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مستخدم:محمد محمود القصاص/ملعب

أضف موضوعًا
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

السيرة الذاتية[عدل]

  • محمد القصاص هو أستاذ ورئيس قسم الطب الوبائي وأمراض الكبد والجهاز الهضمي ، كلية الطب ، جامعة حلوان ، القاهرة ، مصر .
  • مدير مركز دعم البحث العلمي بجامعة حلوان .[1]
  • مدير وحدة التصنيف الدولي - جامعة حلوان.
  • مستشار البحث العلمي بجامعة حلوان .
  • عضو المجلس النوعي المتخصص للبحوث الطبية بأكاديمية البحث العلمي[2]  ASRT
  • رئيس الجمعية المصرية للبحوث والتدريب في أمراض الجهاز الهضمي والكبد (EARTH).
  • أنهى دراسته الجامعية في الطب بجامعة القاهرة وحصل على ماجستير ودكتوراه.
  • درجات علمية في أمراض الجهازالهضمي والكبد ، بالإضافة إلى درجة الماجستير في البحوث الطبية من جامعة ليفربول في عام 2015.
  • حصل البروفيسور القصاص على دورات تدريبية إكلينيكية وبحثية في جامعة كيوتو ، اليابان ، معهد باستير ، فرنسا ، لوبيتال تينون ، فرنسا ، جامعة روتردام مستشفى ، هولندا ، ومركز العلوم الصحية ، جامعة كالجاري ، كندا .

شهادات علمية[عدل]

  • بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة – كلية طب قصر العيني – جامعة القاهرة – ٢٠٠١
  •   دبلوم الدراسات العليا في إدارة المستشفيات، كلية التجارة، جامعة عين شمس - ٢٠٠٦
  •   ماجستير طب المناطق الحارة - كلية الطب - جامعة عين شمس - ٢٠٠٦
  • دكتوراة الأمراض المتوطنة وطب المناطق الحارة - كلية طب قصر العيني - جامعة القاهرة - ٢٠١١
  •   دبلوم الدراسات العليا في البحوث السريرية الإكلينيكية، جامعة ليفربول، المملكة المتحدة - ٢٠١٦

الجوائز العلمية[عدل]

  • جائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم الطبية لعام 2016 الصادرة عن أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا ، مصر.
  • وسام الدولة للتميز من الطبقة الأولى 2017.
  • جائزة أفضل بحث عربي منشور من جامعة النجاح الوطنية في العلوم الطبيعية لعام 2019

عضويات جمعيات علمية[عدل]

  •     عضو الجمعية الأوروبية لدراسة الكبد (EASL[5])، رقم العضوية: 12015

أنشطة بحثية[عدل]

  •    باحث رئيسي ومشارك في أكثر من ٢٠ مشروع بحثي ممول
  •     محرر ومراجع في أكثر من ٤٥ دورية عالمية مفهرسة
  •     مؤلف ومشارك في أكثر ١٢٠ بحث دولي منشور

الحسابات البحثية[عدل]

  • ORCID account: 0000-0002-3396-6894
  • Scopus author ID: 26323643100
  • Web of Science Researcher ID: AAD-6987-2020



Authors Underline Your Name Publication Title Journal Year Impact Factor or Q-Ranking
Youssef N, Mostafa A, Ezzat R, Yosef M, El Kassas M. Mental health status of health-care professionals working in quarantine and non-quarantine Egyptian hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. East Mediterr Health 2020 0.663
El-Sayed M, Abdellatif Z, Elsharkawy A, El Kassas M, Abd Elmoniem R, Marzouk A, Fouad R, Esmat G, Abdel Alem S. Renal profile of chronic hepatitis C patients with sofosbuvir-based therapy. Infection 2020 3.040
El Kassas M, Abdelkader H, Medhat MA. COVID-19 in Egypt: Through crisis to adaptation; a gastroenterologist's perspective. Arab J Gastroenterol 2020 1.013
Medhat MA, El Kassas M. Letter regarding "High rates of 30-day mortality in patients with cirrhosis and COVID-19" J Hepatol 2020 14.679
El Kassas M, Al Shafie A, Abdel Hameed AS, Mahdi M.

Emergency endoscopic variceal band ligation in a COVID-19 patient presented with hematemesis while on mechanical ventilation.

