غرفة شرارة: الفرق بين النسختين

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أنشأ الصفحة ب'{{يحرر}} '''غرفة الشرارة''' في فيزياء الجسيمات (بالإنجليزية: spark chamber ) [[File:CERN UA5 - ppbar interaction at 540GeV.j...'
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سطر 11: سطر 11:

[[en:spark chamber ]]
[[en:spark chamber ]]
[[es:Cámara de chispas]]
[[fr:Chambre à étincelles]]
[[pt:Câmara de faíscas]]

نسخة 21:53، 24 أغسطس 2010

غرفة الشرارة في فيزياء الجسيمات (بالإنجليزية: spark chamber )

A protonantiproton collision recorded using a spark chamber at the UA5 experiment, at CERN.

هي غرفة شفافة لقياس الجسيمات الأولية المشحونة . وكانت تستخدم كثيرا خلا السبعينيات من القرن الماضي . A spark chamber (also called a streamer chamber) is a particle detector, a device used in particle physics for detecting electrically charged particles. It was most widely-used in the 1970s, and has since been superseded by more sophisticated detectors such as drift chambers and silicon detectors. Spark chambers are still of scientific value due to their relative simplicity.

Spark chambers consists of metal plates placed in a sealed box filled with a gas such as helium, neon or a mixture of the two. As a charged particle travels through the detector, it will ionize the gas between the plates. A trigger system is used to apply high voltage to the plates to create an electric field immediately after the particle goes through the chamber, producing sparks on its exact trajectory.