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مساهمات المستخدم Aboulabshr

مستخدم له في سجله 1 تعديلًا. أُنشِئَ الحساب في 1 يوليو 2021.
بحث عن مساهمات˂˅

1 يوليو 2021

  • 11:5511:55، 1 يوليو 2021 فرق تاريخ +1٬589 ج‌ مستخدم:AboulabshrBerlee for Peace &Development is a non-governmental, non-profit youth organization, BPDO is founded to bridge the gap that resulted from the local absence of the youth and their participation in their community service as well as civic engagement, the lack of institutional opportunities left the young people out of the peace building and development process. Mission: We seek to build a reconciled and peacefully coexisting communities through active work with youth , women ,children and other com وسم: تحرير مرئي