مستخدم:Salam32/Test.js: الفرق بين النسختين

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
تم حذف المحتوى تمت إضافة المحتوى
لا ملخص تعديل
لا ملخص تعديل
سطر 1: سطر 1:
// <nowiki>
Twinklefluff revert and antivandalism utillity
// If FriendlyConfig aint exist.
if( typeof( FriendlyConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
// If TwinkleConfig aint exist.
FriendlyConfig = {};
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig = {};

FriendlyConfig.summaryAd ( string )
TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
If ad should be added or not to summary, default [[WP:FRIENDLY|Friendly]]
If ad should be added or not to summary, default [[WP:TWINKLE|TWINKLE]]
if( typeof( FriendlyConfig.summaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.summaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
FriendlyConfig.summaryAd = " باستخدام [[وب:فرندلي|فرندلي]]";
TwinkleConfig.summaryAd = " ([[WP:TW|TW]])";

TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions (int)
FriendlyConfig.markSharedIPAsMinor ( boolean )
defines how many revision to query maximum, maximum possible is 50, default is 50
if( typeof( FriendlyConfig.markSharedIPAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions = 50;
FriendlyConfig.markSharedIPAsMinor = true;

TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode may take arguments:
'window': open a new window, remember the opened window
'tab': opens in a new tab, if possible.
'blank': force open in a new window, even if a such window exist
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode = 'window';

function friendlyshared() {
TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage (array)
if( wgNamespaceNumber == 2 ) {
What types of actions that should result in opening of talk page
var username = wgTitle.split( '/' )[0].replace( /\"/, "\\\""); // only first part before any slashes
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage = [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand' ];

addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', "javascript:friendlyshared.callback(\"" + username + "\")", "آي بي مشترك", "friendly-shared", "إضافة وسم للآي بي المشترك", "");
TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert (bool)
Defines if talk page should be opened when canling revert from contrib page, this because from there, actions may be multiple, and opening talk page not suitable. If set to true, openTalkPage defines then if talk page will be opened.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert = false;

friendlyshared.callback = function friendlysharedCallback( uid ) {
TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor (array)
var Window = new SimpleWindow( 600, 400 );
What types of actions that should result in marking edit as minor
Window.setTitle( "اختر قالب لعنوان اللآي بي المشترك" );
var form = new QuickForm( friendlyshared.callback.evaluate );
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor = [ 'vand' ];

form.append( { type:'header', label:'قوالب اللآي بي المشترك' } );
TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages (array)
form.append( { type: 'radio', name: 'shared', list: friendlyshared.standardList,
What types of actions that should result in forced addition to watchlist
event: function( e ) {
friendlyshared.callback.change_shared( e );
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages = [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand', 'torev' ];
} } );

var org = form.append( { type:'field', label:'املأ صاحب الآي بي المشترك، المضيف و معلومات الاتصال (إن وجد) واضغط على \"أرسل\"' } );
TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert (boolean)
org.append( {
If to offer a promt for extra summary reason for normal reverts, default to true
type: 'input',
name: 'organization',
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert ) == 'undefined' ) {
label: 'اسم المؤسسة',
TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert = true;
disabled: true,
tooltip: 'بعض هذه القوالب تدعم نطاقا اختياريا لاسم المؤسسة التي تملك/تدير عنوان الآي بي. يمكن إضافة اسم المؤسسة هنا لتلك القوالب.'

TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks (array)
Where Twinkle should show rollback links (diff, others, mine, contribs)
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks = [ 'diff', 'others' ];

// a list of usernames, usually only bots, that vandalism revert is jumped over, that is
// if vandalism revert was chosen on such username, then it's target in on the revision before.
// This is for handeling quick bots that makes edits seconds after the original edit is made.
// This only affect vandalism rollback, for good faith rollback, it will stop, indicating a bot
// has no faith, and for normal rollback, it will rollback that edit.
'HBC AIV helperbot',
'HBC AIV helperbot2',
'HBC AIV helperbot3',

twinklefluff = {
auto: function() {
if( QueryString.get( 'oldid' ) != wgCurRevisionId ) {
// not latest revision

var ntitle = getElementsByClassName( document.getElementById('bodyContent'), 'td' , 'diff-ntitle' )[0];
org.append( {
if( ntitle.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf( 'Current revision' ) != 0 ) {
type: 'input',
// not latest revision
name: 'host',
label: 'اسم المضيف (اختياري)',
disabled: true,
tooltip: 'هذه القوالب تدعم نطاقا اختياريا لاسم المضيف. يمكن كتابة اسم المضيف (مثلا، proxy.example.com) هنا وسيتم وصله بالقالب.'

