The complex was built by Işak Paşa who commanded the Ottoman forces during the siege of Istanbul, during the reign of Murad II, Fatih the Conqueror and Bayezid II (He was the Grand Vizier of Fatih the Conqueror twice and once for Bayezid II). It is understood from the foundation records that the construction was before 873 H (1468-69). In terms of construction characteristics, it is considered as the continuation of the architecture school called the Bursa style. It is similar to the Hamza Bey Mosque in Bursa considering its plan.
It is part of a larger complex, that consisted of mosque, madrasa, tomb, imaret, inn and stables but most have not survived to the present day, and there is no information about their architecture.
A madrasa to the north of the mosque consists of twelve rooms behind the porticos lined up in a "U" shape and a classroom overflowing on the axis. From the three-line Arabic inscription on the door of the classroom, it is understood that the building was completed in 887 (1482).
A tomb located in the southwest of the mosque was built for Tâcünnisâ Sultan Hatun, the wife of İshak Pasha, as understood from the endowment. Işak Paşa's own tomb was moved because it was in the way, it was unclear to me where it is.
نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه – يلزم نسب العمل إلى مُؤَلِّفه بشكل مناسب وتوفير رابط للرخصة وتحديد ما إذا أجريت تغييرات. بالإمكان القيام بذلك بأية طريقة معقولة، ولكن ليس بأية طريقة تشير إلى أن المرخِّص يوافقك على الاستعمال.
الإلزام بترخيص المُشتقات بالمثل – إذا أعدت إنتاج المواد أو غيرت فيها، فيلزم أن تنشر مساهماتك المُشتقَّة عن الأصل تحت ترخيص الأصل نفسه أو تحت ترخيص مُتوافِقٍ معه.