل 3.0 العامة
يحقُّ لك:
  • مشاركة العمل – نسخ العمل وتوزيعه وبثُّه
  • إعادة إنتاج العمل – تعديل العمل
حسب الشروط التالية:
  • نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه – يلزم نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه بشكل مناسب وتوفير رابط للرخصة وتحديد ما إذا أجريت تغييرات. بالإمكان القيام بذلك بأية طريقة معقولة، ولكن ليس بأية طريقة تشير إلى أن المرخِّص يوافقك على الاستعمال.
  • الإلزام بترخيص المُشتقات بالمثل – إذا أعدت إنتاج المواد أو غيرت فيها، فيلزم أن تنشر مساهماتك المُشتقَّة عن الأصل تحت ترخيص الأصل نفسه أو تحت ترخيص مُتوافِقٍ معه.
تمت إضافة علامة الترخيص لهذا الملف كجزء من رخصة جنو للوثائق الحرة تحديث الترخيص.
لك أن تختار الرخصة التي تناسبك.
Español: Tres imágenes trazadas de rayos, creadas usando POV-Ray, puestas juntas y añadidos después números y líneas negras en un paquete de software de gráficos. Abajo se encuentra el "código" para crear los diagramas de arriba, y el paisaje de abajo respectivamente:
English: Three raytraced images, created using POV-Ray (see http://www.povray.org/), put together and numbers and black lines added in a graphics software package afterwards. Below is the "code" to create the diagrams above, and the landscape below, respectively:
Tiếng Việt: Ba hình ảnh raytraced, được tạo bằng POV-Ray (xem http://www.povray.org/), được ghép lại với nhau và các số và dòng màu đen được thêm vào trong một gói phần mềm đồ họa sau đó. Dưới đây là "mã" để tạo các sơ đồ ở trên và cảnh quan bên dưới, tương ứng:

POV-Ray "code" for the diagrams showing light propagation inside the droplets:

  Light propagation in a spherical droplet, forming
  primary and secondary rainbows
  Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page
  at http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruger:Peo
  #declare PrimaryRays=yes;
  // Use "no" for light propagation in secondary rainbow,
  // or "yes" for light propagation in primary rainbow.
  #if (PrimaryRays)
    // Rendition of light propagation for primary rainbow's light propagation:
    #local pgmSpectrum1=pigment { // Pigment for first spectrum "fan-out"
      color_map {
        [0.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
        [0.1429 color rgbt <.5,0,1,.5>]
        [0.2857 color rgbt < 0,0,1,.5>]
        [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,1,.5>]
        [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,0,.5>]
        [0.7143 color rgbt < 1,1,0,.5>]
        [0.8571 color rgbt < 1,0,0,.5>]
        [1.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
      frequency 200
      rotate <90,0,-13.1>
      translate <-3.806586,1.70909106,0>
      scale 1/1.67
    #local pgmSpectrum2=pigment { // Pigment for second spectrum "fan-out"
      color_map {
          [0.0000 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
          [0.5000 color rgbt <1,1,1,0>]
          [1.0000 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
      frequency 200
      rotate <90,0,-13.1>
      translate <-3.806586,1.70909106,0>
      scale 1/1.67
    union {
      difference {  // Incoming white light beam
        box {<-100,.67,-.0001>,<0,.83,.0001>}
        sphere {0,1}
        pigment {
          gradient y
          color_map {
            [0.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
            [0.2 color rgbt<1,1,1,.9>]
            [0.3 color rgbt<1,1,1,.5>]
            [0.5 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>]
            [0.7 color rgbt<1,1,1,.5>]
            [0.8 color rgbt<1,1,1,1,.9>]
            [1.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          scale .16
          translate <0,.67,0>
        finish {
          ambient 1
          diffuse 0
        rotate <0,0,-20.825>
      difference {  // First "rainbow-colored" beam inside droplet
        cylinder {<0,0,-.0001>,<0,0,.0001>,1} // Disc w. same diameter as droplet
        plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-14.9> translate <-0.7141428,.7,0>}  // Cut-off
        plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-13.1> translate <-0.6,.8,0>}       // boundaries
        pigment {
          gradient x
          pigment_map {
            [0 pgmSpectrum2]
            [1 pgmSpectrum1]
          scale 1.67
          translate <-.7,0,0>
        finish {
          ambient 1
          diffuse 0
        rotate <0,0,-20.825>
      merge {       // Second "rainbow-colord" beam inside droplet - "crossing over" itself
        difference {  // The portion to the left of the "cross-over" point
          cylinder {<0,0,.0003>,<0,0,.0002>,1}  // Droplet-sized disc
          plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,45> translate <1,.12,0>}  // Cut-off
          plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,25> translate <1,-.09,0>}  // boundaries                    
        difference {  // The portion to the right of the "cross-over" point
          cylinder {<0,0,.0003>,<0,0,.0002>,1}  // Droplet-sized disc
          plane {<0,1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,45> translate <1,.12,0>}   // Cut-off
          plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,25> translate <1,-.09,0>} // boundaries                    
        pigment {
          color_map {
            [0.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
            [0.1429 color rgbt <.5,0,1,.5>]
            [0.2857 color rgbt < 0,0,1,.5>]
            [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,1,.5>]
            [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,0,.5>]
            [0.7143 color rgbt < 1,1,0,.5>]
            [0.8571 color rgbt < 1,0,0,.5>]
            [1.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
          frequency 18
          rotate <90,0,-35>
          translate <.606514871,-.273485129,0>
        finish {
          ambient 1
          diffuse 0
      difference {  // The "rainbow-colored light" leaving the droplet at lower left corner:
        box {<-100,0,-.0001>,<0,10,.0001> rotate <0,0,32.825> translate <-.113,-.994,0>}
        plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,8.825> translate <-.565,-.805,0>}
        cylinder {<0,0,-1>,<0,0,1>,1}   // Cut away part that would fall inside droplet
        pigment {
          color_map {
            [0.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
            [0.1429 color rgbt < 1,0,0,0>]
            [0.2857 color rgbt < 1,1,0,0>]
            [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,0,0>]
            [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,1,0>]
            [0.7143 color rgbt < 0,0,1,0>]
            [0.8571 color rgbt <.5,0,1,0>]
            [1.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
          frequency 15
          rotate <-90,0,20.825>
          translate <0.416125,-.65268,0>
        finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
  // Rendition of light propagation for secondary rainbow's light propagation:
  #local pgmSpectrum1=pigment { // Pigment for "rainbow-colored" part of first beam inside droplet
    color_map {
      [0.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
      [0.1429 color rgbt < 1,0,0,.5>]
      [0.2857 color rgbt < 1,1,0,.5>]