vandal = ntitle.getElementsByTagName('a')[3].firstChild.nodeValue;
org.append( {

type: 'input',
if( !TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert ) {
name: 'contact',
TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage = [];
label: 'معلومات الاتصال (عند الطلب فقط)',
disabled: true,
tooltip: 'بعض هذه القوالب تدعم نطاقا اختياريا لمعلومات الاتصال بالمؤسسة. استخدم هذا النطاق فقط عندما تطلب المؤسسة اضافة هذه المعلومات. يمكن اضافة معلومات الاتصال هنا.'
form.append( { type:'submit' label:'أرسل' } );

return twinklefluff.revert( QueryString.get( 'twinklerevert' ), vandal );
var result = form.render();
Window.setContent( result );
normal: function() {

var spanTag = function( color, content ) {
var span = document.createElement( 'span' );
span.style.color = color;
span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( content ) );
return span;

if( wgNamespaceNumber == -1 && wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == "Contributions" ) {
//Get the username these contributions are for
username = document.evaluate( 'substring-after(//div[@id="contentSub"]//a[@title="Special:Log"][last()]/@href, "user=")', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue;
if( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('contribs') != -1 || ( wgUserName != username && TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('others') != -1 ) || ( wgUserName == username && TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('mine') != -1 ) ) {
var list = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="bodyContent"]//ul/li[contains(span[@class="mw-uctop"], "(top)")]', document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
var vandal = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="contentSub"]/a[1]/@title', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue.replace(/^User( talk)?:/ , '').replace("'", "\\'");

var revNode = document.createElement('strong');
var revLink = document.createElement('a');
revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ' [' ) );
revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

var revVandNode = document.createElement('strong');
var revVandLink = document.createElement('a');
revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ' [' ) );
revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'vandalism' ) );
revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

for(var i = 0; i < list.snapshotLength; ++i ) {
var current = list.snapshotItem(i);

var href = document.evaluate( 'a[2]/@href', current, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
var tmpNode = revNode.cloneNode( true );
tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + QueryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'norm' } ) );
current.appendChild( tmpNode );
var tmpNode = revVandNode.cloneNode( true );
tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + QueryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'vand' } ) );
current.appendChild( tmpNode );
} else {
if( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == "Special:Undelete" ) {
//You can't rollback deleted pages!

var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

var firstRev = document.evaluate( 'boolean(/div[@class="firstrevisionheader"])', body, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null ).booleanValue;
if( firstRev ) {
// we have first revision here, nothing to do.

try {
var otitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle1');
var ntitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle1');
if (!otitle1 || !ntitle1) return;
var otitle = otitle1.parentNode;
var ntitle = ntitle1.parentNode;
} catch( e ) {
// no old, nor new title, nothing to do really, return;

var old_rev_url = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="mw-diff-otitle1"]//strong/a/@href', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;

// Lets first add a [edit this revision] link
var query = new QueryString( old_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );

var oldrev = query.get( 'oldid' );

var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-orevision' );
revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';

var revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
revertToRevisionLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revertToRevision('" + oldrev + "')";
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

otitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, otitle.firstChild );

if( document.getElementById('differences-nextlink') ) {
// Not latest revision
curVersion = false;

var new_rev_url = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="mw-diff-ntitle1"]//strong/a/@href', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
var query = new QueryString( new_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );
var newrev = query.get( 'oldid' );
var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-nrevision' );
revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
var revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
revertToRevisionLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revertToRevision('" + newrev + "')";
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );
ntitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, ntitle.firstChild );

if( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('diff') != -1 ) {
vandal = document.evaluate( 'a', document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle2') , null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue.replace("'", "\\'");

var revertNode = document.createElement('div');
revertNode.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert' );

var agfNode = document.createElement('strong');
var vandNode = document.createElement('strong');
var normNode = document.createElement('strong');

var agfLink = document.createElement('a');
var vandLink = document.createElement('a');
var normLink = document.createElement('a');

agfLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('agf' , '" + vandal + "')";
vandLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('vand' , '" + vandal + "')";
normLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('norm' , '" + vandal + "')";

agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'DarkOliveGreen', 'rollback (AGF)' ) );
agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'rollback (VANDAL)' ) );
vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );


revertNode.appendChild( agfNode );
revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
revertNode.appendChild( normNode );
revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
revertNode.appendChild( vandNode );

ntitle.insertBefore( revertNode, ntitle.firstChild );

twinklefluff.revert = function revertPage( type, vandal, rev, page ) {
friendlyshared.standardList = [
label: '{{sharedip}}: standard shared IP address template',
value: 'sharedip',
tooltip: 'IP user talk page template that shows helpful information to IP users and those wishing to warn or ban them' },
label: '{{sharedipedu}}: shared IP address template modified for educational institutions',
value: 'sharedipedu' },
label: '{{sharedippublic}}: shared IP address template modified for public terminals',
value: 'sharedippublic' },
label: '{{sharedipusmilitary}}: shared IP address template modified for the US military',
value: 'sharedipusmilitary' },
label: '{{dynamicip}}: shared IP address template modified for organizations with dynamic addressing',
value: 'dynamicip' },
label: '{{isp}}: shared IP address template modified for ISP organizations',
value: 'isp' },
label: '{{mobileip}}: shared IP address template modified mobile phone company and their customers',
value: 'mobileip' }

