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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة



elçibey.net, Süleyman Askeri Niçin ve Nasıl İntihar Etti

https://archnet.org/sites/1912 :

The Complex of Orhan I (known as Orhan Gazi), was built in the market area of Bursa in 1339. The endowment (vakfiyye) of the Orhaniye Complex includes a mosque, madrasa (medrese), two baths (hamam), a soup kitchen (imaret) and a han, of which only the mosque, a hamam and the han survive today. The mosque, called Orhaniye, was built following the Seljuk madrasa type to function jointly as a mosque for the court and a convent for the Ahi brotherhood. It was burnt down during the Karamanoglu raid in 820 A.H. (1417) and rebuilt by the vizier of Mehmet I, as declared in the inscriptive plaque (kitabe) above entrance. Severely damaged following the earthquake of 1855, the mosque was restored by French architect Parvillée in 1864 and later again in 1904, at which time a door was opened on the eastern wall.