      [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,0,.5>]
      [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,1,.5>]
      [0.7143 color rgbt < 0,0,1,.5>]
      [0.8571 color rgbt <.5,0,1,.5>]
      [1.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
    frequency 200
    rotate <90,0,-.9>
    translate <-3.7364,-0.69606,0>
    scale 1/1.7
  #local pgmSpectrum2=pigment { // Pigment for white part of first "rainbow-colored" beam inside droplet
    color_map {
      [0.0000 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
      [0.5000 color rgbt <1,1,1,0>]
      [1.0000 color rgbt <1,1,1,1>]
    frequency 200
    rotate <90,0,-.9>
    translate <-3.8364,-0.69606,0>
    scale 1/1.7
    union {
    difference {    // White-to "rainbow-colored" beam inside droplet
      cylinder {<0,0,-.0001>,<0,0,.0001>,1}
      plane {<0, 1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-.9> translate <-.657,-.757,0>}
      plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0, .9> translate <-.777,-.637,0>}
      pigment {
        gradient x
        pigment_map {
          [0 pgmSpectrum2]
          [1 pgmSpectrum1]
        scale 1.7
        translate <-.8,0,0>
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
    merge {    
      difference {  // Lower part of self-crossing beam at right-ahdn side inside droplet
        cylinder {<0,0,.0002>,<0,0,.0003>,1}
        plane {< 1,0,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-6 > translate <.622,-.692,0>}
        plane {<-1,0,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 6 > translate <.787,-.727,0>}
      difference {  // Upper part of self-crossing beam at right-ahdn side inside droplet
        cylinder {<0,0,.0002>,<0,0,.0003>,1}
        plane {<-1,0,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-6 > translate <.622,-.692,0>}
        plane {< 1,0,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 6 > translate <.787,-.727,0>}
      pigment {
        color_map {
          [0.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
          [0.1429 color rgbt < 1,0,0,.5>]
          [0.2857 color rgbt < 1,1,0,.5>]
          [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,0,.5>]
          [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,1,.5>]
          [0.7143 color rgbt < 0,0,1,.5>]
          [0.8571 color rgbt <.5,0,1,.5>]
          [1.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
        frequency 30
        rotate <90,0,84>
        translate <.702661,0.075435,0>                        
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
    merge {   // Right-hand part of self-crossing beam at top of droplet
      difference {
        cylinder {<0,0,.0004>,<0,0,.0005>,1}
        plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 6 > translate <.637,.777,0>}
        plane {<0, 1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-6 > translate <.772,.642,0>}
      difference {  // Left-hand part of self-crossing beam at top of droplet
        cylinder {<0,0,.0004>,<0,0,.0005>,1}
        plane {<0, 1,0>,0 rotate <0,0, 6 > translate <.637,.777,0>}
        plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,-6 > translate <.772,.642,0>}
      pigment {
        color_map {
          [0.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
          [0.1429 color rgbt < 1,0,0,.5>]
          [0.2857 color rgbt < 1,1,0,.5>]
          [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,0,.5>]
          [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,1,.5>]
          [0.7143 color rgbt < 0,0,1,.5>]
          [0.8571 color rgbt <.5,0,1,.5>]
          [1.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
        frequency 30
        rotate <90,0,-6>
        translate <.06228,0.716595,0>
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
    rotate <0,0,5>
    difference {  // "Rainbow-colored" beam leaving the droplet
      box {<-10,0,.0002>,<.3,10,.0003> rotate <0,0,38.325> translate <-.827,.557,0>}
      plane {<0,-1,0>,0 rotate <0,0,14.325> translate <-.697,.717,0>}
      cylinder {<0,0,-1>,<0,0,1>,1}
      pigment {
        color_map {
          [0.0000 color rgbt < 1,0,0,1>]
          [0.1429 color rgbt < 1,0,0,0>]
          [0.2857 color rgbt < 1,1,0,0>]
          [0.4286 color rgbt < 0,1,0,0>]
          [0.5714 color rgbt < 0,1,1,0>]
          [0.7143 color rgbt < 0,0,1,0>]
          [0.8571 color rgbt <.5,0,1,0>]
          [1.0000 color rgbt <.5,0,1,1>]
        frequency 15
        rotate <90,0,-21.3>
        translate <-0.59003,0.744316,0>
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
    difference {    // Incoming white light beam
      box {<-100,-1,-.0001>,<0,-.87,.0001>}
      sphere {0,1}
      pigment {
        gradient y
        color_map {
          [0.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.2 color rgbt<1,1,1,.9>]
          [0.3 color rgbt<1,1,1,.5>]
          [0.5 color rgbt<1,1,1,0>]
          [0.7 color rgbt<1,1,1,.5>]
          [0.8 color rgbt<1,1,1,1,.9>]
          [1.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
        scale .13
        translate <0,-1,0>
      finish {
        ambient 1
        diffuse 0
      rotate <0,0,-20.825>
  difference {  // Droplet - actually a hemisphere for appearance reasons
      sphere {0,1}
      plane {<0,0,1>,.001}
      pigment {color rgbt<.7,.8,1,.7>}
      finish {
          phong 1
          phong_size 80
          reflection .6
  camera {  // Viewpoint
      up <0,1,0> right <1,0,0>  // Assume square-shaped image format
      location <-.2,0,-2.5>
      look_at <-.2,0,0>
  light_source {  // Light
      color rgb 1.5
      rotate <0,0,-20.825>