wgPageName = page || wgPageName;
friendlyshared.callback.change_shared = function friendlytagCallbackChangeShared(e) {
wgCurRevisionId = rev || wgCurRevisionId;
if( e.target.value == 'sharedipedu' ) {

e.target.form.contact.disabled = false;
Status.init( document.getElementById('bodyContent') );
} else {
var params = {
e.target.form.contact.disabled = true;
type: type,
user: vandal
var query = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'revisions',
'titles': wgPageName,
'rvlimit': 50, // max possible
'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ]
var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( 'Grabbing data of earlier revisions', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.main );
wikipedia_api.params = params;

twinklefluff.revertToRevision = function revertToRevision( oldrev ) {
friendlyshared.callbacks = {

Status.init( document.getElementById('bodyContent') );

var query = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'revisions',
'titles': wgPageName,
'rvlimit': 1,
'rvstartid': oldrev,
'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'content' ],
'format': 'xml'

var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( 'Grabbing data of the earlier revision', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.toRevision.main );
wikipedia_api.params = { rev: oldrev };

twinklefluff.userIpLink = function( user ) {
return (isIPAddress(user)?"[[Special:Contributions/":"[[User:")+user+"|"+user+"]]";

twinklefluff.callbacks = {
toRevision: {
main: function( self ) {
var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;
self.params.revision = xmlDoc.evaluate('//rev', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
var query = {
'title': wgPageName,
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new Wikipedia.wiki( 'Reverting page', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.toRevision.reverting );
wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;

reverting: function( self ) {
var form = self.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
var text = self.params.revision.textContent;

if( !form ) {
self.statelem.error( 'couldn\'t grab element "editform", aborting, this could indicate failed response from the server' );

var optional_summary = prompt( "Please, if possible, specify a reason for the revert" );
if (optional_summary == null)
self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
var summary = sprintf( "Reverted to revision %d by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%2$s]]%s.%s",
self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'user' ),
optional_summary ? "; " + optional_summary : '',
var postData = {
'oldid': self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
'baseRevId': self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
'wpMinoredit': TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor.indexOf( 'torev' ) != -1 ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages.indexOf( 'torev' ) != -1 ? '' : form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': '',
'wpSummary': summary,
'wpTextbox1': text
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgPageName;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed"

self.post( postData );
main: function( self ) {
main: function( self ) {

var form = self.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;
var revs = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//rev', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );

if( revs.snapshotLength < 1 ) {
self.statitem.error( 'We have less than one additional revision, thus impossible to revert' );
var top = revs.snapshotItem(0);
if( top.getAttribute( 'revid' ) < wgCurRevisionId ) {
Status.error( 'Error', [ 'The received top revision id ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute('revid') ), ' is less than our current revision id, this could indicate that the current revision has been deleted, the server is lagging, or that bad data has been received. Will stop proceeding at this point.' ] );
var index = 1;
if( wgCurRevisionId != top.getAttribute('revid') ) {
Status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute('revid') ), ' doesn\'t equal our revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', wgCurRevisionId) ] );
if( top.getAttribute( 'user' ) == self.params.user ) {
switch( self.params.type ) {
case 'vand':
Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', as we assume vandalism, we continue to revert' ]);
case 'agf':
Status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', as we assume good faith, we stop reverting, as the problem might have been fixed.' ]);
Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', but we will stop reverting anyway.' ] );
else if(
self.params.type == 'vand' &&
WHITELIST.indexOf( top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ) != -1 && revs.snapshotLength > 1 &&
revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'pageId' ) == wgCurRevisionId
) {
Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ), ', a trusted bot, and the revision before was made by our vandal, so we proceed with the revert.' ] );
index = 2;
} else {
Status.error( 'Error', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ), ', so it might have already been reverted, stopping reverting.'] );


if( WHITELIST.indexOf( self.params.user ) != -1 ) {
switch( self.params.type ) {
case 'vand':
Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Vandalism revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, we assume you wanted to revert vandalism made by the previous user instead.' ] );
index = 2;
vandal = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
self.params.user = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
case 'agf':
Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Good faith revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, it makes no sense at all to revert it as a good faith edit, will stop reverting.' ] );

case 'norm':
var cont = confirm( 'Normal revert was chosen, but the top user (' + self.params.user + ') is a whitelisted bot, do you want to revert the revision before instead?' );
if( cont ) {
Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, and per confirm, we\'ll revert the previous revision instead.' ] );
index = 2;
self.params.user = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
} else {
Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', this is a whitelisted bot, but per confirmation, revert on top revision will proceed.' ] );
var found = false;
var found = false;
var text = '{{';
var count = 0;

