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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

I Have Dream (لدي حلم )[عدل]

Benzekkoura Mohammed Elkhallil


Since the beginning of the creation, the crime has followed people who do the action. After the god created Adam and Eve they had done a big crime against themselves, after they had felt prey to temptation. They lost a paradise and they descended into the earth; for their mistakes. After that, Cain had killed Abel to confirm that, the crime happen without reason. In the world the crimes rolled and multiplied by time and place, and famous crimes is the shedding of innocent blood, in wars, fights that they did not have mercy the people. Not only the crime of Cain did without reason but also there are many wars happened for the same reason. Proof of this the first and second world wars, as result as big loss of life, which have been unnecessary.

The crimes against humanity, genocide, war crimes and ethics cleansing...they are wars without reasons, the people could stop it’s and found solutions for many humanities problems, peacefully. However, there are many people who murdering of innocent and the spilling blood. They found in wars and fight psychotic break.        

Stop killing human:

Live in peace, love, safe and stop depriving people of their life, because they are not a game in their hands, stop hurting innocent; they haven’t any relation for what you were planning to do, because any person have own life to live as he like, we are not bait of your hook. Don’t enslave people, they are born free to live in peace, stop killing people... the earth is getting shy for what do they do? Every creature, thank god that they are not human, stop killing human, and stop killing humanity.  

Why wars?

The war is dirty army game, it’s basic control, its sides strong people who love control and they don’t find anything just this game to full their free time, his objectives the innocent around world. Why wars? Wars just for fun, and repeat the horror sight and blood, at any time and at any new era in history. Why wars? Wars just for control, not for liberation, for slavery not for freedom. For make people live in scare not for their rights. Why wars? Wars for destroy the world not for development, what did the wars do in history until now? No they didn’t do anything. The wars is just fight to control the world      


Please stop wars, stop all kinds of the fights. Please stop scare people. Please stop killing innocent. Please stop torture the people. Please stop negative thinking. Be positive and live in peace.

I have dream:

I have dream to realize all dreams of people around the world, I am not martin Luther king but I believe no life with depression and no depression with life. This is my dream that all people dream like me, yes do not stop dream until realize our dream; I know this dream cannot realize without big efforts, hand in hand to realize this big dream’s people.

Every people have many dream to realize it, but they cannot do anything in dark, this is like when person looking for something very importance, s/he cannot find it in dark but when switch on the light s/he find it. Yes, this is my dream, your dream, our dream. If you want realize your dreams try to find how can do this? Believe me you find one answer for this question to realize your dreams; you must live in peace and try to make the idea of “peace” one of the most importance principle in your life. You have to become warrior who defends for his principles. Therefore, this is my dream that I dream in every moment in my life. I will do all what can I do to realize my dream in my life.    

Ø I have dream all the wars in the world stop and the peace will be appear in every darkest point in Deep Ocean; in highest point on the mount.

Ø I have dream all the revolutions in the world stop and finish without back.

Ø I have dream all the violence in the world will disappear and all people will be humanities not animals every person will be criminal just to realise his/her dreams and live in inter-peace with his/her peace. Yes, we are criminals & killers. we are thirsty for blood. but how many time we took and will take to stay like this.

Ø I have dream the black colour will hide and the white colour will appear in this world. No wars, no revolutions, no sedition, just peace when people like to going outside of them house, they do without scare, if I going to live outside I will do this without  thinking what will happen when I going to live in other country, be positive and live in peace with yourself, your family, your friends, in your country, with other people even if they are different form you ( in culture, religious, skin colour, gender, language, habit and traditions...) they are free and you are free if you don’t accept their behaviour don’t opposite them, because you are living in big world, it contain more than 100 countries, every country has more than 10 towns, so just imagine every people have many culture you don’t say why? Just be positive if you do not accept their culture, do not ask them to accept your culture. All people are free, why you don’t try to know a new cultures of the world (life style - habit and traditions- religious...) because if you do this you will fight yourself and any person try to think with negative away and he tries to appears this kind of thinking that named “extremist thought”. 

Ø I have dream all seditions of the bad people who have a bad intention to destroy the world will turn over them to live in hell with their evil deeds.

Ø I have dream all people help each other to realize the meaning of the words “peace”

Ø I have dream one war do not finish in this world; just to realize the peace, that all people need it. All people must  fight in this war to make the world live in happiness. it is war of the world and last war in this darkest world to light it. yes I hope this war still burning to all people understand the meaning of peace. it is the only solve of all the problems that happened and still happen in this darkest world.

Ø I have dream the last war of the world will finish with success: all people who try to destroy this world with their evil ideas lose and all people who fight to light the world with goodness, love, honest, loyalty, sincerity, are the winner.

Ø I have dream I wake up for my place I find the spring appear in this darkest world with many colour of flowers that mix with the colour of sky, rivers, trees, and the colour of the clouds; not with the colours of the bloods of the innocents people who died in war without reasons.

Ø I have dream all refugee in this world will back in their home, family, friends, and their life and will live in peace not in scare, injustice, conquest and displacement.

Ø I have dream all people in this world take their rights that the god give it for them.

Ø I have dream all people in this darkest world will be equal in this life, no difference between black /white person, Muslim/non-Arab, just in piety.

Ø I have dream all people in this world stop terrorism and do not think all the terrorism that happen in the world will act of by the Muslims.

Ø I have dream all the western world stop distortion the name of Islam and the name of Prophet Mohammed Peace be upon him.

Ø I have dream all people who have evils deeds to make this world live in wars and revolutions just to release their dreams to dominate or control this world stop because there is one who judged this world is God, no one can be control the world and the god is existing; I believe every people help the government of the hidden world to release their dreams will be just like puppy in their hand if they finish their interests with you they will throw you in recycle bin with waste, so stop give hand for this dirty government which try every moment destroy this world and build another world for their next king who will wait the time is right to appear and control this world...

Ø    I have dream all people stop believe by the wars and revolutions can change future because they make you to think this idea is the right idea to make new world. new future, new dreams, No is big lying  in this century, don’t believe them and just close your eyes and ask yourself what is the best things in this world? What is the best idea to make this world live in happiness? You will find the peace is the big fact in this world to live with happiness.

Ø I have dream all my dream can be release if all people hold their hand and say stop wars, stop revolutions, stop do conspiracy, stop seditions, let us live in peace; live with happiness, without scare, I will believe every people can live their life without scare, but with love.

I have dream

بقلم الكاتب بن زكورة محمد الخليل

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