مستخدم:Dario (WMF)
هذه صفحة المستخدم الخاصة بمستخدم كان أحد موظفي مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو كان يحمل صفة متعاقد مع المؤسسة. هذه الصفحة لم تمحى كي تظل سجلا تاريخيا. إلا أن أي معلومات اتصال مبينة قد لا تكون صحيحة لأن هذا المستخدم لم يعد موظفا لدى المؤسسة. كي تتواصل مع موظفي المؤسسة الحاليين، يرجى الاطلاع على تصنيف:موظفي مؤسسة ويكيميديا أو موظفي المؤسسة ومتعاقديها. لو أردت المساعدة في التعرف على الموظف الأنسب للتواصل معه حيال مسألة، يرجى استخدام answerswikimedia.org. |
About me
I have been editing Wikipedia for 19 years and since 2012 I've become an avid Wikidata contributor. Some of my proudest contributions to Wikipedia are about bloody chapters in London history; hypothetical astronomy; as well as natural, technical, and political disasters.
I am a compulsive new article creator, a WikiGnome, and an unabashed inclusionist. I also care a lot about information provenance and verifiability.
My work
Between 2015 and 2019 I served as the Foundation's Director of Research, overseeing the organization's research strategy and driving our research collaboration and outreach efforts with industry, academia, and the Wikimedia movement. Prior to this role, I was the lead of the Research and Data team, a role I took on after joining WMF in 2011.
I helped coordinate Wikimedia's early research outreach and policy making experiments via the Research Committee and I co-authored the Wikimedia Foundation's Open Access policy, which secures the openness and reusability of all the output of WMF's research collaborations. A lot of my energy these past years went into bridging the gap between the Wikimedia movement and academia, shepherding a community building an open repository of source metadata to serve free knowledge, and making the scholarly citation graph part of the public domain. You can read more about my work at nitens.org.