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نقاش المستخدم:MuheebGhallab/ملعب

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

Emirates International University


Emirates International University is a private university established in 2014 in Sana'a city in Yemen. The university is recognized by the official authorities, including Minister of Higher Education and Council of academic accreditation

EIU is a private educational institution with a distinct identity whose primary role is to provide fair and equitable learning opportunities for able and deserving students in Yemen and neighboring countries. The University is devoted to organizing and offering challenging educational programs using the latest and highly advanced mode of education to the deserving students seeking the choicest and supercilious education regardless of their race, religion, color, gender, disability or national origin.

The University endeavors to effectuate its obligations and responsibilities towards its students; contribute substantially to human knowledge and scientific research; meet the requirements of the society; and to enhance higher education in the country. The university stands pledged to employ and retain internationally qualified faculty with varied experience to offer professional baccalaureate and master’s degree programs that are primarily career-oriented; yet integrated with the liberal arts and sciences.

By applying state of the art learning technologies with modern facilities the university will create and capitalize up on opportunities cooperating with peer institutions worldwide and by effectively adopting practices of governance found in the International academy the University will aim to be a national leader in fine technology and research excellence. The concept of establishing Emirates International University (EIU) expresses the true interest of a group of dedicated businessmen in contributing genuinely and effectively to the process of the comprehensive educational development in Yemen.

EIU will emerge as a qualitative and distinguished addition to the cycles of the educational system of the Republic of Yemen through developed and distinguished educational, instructional and research services that will be offered to the community and its members. It is planned for EIU to offer diverse specializations in various fields of study so as to prepare leading personnel who can fit easily into the ambitious plans of development of Yemen, as well as the Arab countries at large. EIU shall concern itself with providing academic programs for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, scientific research, training, and consultations that will include fields of specialization in the following colleges:

a. Business Administration b. Medicine and Health Sciences c. Engineering and Information Technology d. Law, Humanities and Social Sciences.