انتقل إلى المحتوى

مستخدم:خالد الشمراني/ملعب 4

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Amir ibn al-Khattab (real name - Samer Saleh al-Suveylem [2] [3] ( Arab. ; on April 14 1969 - 20 on March 2002 ) - a terrorist warlord originally from Saudi Arabia , one of the armed groups leaders of the self-proclaimed Chechen republic of Ichkeria in the territory of the Russian Federation in 1995-2002, a supporter of the creation of an Islamic state in Chechnya. He preached the idea of Salafi and religious holy war ( " gazavat "), which in a practical embodiment of his life he was engaged to Chechnya, taking part in the fighting on the side of the Islamists in Afghanistan ( 1987 - 1992 ) and Tajikistan ( 1993 ). He was one of the leaders of Wahhabi organizations " Islamic International Brigade " [4] and the " Supreme Military Majlis al-Shura of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus united forces ." [4] He was one of the leaders of Wahhabi organizations " Islamic International Brigade " [4] and the " Supreme Military Majlis al-Shura of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus united forces ." [4] He was one of the leaders of Wahhabi organizations " Islamic International Brigade " [4] and the " Supreme Military Majlis al-Shura of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus united forces ." [4]

As his real name before his death called Habib Abd al-Rahman (spellings - Habib Abdul Rahman, Abd-el-Rahman, Habib al-Rahman) [5] , after - Samer Saleh al-Suveylem [3] [6] .

The exact year and place of birth are unknown (according to some reports, were not known even to him [7] ). Include in 1963 [8] , and, as the most likely - 1969 [9] [8] . Born in the town of Arar ( Saudi Arabia ) [8] . According to the data of Newsweek , Khattab - ethnic Chechen , representatives of numerous Jordanian Chechen diaspora [10] . It is also found information that he was half Circassian [ citation needed 1954 days ] , other sources deny it: "In a number of certificates, Khattab is Jordanian citizenship.

Rumors of his Chechen origin and alleged service in the "Circassian Guard" - the personal protection of the King of Jordan, consisting of Chechens and Kabardians untrue " [9] . Akhmad Kadyrov when he was head of the Chechen administration said that Khattab allegedly actually a Yemeni Jew that his first daughter named Sarah [11] [12]

. (This statement was made by Kadyrov after a personal visit to Jordan, during which he made an unsuccessful attempt to establish contacts with the Jordanian Chechen diaspora.) Referring then to the FSB, at the GRU, even for the CIA, it was called the Jordanian Chechen, the Arab - when Jordan, when the Saudi, Yemeni occasionally, if not enrolled in Pakistani [13]

. Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev said that Khattab on Saudi nationality, "although for some reason it is called the Jordanian Chechen, who else ..." [14] . (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] Khattab that for Saudi nationality, "although for some reason it is called the Jordanian Chechen, who else ..." [14]

. (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] Khattab that for Saudi nationality, "although for some reason it is called the Jordanian Chechen, who else ..." [14]

. (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18]

"Although for some reason it is called the Jordanian Chechen, who else ..." [14] . (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] "Although for some reason it is called the Jordanian Chechen, who else ..." [14] . (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16]

. In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] (According to the book of General Trosheva - Khattab was born in the "rich Jordanian family of Chechen origin" [15] .) The fact that Khattab was born in Saudi Arabia, witnessed and fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] testified also fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16] . In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18] testified also fought under his command American Mujahid Aukai Collins [16]

. In 2001, the Jordanian ambassador in Moscow, Ahmed Ali Mubaydin said that Khattab had never been a citizen of Jordan and Jordanian is not " was never Jordanian nor on citizenship or origin ." [17] [18]

It is said that his father was an elder of the nomadic Bedouin tribes, nomadic territory of which is located on the border of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, in the sands of the desert Al-Chamakh [9] . The same source notes the consistency of his Bedouin family and the fact that Khattab, "apparently was naturally endowed with a good mind and a creative imagination."


