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التفاصيل لمدخلة السجل 4397560

11:13، 16 سبتمبر 2020: ADEL Imam 2 (نقاش | مساهمات) أطلق المرشح 38; مؤديا الفعل "edit" في Mostafa toma. الأفعال المتخذة: تحذير; وصف المرشح: مقالات جديدة لا تحوي حروف عربية (افحص)

التغييرات التي أجريت في التعديل

Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000

owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma

Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c

محددات الفعل

عدد التعديلات للمستخدم (user_editcount)
اسم حساب المستخدم (user_name)
'ADEL Imam 2'
عمر حساب المستخدم (user_age)
المجموعات (متضمنة غير المباشرة) التي المستخدم فيها (user_groups)
[ 0 => '*', 1 => 'user' ]
المجموعات العالميَّة التي يمتلكها الحساب (global_user_groups)
ما إذا كان المستخدم يعدل من تطبيق المحمول (user_app)
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هوية الصفحة (page_id)
نطاق الصفحة (page_namespace)
عنوان الصفحة (بدون نطاق) (page_title)
'Mostafa toma'
عنوان الصفحة الكامل (page_prefixedtitle)
'Mostafa toma'
آخر عشرة مساهمين في الصفحة (page_recent_contributors)
عمر الصفحة (بالثواني) (page_age)
فعل (action)
ملخص التعديل/السبب (summary)
'Mostafa fahmy Toma '
نموذج المحتوى القديم (old_content_model)
نموذج المحتوى الجديد (new_content_model)
نص الويكي القديم للصفحة، قبل التعديل (old_wikitext)
نص الويكي الجديد للصفحة، بعد التعديل (new_wikitext)
'Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000 owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c'
فرق موحد للتغييرات المصنوعة بواسطة التعديل (edit_diff)
'@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@ +Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000 + +owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma + +Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c '
حجم الصفحة الجديد (new_size)
حجم الصفحة القديم (old_size)
الحجم المتغير في التعديل (edit_delta)
السطور المضافة في التعديل (added_lines)
[ 0 => 'Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000', 1 => '', 2 => 'owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma', 3 => '', 4 => 'Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c' ]
السطور المزالة في التعديل (removed_lines)
نص الصفحة الجديد، مجردا من أية تهيئة (new_text)
'Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000 owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c'
مصدر HTML المعروض للمراجعة الجديدة (new_html)
'<div class="mw-parser-output"><p>Actor and director in Alexandria Have made movie 18 minute (cat) photo cam hazem metwaly Actor in theatr Alexandria Kalijola 1986 Revolation die 1988 Dream in the summer night 2000 </p><p>owner grup toma tours www.tomatours.com www.nellycruise.8k.com www.toma.7p.com owner for nelly cruis for trip sea on red sea hurghada worked with all travel aginsy planet tours - fiscer - spring tours - TAT travel company owner for united company on hurghada and alexandria born on alexandria on 4/5/1970 finsh art fine alexandria. have daughter from Russia Nelly toma </p><p>Have son adam toma marry from Czech from Martina kaufmanova . have brother's D/ Makram toma- ibrahem desoky toma - hossin toma -sina toma-manal toma-eva toma he live now on hurghada red sea 55 st. nasr from sakala mobile +20115277455 mostafa_toma@hotmail.com mostafa_toma@yahoo.c </p> '
ما إذا كان التعديل قد تم عمله من خلال عقدة خروج تور (tor_exit_node)
طابع زمن التغيير ليونكس (timestamp)