for( var i=0; i < friendlyshared.standardList.length; i++ ) {
for( var i = index; i < revs.snapshotLength; ++i ) {
tagRe = new RegExp( '(\{\{' + friendlyshared.standardList[i].value + '(\||\}\}))', 'im' );
if( tagRe.exec( form.wpTextbox1.value ) ) {
if( revs.snapshotItem(i).getAttribute( 'user' ) != self.params.user ) {
found = i;
Status.info( 'Info', 'Found {{' + friendlyshared.standardList[i].value + '}} on the user\'s talk page already...aborting' );
found = true;
text = form.wpTextbox1.value;

if( !found ) {
if( ! found ) {
Status.info( 'Info', 'Will add the shared IP address template to the top of the user\'s talk page.' );
self.statelem.error( [ 'No previous revision found, perhaps ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ' is the only contributor, or that the user has made more than ' + TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions + ' edits in a row.' ] );
text += self.params.value + '|' + self.params.organization;
if( self.params.value == 'sharedipedu' && self.params.contact != '') {

text += '|' + self.params.contact;

if( count == 0 ) {
Status.error( 'Error', "We were to revert zero revisions. As that makes no sense, we'll stop reverting this time. It could be that the edit already have been reverted, but the revision id was still the same." );

var good_revision = revs.snapshotItem( found );

self.params.type != 'vand' &&
count > 1 &&
!confirm( self.params.user + ' has done ' + count + ' edits in a row. Are you sure you want to revert them all?' )
) {
Status.info( 'Notice', 'Stopping reverting per user input' );

self.params.count = count;

self.params.goodid = good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' );
self.params.gooduser = good_revision.getAttribute( 'user' );

self.statelem.status( [ ' revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ) ), ' that was made ', htmlNode( 'strong', count ), ' revisions ago by ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'user' ) ) ] );

var query = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'revisions',
'titles': wgPageName,
'rvlimit': 1,
'rvprop': 'content',
'rvstartid': good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' )

var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( [ 'Getting content for revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ) ) ], query, twinklefluff.callbacks.grabbing );
wikipedia_api.params = self.params;
grabbing: function( self ) {

xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

self.params.content = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//rev[1]', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;

var query = {
'title': wgPageName,
'action': 'submit'
var wikipedia_wiki = new Wikipedia.wiki( 'Reverting page', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.reverting );
wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;
reverting: function( self ) {
var doc = self.responseXML;

var form = doc.getElementById( 'editform' );
if( !form ) {
self.statelem.error( 'couldn\'t grab element "editform", aborting, this could indicate failed response from the server' );

var text = self.params.content;
if( !text ) {
self.statelem.error( 'we received no revision, something is wrong, bailing out!' );

var summary;

switch( self.params.type ) {
case 'agf':
var extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:" );
if (extra_summary == null)
self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
summary = sprintf( "Reverted [[WP:AGF|good faith]] edits by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%1$s]]%s.%s",
if( self.params.host != '' ) {
text += '|host=' + self.params.host;
self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"),
extra_summary ? "; " + extra_summary.toUpperCaseFirstChar() : '',
case 'vand':
summary = sprintf( "Reverted %d %s by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%3$s]] identified as [[WP:VAND|vandalism]] to last revision by %s.%s",
self.params.count > 1 ? 'edits': 'edit',
self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"),
twinklefluff.userIpLink( self.params.gooduser.replace("\\'", "'") ),
case 'norm':
if( TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert ) {
var extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:" );
if (extra_summary == null)
self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
summary = sprintf( "Reverted %d %s by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%3$s]]%s.%s",
text += '}}\n\n' + form.wpTextbox1.value;
self.params.count > 1 ? 'edits': 'edit',
self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"),
extra_summary ? "; " + extra_summary.toUpperCaseFirstChar() : '',

if( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1 ) {
Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Opening user talk page edit form for user ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) ] );
var query = {
'title': 'User talk:' + self.params.user,
'action': 'edit',
'preview': 'yes',
'vanarticle': wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' '),
'vanarticlerevid': wgCurRevisionId,
'vanarticlegoodrevid': self.params.goodid,
'type': self.params.type,
'count': self.params.count

switch( TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode ) {
case 'tab':
window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), '_tab' );
case 'blank':
window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), '_blank', 'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );
case 'window':
window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), 'twinklewarnwindow', 'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );

var postData = {
var postData = {
'oldid': self.params.goodid,
'wpMinoredit': FriendlyConfig.markSharedIPAsMinor ? 1 : undefined,
'baseRevId': self.params.goodid,
'wpWatchthis': form.wpWatchthis.checked ? 1 : undefined,
'wpMinoredit': TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1 ? '' : undefined,
'wpWatchthis': TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1 ? '' : form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
'wpSection': '',
'wpSummary': 'Added \{\{[[Template:' + self.params.value + '|' + self.params.value + ']]\}\} template to user talk page.' + FriendlyConfig.summaryAd,
'wpSummary': summary,
'wpTextbox1': text
'wpTextbox1': text

Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgPageName;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed"

self.post( postData );
self.post( postData );

addOnloadHook( function() {
friendlyshared.callback.evaluate = function friendlysharedCallbackEvaluate(e) {
if (window.twinkleConfigExists)
var shared = e.target.getChecked( 'shared' );
if( !shared || shared.length <= 0 ) {
if( QueryString.exists( 'twinklerevert' ) ) {
alert( 'You must select a shared IP address template to use!' );
} else {
var value = shared[0];
if( e.target.organization.value == '') {
alert( 'You must input an organization for the {{' + value + '}} template!' );
var params = {
value: value,
organization: e.target.organization.value,
host: e.target.host.value,
contact: e.target.contact.value

Status.init( e.target );
var query = {
'title': wgPageName,
'action': 'submit'
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgPageName;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = "Shared IP tagging complete, reloading talk page in some seconds";
var wikipedia_wiki = new Wikipedia.wiki( 'User talk page modification', query, friendlyshared.callbacks.main );
wikipedia_wiki.params = params;
// </nowiki>

نسخة 09:23، 17 أكتوبر 2010

 Twinklefluff revert and antivandalism utillity
// If TwinkleConfig aint exist.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig = {};

 TwinkleConfig.summaryAd (string)
 If ad should be added or not to summary, default [[WP:TWINKLE|TWINKLE]]
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.summaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.summaryAd = " ([[WP:TW|TW]])";

 TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions (int)
 defines how many revision to query maximum, maximum possible is 50, default is 50
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions = 50;

 TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode may take arguments:
 'window': open a new window, remember the opened window
 'tab': opens in a new tab, if possible.
 'blank': force open in a new window, even if a such window exist
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode = 'window';

 TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage (array)
 What types of actions that should result in opening of talk page
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage = [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand' ];

 TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert (bool)
 Defines if talk page should be opened when canling revert from contrib page, this because from there, actions may be multiple, and opening talk page not suitable. If set to true, openTalkPage defines then if talk page will be opened.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert = false;

 TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor (array)
 What types of actions that should result in marking edit as minor
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor = [ 'vand' ];

 TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages (array)
 What types of actions that should result in forced addition to watchlist
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages = [ 'agf', 'norm', 'vand', 'torev' ];

 TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert (boolean)
 If to offer a promt for extra summary reason for normal reverts, default to true
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert = true;

 TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks (array)
 Where Twinkle should show rollback links (diff, others, mine, contribs)
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks ) == 'undefined' ) {
	TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks = [ 'diff', 'others' ];

// a list of usernames, usually only bots, that vandalism revert is jumped over, that is
// if vandalism revert was chosen on such username, then it's target in on the revision before.
// This is for handeling quick bots that makes edits seconds after the original edit is made.
// This only affect vandalism rollback, for good faith rollback, it will stop, indicating a bot 
// has no faith, and for normal rollback, it will rollback that edit.
	'HBC AIV helperbot',
	'HBC AIV helperbot2',
	'HBC AIV helperbot3',

twinklefluff = {
	auto: function() {
		if( QueryString.get( 'oldid' ) != wgCurRevisionId ) {
			// not latest revision

		var ntitle = getElementsByClassName( document.getElementById('bodyContent'), 'td' , 'diff-ntitle' )[0];
		if( ntitle.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf( 'Current revision' ) != 0 ) {
			// not latest revision

		vandal = ntitle.getElementsByTagName('a')[3].firstChild.nodeValue;

		if( !TwinkleConfig.openTalkPageOnAutoRevert ) {
			TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage = [];

		return twinklefluff.revert( QueryString.get( 'twinklerevert' ), vandal );
	normal: function() {

		var spanTag = function( color, content ) {
			var span = document.createElement( 'span' );
			span.style.color = color;
			span.appendChild( document.createTextNode( content ) );
			return span;

		if( wgNamespaceNumber == -1 && wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == "Contributions" ) {
			//Get the username these contributions are for
			username = document.evaluate( 'substring-after(//div[@id="contentSub"]//a[@title="Special:Log"][last()]/@href, "user=")', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue;
			if( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('contribs') != -1 || ( wgUserName != username && TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('others') != -1 ) || ( wgUserName == username && TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('mine') != -1 ) ) {
				var list = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="bodyContent"]//ul/li[contains(span[@class="mw-uctop"], "(top)")]', document, null,  XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );
				var vandal = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="contentSub"]/a[1]/@title', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue.replace(/^User( talk)?:/ , '').replace("'", "\\'");

