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مستخدم:Jihad A Ahmadieh

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Jihad Aref Al Ahmadieh is a Lebanese poet, translator and researcher.

- Born in Charoun village - Aley - Mount Lebanon 18 - 2 - 1959

- Bachelor of Art: Graduated from Damascus University - Faculty of Letters - English Department 1995

- A teacher of English in Hammana Technical School 1997 - 2005

- Diploma in educational qualification from Damascus University - Second College of Education in Suwayda 2018

- Member of the Lebanese Writers Union since 1994

- Member of the General Union of Arab Writers - since 1994

- Member of the Arab Writers Union - Poetry Society since 2004

- Member of the staff of the branch office of the Arab Writers Union in Suwayda 2011 - 2021

- Head of the Poetry Society of the Arab Writers Union in 2022 and was re-elected in 2023

- Published works:

I) Poetry collections:

1- The Editorial of Love - Damascus - 1993

2- The Festival or the Sun of the Soul - 1999

3- Mirrors of the Dream - 2004

4- Outside the Spectrum - Arab Writers Union - 2010

5- The Hearts of the Pomegranate blossom (Afidat Al-Jollanar) - Arab Writers Union - 2017

6- Love, dream and life - Jihat Publisher House 0 Damascus  2023

II) Translations:

1- Songs of Innocence and Experience - A poetry collection by (William Blake), translation from English - 2005

2- The Tree that Dreams of Flying - A selections of Chinese Poetry in the Twentieth Century - Translation from English - Syrian General Book Authority - 2019

4- Cabbage and Kings - or Henry - Novel - Translation from English - Syrian General Book Authority - 2021

III) About his works:

1- The bird told me - a critical book about the collection “Mirrors of a Dream” written by writers: Dr. Muhammad Toufiq Sadeq – Dr Salwa Al Khalil Al Amin – Mr. Muhammad Zaino Shoman - Dr. Zukaa Al-Hurr – Mrs.  Hitaf Al-Souki - published by Jihat Publisher House - Damascus  - 2022

2- Bibliographed in Al-Babteen Dictionary for Contemporaries Arab Poets, which 1645 poets – Abdel Aziz So’ud Al Babteen – Al Kuwait.