POV-Ray "code" for the landscape with rainbows, observer and "droplet cloud":

  "Landscape" showing the formation of two rainbows
  Created by Søren Peo Pedersen - see my user page
  at http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruger:Peo
  plane {   // Flat terrain in the foreground
          pigment {color rgb <.65,.7,.6>}
          finish {ambient .4}
  plane {<0,0,-1>,0   // Invisible surface carrying the grey "cloud"
      pigment {
          color_map {
              [0.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
              [0.5 color rgbt<.7,.7,.7,0>]
              [1.0 color rgbt<.5,.5,.5,0>]
          rotate <90,0,0>
          scale 7
          translate <8,8,0>
          turbulence .3
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
  sky_sphere {        // Provides a sky with light blue color gradient
      pigment {
          gradient y
          color_map {
              [0 color rgb <.1,.3,.2>]
              [.5 color rgb <.65,.7,.6>]
              [.5 color rgb <.8,.9,1>]
              [1 color rgb <.2,.5,1>]
          translate -.5
          scale 2
          turbulence .1
  union { // The observer in the lower, left-hand corner
      sphere {0,1 scale <.2,.8,.2> pigment {color rgb <0,0,1>} finish {ambient .5}}
      sphere {<0,1,0>,.2 pigment {color rgb <1,.7,.4>} finish {ambient .5}}
      translate <-6.5,0,-4>
  #macro ColorFunction(Plads)   // Creates a color from the spectrum (from 0=red to 1=purple)
      #local U=4.9999*(Plads-int(Plads*4.9999)/4.9999);
      #switch (Plads)
      #range (0.0,0.2) color rgb < 1 , U , 0 > #break
      #range (0.2,0.4) color rgb <1-U, 1 , 0 > #break
      #range (0.4,0.6) color rgb < 0 , 1 , U > #break
      #range (0.6,0.8) color rgb < 0 ,1-U, 1 > #break
      #range (0.8,1.0) color rgb < U , 0 , 1 > #break
  #macro Beam(Num,Primay)   // Renders a white incoming beam, and a colored "returned" beam
      #local R=seed(145*Num);
      #local Lgd=11+rand(R)*3;
      #if (Primay)
          #local Vinkel=42.3-20.825-1.7*Num;
          #local Vinkel=50.7-20.825+2.9*Num;
      merge {
          cylinder {0,<Lgd,0,0>,.01
              pigment {ColorFunction(Num)}
              finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
              rotate <0,0,Vinkel>
              translate <-6.5,1,-4>
          cylinder {
              rotate <0,0,-20.825>
              translate <-6.5+Lgd*cos(radians(Vinkel)),1+Lgd*sin(radians(Vinkel)),-4>}
              pigment {color rgb 1}
              finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
  // Light beams forming the primary rainbow:
  #object {Beam(0.00,yes)}
  #object {Beam(0.25,yes)}
  #object {Beam(0.50,yes)}
  #object {Beam(0.75,yes)}
  #object {Beam(1.00,yes)}
  // Light beams forming the secondary rainbow:
  #object {Beam(0.00,no)}
  #object {Beam(0.25,no)}
  #object {Beam(0.50,no)}
  #object {Beam(0.75,no)}
  #object {Beam(1.00,no)}
  // Totally transparent pigment set of primary and secondary arc
  #local ArcPgmt0=pigment {
      color_map {
          [0.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.00001 color rgbt<1,0,1,1>]
          [0.022   color rgbt<0,0,1,1>]
          [0.044   color rgbt<0,1,1,1>]
          [0.066   color rgbt<0,1,0,1>]
          [0.088   color rgbt<1,1,0,1>]
          [0.11 color rgbt<1,0,0,1>]
          [0.11 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.39 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.39 color rgbt<1,0,0,1>]
          [0.40 color rgbt<1,1,0,1>]
          [0.41 color rgbt<0,1,0,1>]
          [0.42 color rgbt<0,1,1,1>]
          [0.43 color rgbt<0,0,1,1>]
          [0.44 color rgbt<1,0,1,1>]
          [0.44 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [1.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
  // Slightly non-transparent pigment set of primary and secondary arc
  #local ArcPgmt1=pigment {
      color_map {
          [0.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.00001 color rgbt<1,0,1,.7>]
          [0.022   color rgbt<0,0,1,.7>]
          [0.044   color rgbt<0,1,1,.7>]
          [0.066   color rgbt<0,1,0,.7>]
          [0.088   color rgbt<1,1,0,.7>]
          [0.11 color rgbt<1,0,0,0>]
          [0.11 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.39 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [0.39 color rgbt<1,0,0,.2>]
          [0.40 color rgbt<1,1,0,.2>]
          [0.41 color rgbt<0,1,0,.2>]
          [0.42 color rgbt<0,1,1,.2>]
          [0.43 color rgbt<0,0,1,.2>]
          [0.44 color rgbt<1,0,1,.2>]
          [0.44 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
          [1.0 color rgbt<1,1,1,1>]
  // Surface carrying the two rainbows in front of the grey "cloud"
  plane {<-1,0,0>,0
      pigment {
          pigment_map {
              [0.0 ArcPgmt1]
              [0.2 ArcPgmt0]
              [0.8 ArcPgmt0]
              [1.0 ArcPgmt1]
          rotate <0,0,90>
          scale <4.18495,4.18495,7>
          translate <0,1,-4>
      finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0}
  // Viewpoint
  camera {
      location <-5,5,-15>
      look_at <1,4,0>
  // "Infinitely" remote light source with parallel rays:
  light_source {
      color rgb 1.5
      rotate <0,0,-20.825>


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تاريخ الملف

اضغط على زمن/تاريخ لرؤية الملف كما بدا في هذا الزمن.

زمن/تاريخصورة مصغرةالأبعادمستخدمتعليق
حالي12:56، 9 أبريل 2005تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 12:56، 9 أبريل 2005721 × 902 (280 كيلوبايت)Peo~commonswikiDiagram showing how primary and secondary rainbows are formed. Details follow soon! {{GFDL-self}}

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