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تاريخ الإصدار
وسائط متعددة

Artrika Artrika Database is an online data storage project to preserve data and information of the people who were displaced from their homeland to IDP camps by the Sudanese government. The database uses research and oral history as tools for data collection;

is a non-profit organisation that aims at the growth, empowerment and development of African societies through art and authentic culture. Artrika was born in Sudan 2017, and build database of Art. and Culture of sudanese people Artrika means AFRICAN ART arabis name is ارتريكا [1]

Our Motivation to start:

We believe that community building starts with one story, helping an individual to identify with their roots and authentic self, as a human being, critically assessing the values that matter to them and their history, the wars that they fought and why, the food they ate and their ideologies of how they see right vs wrong. Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, values, their humor, hopes, loyalties, their worries and fears. As we explore culture it is also important to remember how much we have in common. People see the world very differently, but they know what it is like to wake up in the morning and look forward to the adventures of the day. We are all human beings; we all love deeply, thirst to learn, have hopes and dreams, and have experienced fear and discomfort.

photo [1]

Sudan has had a very complicated history and the war has had many devastating effects on the nation and its people. Sudan is named after its indigenous people; the Arabic term bilād al-sūdān translates to "the lands of the Blacks". Ironically, these indigenous people have been the most affected by the war. The government’s policy of political Islam has been an attempt at erasing them from Sudan's history and future by destroying art, culture and causing an erosion of languages. The war itself is a result of the strong resistance put forward by the indigenous African tribes in defense of who they are and what is theirs. This is evidenced in regions of Nuba Mountains, Darfur, Blue Nile and others. The systematic oppression carried out by the Government, who pushed for Arabization is what led to the cessation of South Sudan in 2011. In addition, due to the war there have been issues of internal displacement and fleeing refugees. These people move to neighboring regions or countries, leaving behind their culture and languages to adopt what they find in their place of refuge through assimilation and appropriation. As a result, there has been a strong loss of identity for many communities in Sudan. This magazine aims to bridge the gap in the narrative on identity in Sudan, by empowering the Afrikan voices of Sudan

Another issue that proves the need for this magazine at this specific time in Sudan is to deconstruct the cultural hegemony that was empowered by 30 years of the NCP rule. The Sudanese Islamists in power worked intensively to Arabise Sudan and address it as one monolithic culture that speaks Arabic and believes in Islam. This resulted in the forced assimilation, oppression and marginalization of cultures that were not in line with the Islamists ideology.



The magazine seeks to examine issues of identity under different themes for each edition by looking into culture, history, politics, economy etc. As we have got teams on ground that can reach the marginalized communities, we intend to travel and speak to them regarding these issues, so the magazine is an actual representation/reflection of them, rather than one based on second hand knowledge. There will also be an in-depth study done on a particular main theme of each editorial that would be based off of extensive research that clearly documents findings. This will be at the beginning and will kick off each [3]https://issuu.com/artrika/docs/artrika_magazine___1_ In Sudan there are three ways you can reach the everyday citizen on ground – TV, Radio, Printed Press. The marginalized communities don’t have access to facilities and services like those in the cities do and can only be reached via printed press. As such, the marginalized areas would be where we distribute the printed versions and will be creating an e-magazine for those audiences with access within Sudan and internationally.s.




1- artrik[4] website and other [5][2] 2- magazine https://issuu.com/artrika 3- Pintrust and Photos File https://www.pinterest.com/aartrika/ 4- Behance and creative file https://www.behance.net/artrika01753 5-

6 data collection https://sudanshahid.org/about

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[3] Facebook twitter website

Sudanقالب:Cards/core2 قالب:Cards/core2 قالب:Cards/core2 قالب:Cards/core2.

  1. ^ [4]
  2. '^ Background
  3. ^ magazine.
  4. ^ [5]
  5. ^ media