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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Curriculum Vitae JALAL OMER AHMED

Date of Birth       	  01/07/1973                                                               
Nationality	 Iraqi
Home Address   
Iraq-Kurdistan - Sulaimania , Nergiz 148,
Quarter 45, House No. 4

Tel Home Tel Mobil 009647480130092

Drive License No 	 20486 -Sulaimania

Passport No G 1230193 Personal Link Researchgate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jalal_Ahmed/ Scribd : http://www.scribd.com/Jalal73 Twitter : https://twitter.com/jalalomerahmed Linked : http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=122590082&trk=tab_pro

E- Mail Yahoo : jalalomerahmed@yahoo.com Hotmail : jalalomerahmed@hotmail.co.uk Gmail : jalalomerahmed@gmail.com

Education and scientific skills:

Education: 2009-2011 MSc , Agricultural Biotechnology in the University of Wolverhampton - United Kingdom. 1993-1997 BSc , Crops Science (College of Agricultural) in the University of Sulaimania and stood the 5th Out of forty –eight graduates for the first trail (77.28). Language: • Native language: Kurdish, Excelled. • Foreign languages: • English: Writing, Listening, Reading and Speaking very good. (IELTS 6.0 score). • Arabic: Writing, Reading and listening very well, speaking well.

Computer Skills: Successfully passed examination in computer literacy conducted on 15th, Jun, 2005 (Word, Excel, Windows, Access, Powerpoint and Photoshop) in the University of Sulaimania.

Training Courses: 1. Training course on teaching methods and approaches (26/08/2012 to 16/09/2012) in the Technical Institutes of Sulaymania. 2. 2006, IRI … Jordan Conflict Resolution and Project Proposals, Amman. 3. 2005, DAI main office in Erbil, training on using GPS. 4. 2004, Pirmam Demining Organization, Suse Campus, Training to improve warehouses Supervision. 5. 2001, FAO, Erbil Training about Pesticides Control. 6. 1999 FAO, Erbil Training about IPM (Integrate Pest Management).

Syndicate and Professional Unions: • Member of the Agricultural Engineers Syndicate – Kurdistan since 1997 • Member of the Union Teachers Association in Kurdistan since 2012.

Work Experiences:

1 July 2012 to Present: I'm working as a Lecturer (Plant Genetics Breeding, Plant Physiology and General Botany) at Polytechnic University in Sulaimania Iraq, Sulaimania (Technical Agriculture Institute of Bakrajo - Industrial Crops Department) .

16 June 2003 to 30 Jun 2012: I worked in the General Directorate for Agriculture in the province of Sulaimaniya , my highlight jobs are: • Visit villages and meet with farmers and discuss their problems of agricultural. • Guide the farmers and give them the necessary guidance from the beginning of agriculture until harvest. • Follow-up to give guidance and peasants during the spraying of crops and orchards of agricultural pesticides to reduce the risk of poisoning for farmers and the province of the environment. • Participate in the preparation of the annual plan to improve and develop the agricultural sector in the province of Kurdistan. • Survey and control of pests on a regular basis.

10 July 2005 to Present: I Worked (Part-time) in YAO as a Head of Agricultural Sector (Youth Activity Organization-Agricultural Sector) my highlight jobs are: • Doing surveys and investigation on the proposed areas for agricultural projects. • Supervising and monitoring agricultural projects through visiting, following up and reporting, the range of the projects is within whole Sulaimania governorate and most of the kurkuk’s areas along Sulaimania governorate border.

01 N0v 1997 to 31 March 2003: I worked in FAO Sulaimania sub office and my duties during that period are: • I worked as a Supervisor and monitor in Pant production department from 16th Nov 2001 to 31st March 2003 and my job is landing the seeds and observing the farmer and workers during the operation. • I worked as a monitor from 01 Mar 2001 to 15 Nov 2001 in drought unit and our duties during this period is distributing the by tanker in most of the villages in Kurdistan especially in Arbat and Qaradagh location. • I worked as a supervisor in Irrigation department from 01 Jul 2000 to 28 Feb 2001 and our duties is distributing water pump to the farmer in 8 Agricultural branches in Garmian location for breeding animals and plant purpose. • I worked as a supervisor and monitor in plant protection from 01 Nov 1997 to 31 Jun 2000 and I was in charge of distribution plant protection input 32 Agricultural branch.

Research interests:

     ISSN 2227-670X ©2013 IJACS Journal .

Reference: • Mr.Akram Mahmod Saeed , Head of Industrial Crops Department (07701501896). • Mr.Salam Maroufa-Head of plant protection sector in FAO Sulaimania sub-office-009647701543914. • Mr. Faraidon Omer – Directorate of General Directorate for Agriculture in Sulaimaniya • Mr.Atta Aziz – General Director YAO - 009647701411535. • Anwar Rashid Head of Industrial Crops Department, Agriculture Technical Institute of Bakrajo – Sulaimania - 009647701585967.


  I have documents support for all the above information.