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التفاصيل لمدخلة السجل 2٬684٬394

10:42، 26 أبريل 2019: Tech4ubox (نقاش | مساهمات) أطلق المرشح 117; مؤديا الفعل "edit" في Tech4ubox. الأفعال المتخذة: عدم السماح; وصف المرشح: منع إنشاء مقالات بعناوين أجنبية (افحص)

التغييرات التي أجريت في التعديل

New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones

[https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20technology New Technology] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20phone New Phone] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/Video%20Games%20news Video Games news]

[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily.

We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics.

Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way.

[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge.

Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us.

محددات الفعل

عدد التعديلات للمستخدم (user_editcount)
اسم حساب المستخدم (user_name)
عمر حساب المستخدم (user_age)
المجموعات (متضمنة غير المباشرة) التي المستخدم فيها (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
المجموعات العامة التي ينتمي إليها الحساب (global_user_groups)
ما إذا كان المستخدم يعدل من تطبيق المحمول (user_app)
ما إذا كان المستخدم يعدل عبر واجهة المحمول (user_mobile)
هوية الصفحة (page_id)
نطاق الصفحة (page_namespace)
عنوان الصفحة (بدون نطاق) (page_title)
عنوان الصفحة الكامل (page_prefixedtitle)
آخر عشرة مساهمين في الصفحة (page_recent_contributors)
فعل (action)
ملخص التعديل/السبب (summary)
' نسخ محتمل'
نموذج المحتوى القديم (old_content_model)
نموذج المحتوى الجديد (new_content_model)
نص الويكي القديم للصفحة، قبل التعديل (old_wikitext)
نص الويكي الجديد للصفحة، بعد التعديل (new_wikitext)
'New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20technology New Technology] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20phone New Phone] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/Video%20Games%20news Video Games news] [http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily. We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics. Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way. [http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge. Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us.'
فرق موحد للتغييرات المصنوعة بواسطة التعديل (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@ +New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones + +[https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20technology New Technology] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20phone New Phone] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/Video%20Games%20news Video Games news] + +[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily. + +We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics. + +Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way. + +[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge. + +Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us. '
حجم الصفحة الجديد (new_size)
حجم الصفحة القديم (old_size)
الحجم المتغير في التعديل (edit_delta)
السطور المضافة في التعديل (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones', 1 => false, 2 => '[https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20technology New Technology] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20phone New Phone] [https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/Video%20Games%20news Video Games news]', 3 => false, 4 => '[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily.', 5 => false, 6 => 'We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics.', 7 => false, 8 => 'Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way.', 9 => false, 10 => '[http://tech4ubox.com tech4ubox.com] is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge.', 11 => false, 12 => 'Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us.' ]
السطور المزالة في التعديل (removed_lines)
نص الصفحة الجديد، مجردا من أية تهيئة (new_text)
'New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones New Technology New Phone Video Games news tech4ubox.com is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily. We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics. Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way. tech4ubox.com is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge. Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us. '
مصدر HTML المعروض للمراجعة الجديدة (new_html)
'<div class="mw-parser-output"><p>New technology news and new smart phones, a complete review of the latest technology products and news video games and more reviews of new phones </p><p><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20technology">New Technology</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/new%20phone">New Phone</a> <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="https://www.tech4ubox.com/search/label/Video%20Games%20news">Video Games news</a> </p><p><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://tech4ubox.com">tech4ubox.com</a> is a new technology news site and new smart phones and online video games specializes in covering the top news daily. </p><p>We provide you with new and independent information on technology, smart phones, video games, politics, business and other topics. </p><p>Our goal is to provide our users with interesting and interesting news, and do so in a more neutral and effective way. </p><p><a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="http://tech4ubox.com">tech4ubox.com</a> is available to all internet users 24 hours free of charge. </p><p>Be aware of the facts, achievements, trends, developments, opinions and different products all over the world with us. </p> <!-- NewPP limit report Parsed by mw1328 Cached time: 20190426104221 Cache expiry: 2592000 Dynamic content: false CPU time usage: 0.000 seconds Real time usage: 0.002 seconds Preprocessor visited node count: 1/1000000 Preprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000 Post‐expand include size: 0/2097152 bytes Template argument size: 0/2097152 bytes Highest expansion depth: 1/40 Expensive parser function count: 0/500 Unstrip recursion depth: 0/20 Unstrip post‐expand size: 0/5000000 bytes Number of Wikibase entities loaded: 0/400 --> <!-- Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template) 100.00% 0.000 1 -total --> </div>'
ما إذا كان التعديل قد تم عمله من خلال عقدة خروج تور (tor_exit_node)
طابع زمن التغيير ليونكس (timestamp)