In 1987 family sent him to study in the United States , in New York [9] . The general public is not available reliable information about his life in the United States, the sources, there are contradictory: according to some sources - he filed documents in one of the American colleges , was accepted but not started training, some sources indicate that he still I studied until the end of 1987, but it is not clear already in college or anywhere else. He did not want to return home, citing the law on the Sharia to participate in jihad despite the prohibition family.

في عام 1987 نفر خطاب إلى أفغانستان وشارك بكل ضراوة في معارك المُجاهدين ضد كتائب الإتحاد السوفييتي وكان لمعركة جلال آباد ومعركة كابل أثر كبير في إبرازه بين المُجاهدين الآخرين، وأُصيب مراراً في موضع البطن منها طلقه كالبر 12 - 7 مم كما قطعت أصابع يده اليمنى مرةً بانفجار قُنبلة يدوية. [9]

وفي بدايات عقد التسعين استنجدت الحكومة الأذربيجانية بالمجهادين الأفغان لنصرتها ضد القوات الأرمينية الغازية خاصة بعد سحق العديد من القوات الأذيربيجانية على يد القوات الأرمينية وكان أحد النافرين للجهاد مع المسلمين الأذيربيجانيين خطاب. [19]

في عام 1993 بعد انتصار المجاهدين في أفغانستان وصعود الإسلاميين للحُكم فيها عاد أغلب المجاهدين العرب - الأفغان العرب - إلى أوطانهم [20] لكن وبعد فترة ليست بطويلة عاد أغلب هؤلاء المُجاهدين إلى أفغانستان للعبور إلى طاجكستان و أوزبكستان بعد تطور المُعارضة الإسلامية في كلا البلدين إلى مُعارضة مسلحة مُنظمة، أظهر خطاب روح القيادة والبطولة العسكرية في طاجسكتان حيث نظم سلسلة من العمليات العسكرية على الحدود الروسية [21] حيث شارك في عملية غزو مخفر 12 الحدودي التابع لروسيا ما أدى إلى موت 25 حارس حدودي من القوات الروسية

في الشيشان[عدل]

In December 1994 from reportage CNN learned about the war in Chechnya : Khattab told how he saw on television the story of the events in Chechnya. "In the minds of the Chechens were ribbons with the word shahada - La ilaha illa Allaah ... , and they shouted" Allahu Akbar! "I realized that in Chechnya there is Jihad and I have to take part in it" [20] , and then using established with Chechens still in Nagorno-Karabakh communications already in January 1995, together with 18 accomplices (among whom were Abu al-Walid al-Hamidi, and Abu Kuteib) arrived in Grozny [8] [15] [19].

Hero of Russia , Colonel-General Gennady Troshev wrote about it in his memoirs : "One-armed Khattab called no accident. In all the fingers of his right hand is missing one or two phalanges. But his left hand he shoots artfully. Love to weapons, apparently a family disease. Sister terrorist, for example, owns a large weapons store in the United States . However, to visit his sister Khattab unlikely because Western intelligence agencies for many years led the hunt for him: "The growth of 174-176 cm, youthful appearance, dark-skinned, wears a beard, long hair down to his shoulders ..." " [22] .

He received the nickname of "one-armed Arab" because of the mutilated hands phalanges he lost in Tajikistan in the explosion of a grenade, and mangled fingers hidden in the black gloves [23] .

He was an experienced and well-trained terrorist who owned all kinds of firearms. Versed in the mine blasting business. Personally led training subordinates his suicide bombers.

Organized foreign funding purchase of ammunition and construction of training camps of militants in Chechnya.

In 1995, together with members of his party established military and religious training center "Caucasus" on the outskirts of the village of Serzhen-Yurt (the former summer camp ). In the camp of the youth from the nearby villages was trained to Islam and various aspects of military affairs. In total, this training center trained about 10 thousand. Fighters [24] . According to Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev : "Training camp Khattab I created at the end of the first war by the General Staff, headed by Maskhadov " [14] .

According to media reports, the summer of 1996 prepared the liquidation or, if possible, the kidnapping of the head of the pro-Russian Chechen Doku Zavgaev .