Dig Endosc 2020 3.640
Medhat MA, El Kassas M. COVID-19 in Egypt: Uncovered figures or a different situation? J Glob Health 2020 2.300
COVIDSurg Collaborative

Mortality and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international cohort study Lancet 2020 60.3
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Al Balakosy A, Abdeen N, Afify S, Abdalgaber M, Sherief AF, Madkour A, Abdellah Ahmed M, Eltabbakh M, Salaheldin M, Wifi MN. Liver transplantation in the era of COVID-19. Arab J Gastroenterol 2020 1.013
Said EM, Abdulaziz BA, El Kassas M, El Attar IH, Emadeldeen M, Abd-Elsalam SM. High success rates for the use of sofosbuvir/ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir + ribavirin and sofosbuvir/simeprevir/daclatasvir + ribavirin in retreatment of chronic hepatitis C infection after unsuccessful sofosbuvir/daclatasvir therapy: a real-life experience. Arch Virol 2020 2.261
Esmat G, Elbaz T, Elsharkawy A, Abdullah M, El Kassas M. Emerging from the screening of 57 million citizens and treating 4 million patients: future strategies to eliminate hepatitis C from Egypt. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2020 3.461
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, El Badry M, Youssef N, Omar H, El Sheemy RY, Al Balakosy A, Ashraf Ahmed Mohamed O, Gamal Naguib Meleak G, Dabbous H, Hassan Ahmed Fouad M, Wifi MN, Zaky S, Tahoon M, El Tahan A, El-Raey F, Ezzat S, Doss W. Retreatment of chronic hepatitis C patients who failed previous therapy with directly acting antivirals: A multicenter study. Int J Infect Dis 2020 3.538
Soliman Z, El Kassas M, Elsharkawy A, Elbadry M, Hamada Y, ElHusseiny R, M El-Nahaas S, Fouad R, Esmat G, Abdel Alem S.

Improvement of platelet in thrombocytopenic HCV patients after treatment with direct-acting antiviral agents and its relation to outcome.

Platelets 2020 3.213
N Zekri AR, El Kassas M, Salam ESE, Hassan RM, Mohanad M, Gabr RM, M Lotfy M, Abdel-Zaher RAT, Bahnassy AA, Ahmed OS. The possible role of Dickkopf-1, Golgi protein- 73 and Midkine as predictors of hepatocarcinogenesis: a review and an Egyptian study. Sci Rep 2020 3.998
El Kassas M, Tawheed A, Eltabbakh M, Kaseb A. Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy In Patients With Successfully Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Dancing With Wolves. J Hepatocell Carcinoma 2019 4.655
Gaafar AE, Abd El-Aal A, Alboraie M, Hassan HM, ElTahan A, AbdelRahman Y, Wifi MN, Omran D, Mansour SA, Hassan WM, Ismail M, El Kassas M. Prevalence of prolonged QT interval in patients with HCV-related chronic liver disease. Egypt Heart J. 2019 0.30
Fouad R, Elsharkawy A, Abdel Alem S, El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Sweedy A, Afify S, Abdellatif Z, Khairy M, Esmat G. Clinical impact of serum α-fetoprotein and its relation on changes in liver fibrosis in hepatitis C virus patients receiving direct-acting antivirals. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 2.198
Abdel Alem S, Elsharkawy A, El Akel W, Abdelaziz AO, Salama RM, El-Sayed MH, El Kassas M, Anees M, Shedeed M, Abdelsalam F, Ziada DH, El Shazly Y, El-Serafy M, Waked I, Esmat G, Doss W.

Liver stiffness measurements and FIB-4 are predictors of response to sofosbuvir-based treatment regimens in 7256 chronic HCV patients.

Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 2.991
Darweesh SK, Elsaeed K, Omar H, El Raziky M, Elakel W, Elserafy M, Ismail SA, Gomaa AA, Mehrez M, El Kassas M, Abdullah M, Shaker MK, Esmat G, El Shazly Y, Doss W, Waked I.

High SVR rate following retreatment of non-sustained virological responders to sofosbuvir based anti-HCV therapies regardless of RAS testing: A real-life multicenter study.

Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 2.991
Alboraie M, Youssef N, Sherief AF, Afify S, Wifi MN, Omran D, Hafez E, Omar H, Eltabbakh M, Abdellah M, El Badry M, Salaheldin M, Ahmed Y, Ali-Eldin Z, Farid A, Abdeen N, El Halwagy H, Abdalgaber M, Moaz I, Ezzat S, El Kassas M. Egyptian liver library: An indexed database for liver disease evidence in Egypt. Arab J Gastroenterol 2019 1.013
Mostafa A, El-Sayed MH, El Kassas M, Elhamamsy M, Elsisi GH. Safety-Engineered Syringes: An Intervention to Decrease Hepatitis C Burden in Developing Countries-A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis From Egypt. Value Health Reg Issues 2019 1.110
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Omar H, El Latif YA, Algaber MA, El Tahan A, El Halwagy H, Afify S, Elserafy M, Elsaeed K, Doss W.

