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مستخدم:Journal Port Science Research

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Publication is free offered by Bryant University to Iraqi researchers in particular. It publishes internationally pree-reviewed papers that contribute to the exchange of research in scientific, applied and humanitarian disciplines to contribute to the peaceful and sustainable development of the world. Four issues are published annually, which include the first and third issues of scientific and applied disciplines, the second and fourth issues include humanitarian disciplines and are published in three forms: Printed paper once a year. It is published to a USB card once a year. They are published on the Internet continuously. The journal is listed on the Scientific Citation Index (SCI)[1].

  • ISSN International Center[2]
  • Research Gate[3]
  • Publons[4]
  • Open Access Week[5]
  • ORCID iD[6]
  • Mendeley
  • Google Scholar[7]
  • Scopus
  • Works Bepress
  • Science Direct
  • Overleaf
  • Clarivate Analytics

Aims & Scope is an exciting new multidisciplinary, open access journal deals with natural sciences, Social & Humanities Sciences .it's a home for open scholarship from across social science, economics and humanities disciplines. The journal offers rigorous peer review and fast publication.

Our scope is inclusive: encourage multi- and inter-disciplinary work as well as new and experimental forms of research, replication studies, review studies and negative findings. All submissions will be evaluated based on their academic and methodological validity and robustness of research. As an open access journal, all articles will be immediately and permanently available for authors and readers to read, download, cite

Manuscript that submitted to Journal Port Science Research will initially be checked for plagiarism, then a structured format of this manuscript is published with DOI. Editor in charge will conduct an ethical and open peer-review process and comments received will be published along with editor’s decision on the manuscript. After acceptance from editor, the article is sent for copy editing and soon published in featured enhanced formats (PDF, Video, Full text, Image, Audio), thereafter promoting the research in different Scientific Networking web platforms and further Indexing and archiving it in reputed databases.

Open peer review is under the responsibility of the publons Academy website

Publons was founded by Andrew Preston and Daniel Johnston in 2012 to address the static state of peer-reviewing practices in scholarly communication, with a view to encourage collaboration and speed up scientific development The Publons name is an homage to the "publon", the "minimum unit of publishable material". Publons was acquired in 2017 by Clarivate Analytics — the global leader in trusted insights and analytics that accelerate the pace of innovation. Publons recoups it's costs by partnering with academic publishers. These partnerships allow reviews performed for cooperating journals to be automatically added to Publons profiles. https://publons.com/about/company

Follow up the language under the supervision of the Language Academy[8]

THE LANGUAGE ACADEMY FORT LAUDERDALE [912 66-18-55|+34 912 66-18-55+34 605 44-22-79][[1]]https://terrastudy.com/schools-en

Journal headquarters information publisher's name Journal Port Science Research address of the publisher was changed from Iraq to the USA in 2019. the new publisher's address 1119 S WACO STUNIT H / AURORA / Colorado, 80017 / USA. indicate the ISSN: 2616-6232 as reference.

Contact: 1119 S WACO STUNIT H / AURORA / Colorado 80017 / United States

Principal Contact: Journal Port Science Research | Phone: +905346915583 | [[2]]

Support Contact: Thamer Ata Jabbar Oboodi | Phone: +9647717566861 | [[3]]

  1. ^ "About the Journal | Journal Port Science Research". www.jport.co. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2021-08-17.
  2. ^ "The ISSN Portal". portal.issn.org. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2021-08-17.
  3. ^ "Publisher: Journal Port Science Research".
  4. ^ "Journal Port Science Research's page on Publons". publons.com (بالإنجليزية). Retrieved 2021-08-17.
  5. ^ Aurora, C. O.; States, United; Yes--definitely!. "Journal port Science Research's Page". www.openaccessweek.org (بالإنجليزية). Retrieved 2021-08-17.
  6. ^ "ORCID". sandbox.orcid.org. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2021-08-17.
  7. ^ "Journal port Science Research". scholar.google.com. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2021-08-17.
  8. ^ "About the Journal | Journal Port Science Research". www.jport.co. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2021-08-17.