				var revNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var revLink = document.createElement('a');
				revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ' [' ) );
				revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
				revLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				var revVandNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var revVandLink = document.createElement('a');
				revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ' [' ) );
				revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'vandalism' ) );
				revVandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				for(var i = 0; i < list.snapshotLength; ++i ) {
					var current = list.snapshotItem(i);

					var href = document.evaluate( 'a[2]/@href', current, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
					var tmpNode = revNode.cloneNode( true );
					tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + QueryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'norm' } ) );
					current.appendChild( tmpNode );
					var tmpNode = revVandNode.cloneNode( true );
					tmpNode.firstChild.setAttribute( 'href', href + '&' + QueryString.create( { 'twinklerevert': 'vand' } ) );
					current.appendChild( tmpNode );
		} else {
			if( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == "Special:Undelete" ) {
				//You can't rollback deleted pages!

			var body = document.getElementById('bodyContent');

			var firstRev = document.evaluate( 'boolean(/div[@class="firstrevisionheader"])', body, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null ).booleanValue;
			if( firstRev ) {
				// we have first revision here, nothing to do.

			try {
				var otitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-otitle1'); 
				var ntitle1 = document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle1'); 
				if (!otitle1 || !ntitle1) return;
				var otitle = otitle1.parentNode;
				var ntitle = ntitle1.parentNode;
			} catch( e ) {
				// no old, nor new title, nothing to do really, return;

			var old_rev_url = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="mw-diff-otitle1"]//strong/a/@href',  document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;

			// Lets first add a [edit this revision] link
			var query = new QueryString( old_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );

			var oldrev = query.get( 'oldid' );

			var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
			revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-orevision' );
			revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';

			var revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
			revertToRevisionLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revertToRevision('" + oldrev + "')";
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
			revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

			otitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, otitle.firstChild );

			if( document.getElementById('differences-nextlink') ) {
				// Not latest revision
				curVersion = false;

				var new_rev_url = document.evaluate( '//div[@id="mw-diff-ntitle1"]//strong/a/@href',  document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
				var query = new QueryString( new_rev_url.split( '?', 2 )[1] );
				var newrev = query.get( 'oldid' );
				var revertToRevision = document.createElement('div');
				revertToRevision.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert-to-nrevision' );
				revertToRevision.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
				var revertToRevisionLink = revertToRevision.appendChild( document.createElement('a') );
				revertToRevisionLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revertToRevision('" + newrev + "')";
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SaddleBrown', 'restore this version' ) );
				revertToRevisionLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );
				ntitle.insertBefore( revertToRevision, ntitle.firstChild );

			if( TwinkleConfig.showRollbackLinks.indexOf('diff') != -1 ) {
				vandal = document.evaluate( 'a', document.getElementById('mw-diff-ntitle2') , null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue.replace("'", "\\'");

				var revertNode = document.createElement('div');
				revertNode.setAttribute( 'id', 'tw-revert' );

				var agfNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var vandNode = document.createElement('strong');
				var normNode = document.createElement('strong');

				var agfLink = document.createElement('a');
				var vandLink = document.createElement('a');
				var normLink = document.createElement('a');

				agfLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('agf' , '" + vandal + "')"; 
				vandLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('vand' , '" + vandal + "')"; 
				normLink.href = "javascript:twinklefluff.revert('norm' , '" + vandal + "')"; 

				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'DarkOliveGreen', 'rollback (AGF)' ) );
				agfLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Red', 'rollback (VANDAL)' ) );
				vandLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );

				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', '[' ) );
				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'SteelBlue', 'rollback' ) );
				normLink.appendChild( spanTag( 'Black', ']' ) );


				revertNode.appendChild( agfNode );
				revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
				revertNode.appendChild( normNode );
				revertNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(' || ') );
				revertNode.appendChild( vandNode );

				ntitle.insertBefore( revertNode, ntitle.firstChild );

twinklefluff.revert = function revertPage( type, vandal, rev, page ) {

	wgPageName = page || wgPageName;
	wgCurRevisionId = rev || wgCurRevisionId;