High success rates for the use of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir containing regimens in treatment of naïve and experienced chronic hepatitis C genotype 4: Real world results.

J Med Virology 2019 2.049
RELIVE Investigators

Doxorubicin-loaded nanoparticles for patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma after sorafenib treatment failure (RELIVE): a phase 3 randomised controlled trial.

Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol


2019 14.789
El Kassas M, Elbaz T, Salaheldin M, Abdelsalam L, Kaseb A, Esmat G. Impact of treating chronic hepatitis C infection with direct-acting antivirals on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma: The debate continues - A mini-review. Journal of Advanced Research 2019 5.460
Hamed AE, Elsahar M, Elwan NM, El-Nakeep S, Naguib M, Soliman HH, Aboubakr AA, AbdelMaqsod A, Sedrak H, Assaad SN, Elwakil R, Esmat G, Salh S, Mostafa T, Mogawer S, Sadek SE, Saber MM, Ezelarab H, Mahmoud AA, Sultan S, El Kassas M, Kamal E, ElSayed NM, Moussa S; Jury, Reviewers and Advisory Board: Sherif Abdelfattah, Samir Helmy ASSAAD-KHALIL, Ahmed Ali Elgarem, Rawia Khater, Amr Helmi, Hisham Elborlsy, Abdelhamid Attia (President of the Arab Federation Of Evidence-Based Medicine).

Managing diabetes and liver disease association: Practice guidelines from the Egyptian Association for the Study of Liver and Gastrointestinal Disease (EASLGD).

Arab J Gastroenterol 2019 1.013
Shah ND, Ventura-Cots M, Abraldes JG, Alboraie M, Alfadhli A, Argemi J, Badia-Aranda E, Arús-Soler E, Barritt AS 4th, Bessone F, Biryukova M, Carrilho FJ, Fernández MC, Dorta Guiridi Z, El Kassas M, Eng-Kiong T, Queiroz Farias A, George J, Gui W, Thurairajah PH, Hsiang JC, Husić-Selimovic A, Isakov V, Karoney M, Kim W, Kluwe J, Kochhar R, Dhaka N, Costa PM, Nabeshima Pharm MA, Ono SK, Reis D, Rodil A, Domech CR, Sáez-Royuela F, Scheurich C, Siow W, Sivac-Burina N, Dos Santos Traquino ES, Some F, Spreckic S, Tan S, Vorobioff J, Wandera A, Wu P, Yacoub M, Yang L, Yu Y, Zahiragic N, Zhang C, Cortez-Pinto H, Bataller R. Alcohol-Related Liver Disease Is Rarely Detected at Early Stages Compared With Liver Diseases of Other Etiologies Worldwide. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 8.549
Badawi R, Alboraie M, Abd-Elsalam S, Abourahma MZ, Ramadan HK, Ahmed OA, Fouad MHA, Soliman S, Mohareb DA, Haydara T, Alnabawy SM, El Kassas M.

Serum Alpha-fetoprotein Levels and Response to Direct Antiviral Therapy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: Real-world Results from 1716 Patients in Egypt.

Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2019 1.160
Hamed AE, Elwan N, Naguib M, Elwakil R, Esmat G, El Kassas M, Abd-Elsalam S, Moussa S. Diabetes Association with Liver Diseases: An Overview for Clinicians. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2019 1.160
Younossi ZM, Stepanova M, Ong J, Yilmaz Y, Duseja A, Eguchi Y, El Kassas M, Castellanos-Fernandez M, George J, Jacobson IM, Bugianesi E, Wong VW, Arrese M, de Ledinghen V, Romero-Gomez M, Mendez-Sanchez N, Ahmed A, Wong R, Papatheodoridis G, Serfaty L, Younossi I, Nader F, Ziayee M, Afendy A; Global NASH Council.

Effects of Alcohol Consumption and Metabolic Syndrome on Mortality in Patients With Nonalcoholic and Alcohol-Related Fatty Liver Disease.

Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 8.549
Hamed AE, Elsahar M, Elwan NM, El-Nakeep S, Naguib M, Soliman HH, Ahmed Aboubakr A, AbdelMaqsod A, Sedrak H, Assaad SN, Elwakil R, Esmat G, Salh S, Mostafa T, Mogawer S, Sadek SE, Saber MM, Ezelarab H, Mahmoud AA, Sultan S, El Kassas M, Kamal E, ElSayed NM, Moussa S. Managing diabetes and liver disease association. Arab J Gastroenterol 2018 1.013
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Elsaeed K, Ahmed Y, El Tahan A, Alhaddad O, Salaheldin M, Kabbash I, El Badry M, Fathy T, El-Serafy M, ElShazly Y, Doss W, Esmat G.

Real-Life Efficacy of 5 Different Antiviral Regimens for Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C With Normal Liver Enzymes.

American Journal of Therapeutics 2018 1.955
Omran D, Alboraie M, Zayed RA, Wifi MN, Naguib M, Eltabbakh M, Abdellah M, Sherief AF, Maklad S, Eldemellawy HH, Saad OK, Khamiss DM, El Kassas M. Towards hepatitis C virus elimination: Egyptian experience, achievements and limitations. World J Gastroenterol 2018 3.365
Afify SM, Tabll A, Nawara HM, El Kassas M, Elfert A, Seno M, El-Kousy S. Five Fibrosis Biomarkers Together with Serum Ferritin Level to Diagnose Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis. Clinical Laboratory 2018 1.224
El Kassas M, Funk AL, Abd El Latif Y, Vasiliu A, Sherief A, Shimakawa Y, Youssef N, El Tahan A, Elbadry M, Farid AM, El Shazly Y, Doss W, Esmat G, Fontanet A.

Letter: concordance of SVR4 and SVR12 following direct-acting anti-viral treatment in Egypt.

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2018 7.357
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Omran D, Salaheldin M, Wifi MN, ElBadry M, El Tahan A, Ezzat S, Moaz E, Farid AM, Omar H, Abouelkhair M, Afify S, Elsaeed K, Shazly Y, Doss W, Esmat G.

An account of the real-life hepatitis C management in a single specialized viral hepatitis treatment centre in Egypt: results of treating 7042 patients with 7 different direct acting antiviral regimens.

Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 2.991
El Kassas M, Shimakawa Y, Ali-Eldin Z, Funk AL, Wifi MN, Zaky S, El-Raey F, Esmat G, Fontanet A.

Risk of hepatitis B virus reactivation with direct-acting antivirals against hepatitis C virus: A cohort study from Egypt and meta-analysis of published data.

Liver International 2018 5.200
Zekri AN, El-Sisi ER, Youssef ASE, Kamel MM, Nassar A, Ahmed OS, El Kassas M, Barakat AB, Abd El-Motaleb AI, Bahnassy AA.

MicroRNA Signatures for circulating CD133-positive cells in hepatocellular carcinoma with HCV infection.

PLOS One 2018 2.740
El Kassas M, Elbaz T, Elsharkawy A, Omar H, Esmat G.

HCV in Egypt, prevention, treatment and key barriers to elimination.

Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 2.991
El Kassas M, Funk AL, Salaheldin M, Shimakawa Y, Eltabbakh M, Jean K, El Tahan A, Sweedy AT, Afify S, Youssef NF, Esmat G, Fontanet A.

Increased recurrence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma after DAA therapy in a hepatitis C-infected Egyptian cohort: A comparative analysis.

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2018 3.770
El Kassas M, Omran D, Elsaeed K, Alboraie M, Elakel W, El Tahan A, Abd El Latif Y, Nabeel MM, Korany M, Ezzat S, El-Serafy M, ElShazly Y, Doss W, Esmat G.

Spur-of-the-Moment Modification in National Treatment Policies Leads to a Surprising HCV Viral Suppression in All Treated Patients: Real-Life Egyptian Experience.

Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research 2018 2.032
Hafez E, Elbaz T, El Kassas M, Esmat G.

A New Potent NS5A Inhibitor in the Management of Hepatitis C Virus: Ravidasvir.

Curr Drug Discov Technol 2018 0.22
Omar H, El Akel W, Elbaz T, El Kassas M, Elsaeed K, El Shazly H, Said M, Yousif M, Gomaa AA, Nasr A, AbdAllah M, Korany M, Ismail SA, Shaker MK, Doss W, Esmat G, Waked I, El Shazly Y. Generic daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir, with or without ribavirin, in treatment of chronic hepatitis C: real-world results from 18 378 patients in Egypt. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2018 7.357
Alboraie M, Yousef NF, El Kassas M. Egyptian liver library: Rebuilding the pyramid of liver disease evidence in Egypt. Arab J Gastroenterol 2018 1.013
El Kassas M, Alboraie M, Mostafa A, Ezzat R, El Tahan A, Afify S, Sweedy A, Kabbash I, Esmat G. After successful hepatitis C virus antiviral therapy: It looks that normal alanine aminotransferase level is not the normal. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 2018 1.54
Gomaa A, Allam N, Elsharkawy A, El Kassas M, Waked I. Hepatitis C infection in Egypt: prevalence, impact and management strategies. Hepatic Medicine 2017 0.500
El Kassas M, Elbaz T, Hafez E, Wifi MN, Esmat G.

