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قالب:جدول حلقات/ملعب/شرح

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة


The purpose of the {{جدول حلقات}} template is to easily add header row to episode tables for television series, with up to 13 different columns, and optionally set the widths of these columns, and includes the {{قائمة الحلقات}} template in the "episode" parameter. Cells are included by declaring the specific variable in one of two ways: title= includes the "Title" cell with no set width, and title=30 includes the "Title" cell with a width of 30%.


{{جدول حلقات
|caption = TEXT
|background = COLOR

|total_width = WIDTH
|overall = WIDTH
|series = WIDTH
|season = WIDTH
|title = WIDTH
|aux1 = WIDTH
|director = WIDTH
|writer = WIDTH
|aux2 = WIDTH
|aux3 = WIDTH
|airdate = WIDTH
|altdate = WIDTH
|prodcode = WIDTH
|viewers = WIDTH
|aux4 = WIDTH
|country = COUNTRY
|released = TEXT
|viewers_type = TEXT

|overallT = TEXT
|seriesT = TEXT
|seasonT = TEXT
|titleT = TEXT
|aux1T = TEXT
|directorT = TEXT
|writerT = TEXT
|aux2T = TEXT
|aux3T = TEXT
|airdateT = TEXT
|altdateT = TEXT
|prodcodeT = TEXT
|viewersT = TEXT
|aux4T = TEXT

|overallR = REFERENCE
|seriesR = REFERENCE
|seasonR = REFERENCE
|directorR = REFERENCE
|writerR = REFERENCE
|airdateR = REFERENCE
|altdateR = REFERENCE
|prodcodeR = REFERENCE
|viewersR = REFERENCE



الأعمدة الافتراضية:

{{جدول حلقات/ملعب|caption=هذا مجرد وصف!|background=#B40000|الترتيب=5|الموسم=5|العنوان=17|المخرج=11|الكاتب=22|تاريخ العرض=10|رمز الإنتاج=6|عدد المشاهدات=9|country=الولايات المتحدة}}

جميع الأعمدة:

{{جدول حلقات/ملعب|الترتيب= |الموسم= |العنوان= |اختياري 1= |المخرج= |الكاتب= |اختياري 2= |اختياري 3= |تاريخ العرض= |تاريخ العرض البديل= |رمز الإنتاج= |عدد المشاهدات= |اختياري 4= |الدولة= |عنوان اختياري 1=العنوان الأصلي |عنوان اختياري 2=الكتاب الضيوف |عنوان اختياري 3=الشخصيات المختارة |عنوان اختياري 4=المشاهدات على الإنترنت |عنوان تاريخ العرض البديل=تاريخ العرض في المملكة المتحدة}}

مع {{قائمة الحلقات}}:
{{جدول حلقات/ملعب |background = #005F6C |الترتيب = 6 |المسلسل = 6 |title = 20 |المخرج = 14 |الكاتب = 15 |تاريخ العرض = 16 |رمز الإنتاج = 8 |عدد المشاهدات= 9 |اختياري 4 = 6 |الدولة = المملكة المتحدة |عنوان الترتيب= القصة |عنوان المسلسل = الحلقة |عنوان اختياري 4 = AI |مرجع اختياري 4 = {{مرجع زائف}} |episodes =
{{قائمة حلقات/ملعب
 |رقم الحلقة = 203
 |رقم الحلقة 2= 1
 |العنوان = {{Ill-WD2|The Eleventh Hour|id=Q2567868}}
 |المخرج = آدم سميث
 |الكاتب = [[ستيفن موفات]]
 |تاريخ العرض الأصلي= {{تاريخ بداية|2010|4|3|df=y}}
 |رمز الإنتاج = 1.1
 |عدد المشاهدات = 10.09
 |اختياري 4= 86
 |لون الخط = 005F6C
{{قائمة حلقات/ملعب
 |رقم الحلقة = 204
 |رقم الحلقة 2 = 2
 | العنوان = [[The Beast Below]]
 |المخرج = [[أندرو غن (مخرج)|]]
 |الكاتب = ستيفين موفات
 |تاريخ العرض الأصلي = {{تاريخ بداية|2010|4|10|df=y}}
 |رمز الإنتاج = 1.2
 |عدد المشاهدات = 8.42
 |اختياري 4= 86
 |لون الخط = 005F6C

المواسم المجزّأة[عدل]

For seasons which have been split into parts, use {{جدول حلقات/جزء}}, as per the examples below.

