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مستخدم:Fatima salim masoud103/ملعب

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Harry Potter is a fictional character in a series of seven books by British writer J. K. Rowling, which tells the story of the wizarding boy Harry Potter, from his discovery of the fact that he is a wizard, until he reaches the age of seventeen, and discovers his past, his magical relationships and his quest to eliminate the dark lord Lord Voldemort. The book series is accompanied by a series of eight films with the same book titles. The series of this movie revolves around a boy called Harry Potter, whose parents are killed as a young child by Lord (Voldemort) the Dark Lord. The Harry Potter series has achieved tremendous success since the release of the first part of it, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on June 26, 1998, and has been translated into most of the world's living languages, including Arabic. The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Hybrid Prince, sold ten million copies on the eve of its release, and was considered one of the best-selling books in history, until the release of the seventh and final book of the series Harry Potter and the Sanctuaries of Death, which sold eight million copies in the United States alone on the eve of its release on July 21, 2007 The series of Harry Potter books was completed with the release of the seventh and final book, while author Rowling expressed her intention not to return to the Harry Potter world except for charitable purposes. Eight films were produced from the books to complete the series, the last of which was shown in Harry Potter and the Death Hallows on July 15, 2011