Discovery and preclinical development of dasabuvir for the treatment of hepatitis C infection.

Expert Opin Drug Discov 2017 3.846
El Kassas M, Wifi MN, Mahdy R, Afify S, Hafez E, El Latif YA, Ezzat M, El Tahan A, Youssef N, Esmat G.

Herpes Zoster reactivation in patients with chronic hepatitis C under treatment with directly acting antiviral agents: A case series.

Arab J Gastroenterol 2017 1.013
Assal F, El Kassas M, Esmail E, Elbadry AA, Abousaif S, Mahdy R, Elfert A.

Microwave ablation in the spleen versus partial splenic artery embolisation: A new technique for hypersplenism in cirrhosis.

Arab J Gastroenterol 2017 1.013
El-Akel W, El-Sayed MH, El Kassas M, El-Serafy M, Khairy M, Elsaeed K, Kabil K, Hassany M, Shawky A, Yosry A, Shaker MK, ElShazly Y, Waked I, Esmat G, Doss W.

National treatment programme of hepatitis C in Egypt: Hepatitis C virus model of care.

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2017 3.770
Youssef NF, El Kassas M, Farag A, Shepherd A.

Health-related quality of Life in patients with chronic hepatitis C receiving Sofosbuvir-based treatment, with and without Interferon: a prospective observational study in Egypt.

BMC Gastroenterology 2017 2.350
Eletreby R, Elakel W, Said M, El Kassas M, Seif S, Elbaz T, El Raziky M, Abdel Rehim S, Zaky S, Fouad R, Gamal Eldeen H, Abdo M, Korany M, Yosry A, El Serafy M, El-Sayed MH, ElShazly Y, Waked I, Doss W, Esmat G.

Real life Egyptian experience of efficacy and safety of Simeprevir/Sofosbuvir therapy in 6211 chronic HCV genotype IV infected patients.

Liver International 2017 5.200
El Kassas M, Elbaz T, Hafez E, Esmat G.

Safety of direct antiviral agents in the management of hepatitis C.

Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 2016 3.156
El Kassas M, Elbaz T, Abd El Latif Y, Esmat G.

Elbasvir and grazoprevir for chronic hepatitis C genotypes 1 and 4.

Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol 2016 3.481
Shimakawa Y, Bonnard P, El Kassas M, Abdel-Hamid M, Esmat G, Fontanet A.

Diagnostic accuracy of the γ-glutamyl transpeptidase to platelet ratio to predict liver fibrosis in Egyptian patients with HCV genotype 4.

Gut 2016 19.819
Elbaz T, El-Kassas M, Esmat G.

New era for management of chronic hepatitis C virus using direct antiviral agents: A review.

Journal of Advanced Research 2015 5.460
Bonnard P, Elsharkawy A, Zalata K, Delarocque-Astagneau E, Biard L, Le Fouler L, Hassan AB, Abdel-Hamid M, El-Daly M, Gamal ME, El Kassas M, Bedossa P, Carrat F, Fontanet A, Esmat G.

Comparison of liver biopsy and noninvasive techniques for liver fibrosis assessment in patients infected with HCV-genotype 4 in Egypt.

Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2015 3.770
Esmat G, El Raziky M, Elsharkawy A, Sabry D, Hassany M, Ahmed A, Assem N, El Kassas M, Doss W.

Impact of vitamin D supplementation on sustained virological response in chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 patients treated by pegylated interferon/ribavirin

Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research 2015 2.032


• M_elkassas@yahoo.com

M_elkassas@hq.Helwan.edu.eg •

المصادر الخارجية[عدل]

  1. ^ "Research Support Center - Helwan University". www.facebook.com. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2022-10-18.
  2. ^ http://www.nshg-society.eg.net/ar/. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (مساعدة)
  3. ^ https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%A9_%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%81%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%A7_(%D8%B3%D8%A7%D9%86_%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88). {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (مساعدة)
  4. ^ Http://www.aasld.org/. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (مساعدة)
  5. ^ https://easl.eu/. {{استشهاد ويب}}: الوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (مساعدة)