Maskhadov said [8] : "Khattab in our understanding - a volunteer. Somewhere in the 95-year was on the territory of Chechnya, fought, I do not particularly stand out. When the war ended, he pretended to be a sheep - in any policy not intervened, no relation to everything that is going on here, he has not. But he said, because of the fact that he fought in Chechnya, can not return to his home. How to tell a man who fought and helped us, "Everything. Get out of here, you're more than we do not need? ""

In 1998 he joined the terrorist organization Congress of the Peoples of Ichkeria and Dagestan (Knidos) and headed the Islamic peacekeeping brigade (armed formation of Knidos).


In August and September 1999 , together with Shamil Basayev organized and led raids Chechen-Dagestani militants in Dagestan .

"So far I have only fought against the army. Against civilians ever fought. But after the events in Dagestan for his actions will be responsible not only Russian soldiers, but the whole Russian people, - said Emir al-Khattab Czech journalists. - I came here at the call of his own heart, and the debt faithful Muslim, as the Qur'an speaks openly about the duties of a Muslim to participate in the struggle for the establishment of Islam ... I want to appeal to all those who think that the Chechen war is over. They are mistaken. Both past and recent history of mountaineers Muslim knows many examples when asked about incorrect long-term truce, and then broke it " [25] .

It Khattab was a link between militants in Chechnya and international terrorist structures [26] . " Of The Washington You the Post » in late 2001, he wrote: "One Western diplomat watching events in Chechnya, said that the Russians want to Maskhadov isolated and eliminated the Islamic part of the Chechen resistance, which is led by a mysterious gunman from Jordan named Khattab and Chechen Shamil Basayev. Khattab for many years, receives funds from Muslim charities of the rich oil-producing countries. However, it is not known if they want to, and whether Maskhadov fight Islamic forces. According to the diplomat, at least 60% of the guerrilla forces belonging to the Muslim group " [27] .

Note that the defeat of the Taliban, they wrought Northern Alliance forces supported by the US, strongly influenced by the emotional state of Khattab [8] . Generally death Khattab preceded complicated story with his alleged intention to go to Afghanistan. Note that if he made these statements, it could be an attempt to confuse the Russian forces. On the other hand, there are claims that these statements were inspired by Russian forces to bind Khattab with Osama bin Laden . At the end of 2001 in Paris , Vladimir Rushailo told reporters: "We have reliable information about the negotiations Khattab and his field commanders about was received that his plans included in the near future the emergence in Afghanistan," and he quoted the words of Khattab,

"Khattab - a disciplined warrior. Mujahid global and generally a great guy ... Khattab does not show unnecessary independence. As Basayev, [he is] the commander of a large group of units "- so spoke of him Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev in late 2001 [14] .


The first information about the death of Khattab emerged in the press April 11, 2002: "It is possible to say with certainty, because in recent Khattab two months does not manifest itself: it does not get in touch, the actions of militants in an area controlled by Khattab, not coordinated . The probability of his death, also confirmed by our informants, "- said an anonymous one of the FSB, who took part in the special operation, he also said that the task was employed" agent of the number of Arabs fighting in Chechnya, previously recruited by the secret service of one of the CIS states " [8] . Previous reports of his death appeared in the media at least ten times.

The militants, citing "military shura council", said that the warlord had poisoned his assistant Dagestani Alauri Ibrahim, who was later killed by militants [29] .

Representatives of the FSB officially announced the "final" liquidation Khattab April 25, 2002 [30] : head of management programs to promote the Federal Security Service Alexander Zdanowicz said that Khattab was killed as a result of "agent-military operation," the same news confirmed presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky and defense Minister Sergei Ivanov [31] . It was stated that one hundred percent elimination of evidence received, and the general public will be shown before the May holidays, the pause was due to the need to "withdraw from the possible impact of people involved in the operation" [30] .

The elimination of Khattab by value was compared with the liquidation of 21 April 1996 Dzhokhar Dudayev [5] [32] , it is "the biggest success of the federal forces in Chechnya since the capture of Grozny", - wrote the magazine " Itogi " [31] .