	Status.init( document.getElementById('bodyContent') );
	var params = {
		type: type,
		user: vandal
	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'titles': wgPageName,
		'rvlimit': 50, // max possible
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment' ]
	var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( 'Grabbing data of earlier revisions', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.main );
	wikipedia_api.params = params;

twinklefluff.revertToRevision = function revertToRevision( oldrev ) {

	Status.init( document.getElementById('bodyContent') );

	var query = {
		'action': 'query',
		'prop': 'revisions',
		'titles': wgPageName,
		'rvlimit': 1,
		'rvstartid': oldrev,
		'rvprop': [ 'ids', 'timestamp', 'user', 'comment', 'content' ],
		'format': 'xml'

	var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( 'Grabbing data of the earlier revision', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.toRevision.main );
	wikipedia_api.params = { rev: oldrev };

twinklefluff.userIpLink = function( user ) {
	return (isIPAddress(user)?"[[Special:Contributions/":"[[User:")+user+"|"+user+"]]";

twinklefluff.callbacks = {
	toRevision: {
		main: function( self ) {
			var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;
			self.params.revision = xmlDoc.evaluate('//rev', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null ).singleNodeValue;
			var query = {
				'title': wgPageName,
				'action': 'submit'
			var wikipedia_wiki = new Wikipedia.wiki( 'Reverting page', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.toRevision.reverting );
			wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;

		reverting: function( self ) {
			var form = self.responseXML.getElementById( 'editform' );
			var text = self.params.revision.textContent;

			if( !form ) {
				self.statelem.error( 'couldn\'t grab element "editform", aborting, this could indicate failed response from the server' );

			var optional_summary = prompt( "Please, if possible, specify a reason for the revert" );
			if (optional_summary == null)
				self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
			var summary = sprintf( "Reverted to revision %d by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%2$s]]%s.%s", 
				self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
				self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'user' ),
				optional_summary ? "; " + optional_summary : '',
			var postData = {
			    'oldid': self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
			    'baseRevId': self.params.revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ),
				'wpMinoredit': TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor.indexOf( 'torev' ) != -1 ? '' : undefined, 
				'wpWatchthis': TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages.indexOf( 'torev' ) != -1 ? '' : form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
				'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
				'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
				'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
				'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
				'wpSection': '',
				'wpSummary': summary,
				'wpTextbox1': text
			Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgPageName;
			Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed"

			self.post( postData );
	main: function( self ) {

		var xmlDoc = self.responseXML;
		var revs = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//rev', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null );

		if( revs.snapshotLength < 1 ) {
			self.statitem.error( 'We have less than one additional revision, thus impossible to revert' );
		var top = revs.snapshotItem(0);
		if( top.getAttribute( 'revid' ) < wgCurRevisionId ) {
			Status.error( 'Error', [ 'The received top revision id ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute('revid') ), ' is less than our current revision id, this could indicate that the current revision has been deleted, the server is lagging, or that bad data has been received. Will stop proceeding at this point.' ] );
		var index = 1;
		if( wgCurRevisionId != top.getAttribute('revid') ) {
			Status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute('revid') ), ' doesn\'t equal our revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', wgCurRevisionId) ] );
			if( top.getAttribute( 'user' ) == self.params.user ) {
				switch( self.params.type ) {
				case 'vand':
					Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', as we assume vandalism, we continue to revert' ]);
				case 'agf':
					Status.warn( 'Warning', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', as we assume good faith, we stop reverting, as the problem might have been fixed.' ]);
					Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) , ', but we will stop reverting anyway.' ] );
			else if( 
				self.params.type == 'vand' && 
				WHITELIST.indexOf( top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ) != -1 && revs.snapshotLength > 1 &&
				revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'pageId' ) == wgCurRevisionId 
			) {
				Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ), ', a trusted bot, and the revision before was made by our vandal, so we proceed with the revert.' ] );
				index = 2;
			} else {
				Status.error( 'Error', [ 'Latest revision was made by ', htmlNode( 'strong', top.getAttribute( 'user' ) ), ', so it might have already been reverted, stopping  reverting.'] );


		if( WHITELIST.indexOf( self.params.user ) != -1  ) {
			switch( self.params.type ) {
			case 'vand':
				Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Vandalism revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, we assume you wanted to revert vandalism made by the previous user instead.' ] );
				index = 2;
				vandal = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
				self.params.user = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
			case 'agf':
				Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Good faith revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, it makes no sense at all to revert it as a good faith edit, will stop reverting.' ] );

			case 'norm':
				var cont = confirm( 'Normal revert was chosen, but the top user (' + self.params.user + ') is a whitelisted bot, do you want to revert the revision before instead?' );
				if( cont ) {
					Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', as this is a whitelisted bot, and per confirm, we\'ll revert the previous revision instead.' ] );
					index = 2;
					self.params.user = revs.snapshotItem(1).getAttribute( 'user' );
				} else {
					Status.warn( 'Notice', [ 'Normal revert was chosen on ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ', this is a whitelisted bot, but per confirmation, revert on top revision will proceed.' ] );
		var found = false;
		var count = 0;

		for( var i = index; i < revs.snapshotLength; ++i ) {
			if( revs.snapshotItem(i).getAttribute( 'user' ) != self.params.user ) {
				found = i;

		if( ! found ) {
			self.statelem.error( [ 'No previous revision found, perhaps ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ), ' is the only contributor, or that the user has made more than ' + TwinkleConfig.revertMaxRevisions + ' edits in a row.' ] );