{{جدول حلقات/جزء|p=1|c=#183E54}}

ر. في
العنوانالمخرجالكاتبتاريخ العرض الأصليعدد المشاهدات U.S.
الجزء 1

{{جدول حلقات/جزء|p=Athelstan's Journal|c=#061453|nopart=y}}

العنوانالمخرجالكاتبتاريخ العرض الأصليLength
Athelstan's Journal


Each cell parameter has an alias to match the parameters used in {{قائمة الحلقات}}. In the Cell Inclusion & Widths rows, the original parameter is listed, followed by its episode-list alias. This means that this:

{{جدول حلقات|background=#B40000 |overall=5 |season=5 |title=17 |director=11 |writer=37 |airdate=10 |prodcode=6 |viewers=9 |country=U.S.}}

will produce exactly the same as this:

{{جدول حلقات|background=#B40000 |EpisodeNumber=5 |EpisodeNumber2=5 |Title=17 |DirectedBy=11 |WrittenBy=37 |OriginalAirDate=10 |ProdCode=6 |Viewers=9 |country=U.S.}}
Parameter Description Type Status
Table caption caption When the table is not the first or only content in the section, a caption should be provided that describes in general the content of the table. e.g. NCIS season 11 episodes Wikitext Optional
Background color background The background color of the header row. If no color is specified, the background defaults to #CCCCFF.
Format: white / #FFFFFF
String Optional
Total width total_width Table width defaults to 100%. For tables that are less than 100%, set this field as necessary.
Format: 75
Number Optional
Cell Inclusion & Widths* Overall Number overall
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "No." / "No. overall" cell.
Use |forceoverall=y to force this column to display "No. overall" when season/series is not set.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Season season
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "No. in season" cell.
(Inclusion will set "No." cell to "No. overall" if overallT is unset.)
Format: 10 / <blank>
Note: "series" and "season" cannot be included in the same table.
Number Optional
Series series
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "No. in series" cell.
(Inclusion will set "No." cell to "No. overall" if overallT is unset.)
Format: 10 / <blank>
Note: "series" and "season" cannot be included in the same table.
Number Optional
Title title
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Title" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Aux1 aux1
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Aux1" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Director director
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Directed by" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Writer writer
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Written by" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Aux2 aux2
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Aux2" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Aux3 aux3
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Aux3" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Air Date airdate
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Original air date" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Alternate Air Date altdate
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Alternate Air Date" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Production Code prodcode
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Production code" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Viewers viewers
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Viewers" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Aux4 aux4
The inclusion (and optionally the width) of the "Aux4" cell.
Format: 10 / <blank>
Number Optional
Content Country country The series' originating country; displayed before "viewers".
(Exclusion capitalized "Viewers"; inclusion un-capitalizes "viewers".)
Format: U.S.
String Optional / Unrequired when viewers is not set
Released/Aired released Determines whether the episodes were released online or aired. Changes the "Original air date" cell to "Original release date".
Format: y
String Optional
Viewers type viewers_type The numeric format that viewers are grouped within the episode table. Set to "millions" by default. Including the parameter but leaving it blank will disclude the bracketed format.
Format: thousands
String Optional
Variable Content {variable}T Custom content of any cell (e.g. overallT, titleT).
Format: Any string
String Optional / Required when aux{1-4} and altdate set
Reference {variable}R Reference for any cell (e.g. overallR, titleR). If Wikipedia's link colours are not WCAG 2 AAA Compliant with the background colour, Module:Episode table/ref is used.
Format: Reference
Reference Optional
Episodes episodes An infinite number of consecutive episode rows.
Format: {{قائمة الحلقات}} or {{جدول حلقات/جزء}}
Template Optional, desirable

*: These variables can be included but not set to a value, e.g. |title=, which will include the cell but not set a width to it.

طالع أيضاً[عدل]