"The most notorious, and charismatic, kind, semi-mythical figure in the leadership of the Chechen separatists' called Khattab newspaper" Vremya Novostei "(26.04.2002) -" During the "second Chechen campaign," this man has managed to make all possible for the leader of the militants and the epithet " Merit ", long overshadowed by" popularity "among intelligence agencies and influence among colleagues Aslan Maskhadov " [30] .

Russian court posthumously recognized Khattab, one of the customers of terrorist attacks in Buinaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999, [33] [34] .


في 13 يوليو 1993 هاجم خطاب والمجاهدين معه المخفر الحدودي الروسي رقم 12 المتشارك مع الحدود الأفغانية والطاجيكية.

في اكتوبر 1995 هاجم خطاب كتيبة حاجز للقوات الروسية المُتمركزة بالقُرب من كاراتشوي.

16 أبريل 1996 هزم المجاهدين بقيادة خطاب صف عسكري من فوج البنادق الآلية الروسية رقم 245 بالقرب من القرية الشيشانية يارشمادي.

كما استطاع خطاب خطف 28 جندي من القوات الداخلية الروسية.

واستطاع خطاب مساعدة الفصائل الشيشانية المنادية بالاستقلال عن روسيا اقتحام غروزني في اغسطس 1996 برفقة كتائبه الجهادية

وفي 17 ديسمبر 1996 أتهم خطاب بقيامة بعميلة خطف أطباء تابعين للصليب الأحمر في قرية نوفاي اتاغي. [5]

في 22 ديسمبر 1997 هاجم خطاب مدينة حوت على لواء المُحركات رقم 136 في بويناكسك في داغستان.

وفي اغسطس - سبتمبر من عام 1999 بتخطيط وبقيادة كل من خطاب وشامل باسييف توغل الإثنان إلى الأراضي الداغستانية بدعم ومؤازرة من فصائل جاهدية داغستانية من الداخل، خلال الصراع الذي جعل من داغستان موقعه له دُمرت مباني سكنية في بيوناكسك وموسكو وفولجودونسك، وادعى بعض ملاك الأبينة من السبب الرئيسي للدمار كان خطاب. [33]

في مارس من عام 2000 قاد خطاب كتائب المُجاهدين لاقتحام قرية أرغون

نشب قتال ملحمي عنيف بين المجاهدين وأفراد من القوات الروسية من 29 فبراير حتى الفاتح من مارس بالقرب من قرية أولوس كورت، استطاع خطاب بقيادة كتائب المثجاهدين في اقتحام وتحطيم الحصار الروسي بعد مواجهته الفصيل المظلي السادس بسكوف في دي في

استناداً للقوات الروسية الإتحادية تم اقتحام مُجمع الفوس السادس المظلي من قبل 2.500 (ألفين وخمسمئة) مُقاتل - مُجاهد - فقط [35]

لاحقاً هاجمت كتائب خطاب وشامل باسييف الجهادية كتائب من وحدات الأهداف الخاصة المتنقلة - OMON - تاركة 40 عسكري قتيل وأسر 11 عسكري ذو رتب عالية [36]

قدم المُجاهدين عرض للقيادة الروسية بعميلة فداء وتسوية تبادل بينهم وبين القيادة الروسية بتبادل العقيد في سلك شرطة مكافحة الشغب بودانوف إلا أن القيادة الروسية تخلت عن العقيد ورفضت العرض ما أدى إلى إعدام كُل الأسرى من قبل المجاهدين بما فيهم العقيد بودانوف

أجاد خطاب التكتيكات والإستراتيجيات العسكرية ببراعة تامة، كما صٌنف أنه مُتعلم ومثقف جداً حيث يجيد لغة البشتو والإنغليزية والروسية. [20]

الحالة الأسرية[عدل]

تزوج خطاب عام 1996 من فاطمة بيداغُفوي إبنة أحد مُختاري قبائل شعب دارجين والتي تقطن إقليم قادار في داغستان، [9] ورزق منها بطفل أسماه صالح تيمناً باسم والده. [37]