		if( count == 0 ) {
			Status.error( 'Error', "We were to revert zero revisions. As that makes no sense, we'll stop reverting this time. It could be that the edit already have been reverted, but the revision id was still the same." );

		var good_revision = revs.snapshotItem( found );

			self.params.type != 'vand' && 
			count > 1  && 
			!confirm( self.params.user + ' has done ' + count + ' edits in a row. Are you sure you want to revert them all?' ) 
		) {
			Status.info( 'Notice', 'Stopping reverting per user input' );

		self.params.count = count;

		self.params.goodid = good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' );
		self.params.gooduser = good_revision.getAttribute( 'user' );

		self.statelem.status( [ ' revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ) ), ' that was made ', htmlNode( 'strong', count ), ' revisions ago by ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'user' ) ) ] );

		var query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'prop': 'revisions',
			'titles': wgPageName,
			'rvlimit': 1,
			'rvprop': 'content',
			'rvstartid': good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' )

		var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( [ 'Getting content for revision ', htmlNode( 'strong', good_revision.getAttribute( 'revid' ) ) ], query, twinklefluff.callbacks.grabbing );
		wikipedia_api.params = self.params;
	grabbing: function( self ) {

		xmlDoc = self.responseXML;

		self.params.content = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//rev[1]', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;

		var query = {
			'title': wgPageName,
			'action': 'submit'
		var wikipedia_wiki = new Wikipedia.wiki( 'Reverting page', query, twinklefluff.callbacks.reverting );
		wikipedia_wiki.params = self.params;
	reverting: function( self ) {
		var doc = self.responseXML;

		var form = doc.getElementById( 'editform' );
		if( !form ) {
			self.statelem.error( 'couldn\'t grab element "editform", aborting, this could indicate failed response from the server' );

		var text = self.params.content;
		if( !text ) {
			self.statelem.error( 'we received no revision, something is wrong, bailing out!' );

		var summary;

		switch( self.params.type ) {
		case 'agf':
			var extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:" );
			if (extra_summary == null)
				self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
			summary = sprintf( "Reverted [[WP:AGF|good faith]] edits by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%1$s]]%s.%s", 
				self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"), 
				extra_summary ? "; " + extra_summary.toUpperCaseFirstChar() : '',
		case 'vand':
			summary = sprintf( "Reverted %d %s by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%3$s]] identified as [[WP:VAND|vandalism]] to last revision by %s.%s", 
				self.params.count > 1 ? 'edits': 'edit',
				self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"),
				twinklefluff.userIpLink( self.params.gooduser.replace("\\'", "'") ),
		case 'norm':
			if( TwinkleConfig.offerReasonOnNormalRevert ) {
				var extra_summary = prompt( "An optional comment for the edit summary:" );
				if (extra_summary == null)
					self.statelem.error( 'Aborted by user.' );
			summary = sprintf( "Reverted %d %s by [[Special:Contributions/%s|%3$s]]%s.%s", 
				self.params.count > 1 ? 'edits': 'edit',
				self.params.user.replace("\\'", "'"),
				extra_summary ? "; " + extra_summary.toUpperCaseFirstChar() : '',

		if( TwinkleConfig.openTalkPage.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1 ) {
			Status.info( 'Info', [ 'Opening user talk page edit form for user ', htmlNode( 'strong', self.params.user ) ] );
			var query = {
				'title': 'User talk:' + self.params.user,
				'action': 'edit',
				'preview': 'yes',
				'vanarticle': wgPageName.replace(/_/g, ' '),
				'vanarticlerevid': wgCurRevisionId,
				'vanarticlegoodrevid': self.params.goodid,
				'type': self.params.type,
				'count': self.params.count

			switch( TwinkleConfig.userTalkPageMode ) {
			case 'tab':
				window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), '_tab' );
			case 'blank':
				window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), '_blank', 'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );
			case 'window':
				window.open( wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( query ), 'twinklewarnwindow', 'location=no,toolbar=no,status=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=800' );

		var postData = {
		    'oldid': self.params.goodid,
		    'baseRevId': self.params.goodid,
			'wpMinoredit': TwinkleConfig.markRevertedPagesAsMinor.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1  ? '' : undefined,
			'wpWatchthis': TwinkleConfig.watchRevertedPages.indexOf( self.params.type ) != -1 ? '' : form.wpWatchthis.checked ? '' : undefined,
			'wpStarttime': form.wpStarttime.value,
			'wpEdittime': form.wpEdittime.value,
			'wpAutoSummary': form.wpAutoSummary.value,
			'wpEditToken': form.wpEditToken.value,
			'wpSection': '',
			'wpSummary': summary,
			'wpTextbox1': text

		Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgPageName;
		Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = "Reversion completed"

		self.post( postData );

addOnloadHook( function() {
	if (window.twinkleConfigExists)
		if( QueryString.exists( 'twinklerevert' ) ) {
		} else {