نقاش المستخدم:Abdullcox

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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
أحدث تعليق: قبل 3 سنوات من Abdullcox في الموضوع Bizconnect

مرحبًا، وأهلًا وسهلًا بك في ويكيبيديا العربية. ويكيبيديا هي مشروع موسوعة حرة، يمكن للجميع تحريرها. كي تستطيع تحرير ويكيبيديا بشكل أفضل؛ هذه بعض الإرشادات لبداية جيدة:

لاحظ أنه يجب إضافة المصادر ما أمكن للمعلومات التي تضيفها إلى ويكيبيديا، كما ينبغي أن لا تخرق حقوق النشر. إذا ما أردت إنشاء مقالة جديدة، يفضل أن تبدأها في الملعب أولًا، ثم نقلها إلى النطاق الرئيسي. أخيرًا، لا تتردد في طلب المساعدة إذا ما واجهتك أي مشكلة، وذلك بطرح سؤالك على فريق المساعدة. بالتوفيق.

-- --علاء راسلني 22:22، 27 مايو 2020 (ت ع م)ردّ


BizConnect - Business Card Reader & Scanner BizConnect is one of the best cloud-based business card systematization solutions for professionals and business organizations. This mobile application can efficiently manage your business cards and contacts at the click of a button. Some primary features are as follows: ● Accurate card scanning and storage- BizConnect facilitates 100% accurate visiting card scanning. This application will never get the visiting card details wrong, due to stringent leveraging of OCR and human intelligence. ● Efficient Batch Scanning- This app allows scanning multiple cards in batches (up to 10 cards at a time) with complete accuracy without missing on a single card. This saves time and effort. ● Generate and Observe leads- This is a shareable application that can be used by the workforce to assign and keep a tab on prospective leads. ● Grouping- Scan business cards and group them categorically. ● Tasks- Managers can use this app to assign collaborative tasks to the staff and increase efficiency through teamwork. This digital diary will keep a daily checklist of targets to be achieved. ● Activities- This feature allows the app user to set activities and connect to people. This feature can be used to convert prospective customers into the sales funnel. ● Export - Reduce duplicate work by sharing contacts and company details by exporting to Google, Outlook, and Excel. ● Import – This application imports contacts from Outlook and Google. ● Generate Lead Reports- This stirring feature will calculate the performance report of a month or a week by simply adding the successful leads closed. This is a motivating feature but at the same time rings an alarm if the performance isn't satisfactory. ● Generate revenue reports- This feature will calculate the revenue generated weekly or monthly revealing profits or losses. So let's go effortlessly digital and increase our communication with valuable business contacts available 24/7 at our fingertips, rather than keeping them locked away in business cards you never sift through. BizConnect is a helping hand and a one-stop solution to all your business woes. So let's use this application to climb the ranks of the corporate world at the click of a button. Abdullcox (نقاش) 22:41، 27 مايو 2020 (ت ع م)ردّ