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نقاش المستخدم:الدكتور محمد صلاوان

محتويات الصفحة غير مدعومة بلغات أخرى.
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من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
أحدث تعليق: قبل 3 أشهر من الدكتور محمد صلاوان في الموضوع House greem

مرحبًا، وأهلًا وسهلًا بك في ويكيبيديا العربية. ويكيبيديا هي مشروع موسوعة حرة، يمكن للجميع تحريرها. كي تستطيع تحرير ويكيبيديا بشكل أفضل؛ هذه بعض الإرشادات لبداية جيدة:

لاحظ أنه يجب إضافة المصادر ما أمكن للمعلومات التي تضيفها إلى ويكيبيديا، كما ينبغي أن لا تخرق حقوق النشر. إذا ما أردت إنشاء مقالة جديدة، يفضل أن تبدأها في الملعب أولًا، ثم نقلها إلى النطاق الرئيسي. أخيرًا، لا تتردد في طلب المساعدة إذا ما واجهتك أي مشكلة، وذلك بطرح سؤالك على فريق المساعدة. بالتوفيق.

-- Dr-Taher (لا تتردد في طلب المساعدة) 17:46، 23 نوفمبر 2021 (ت ع م)ردّ

House greem[عدل]

House "greem" is a noble house established in the 17th century by a man called "idress greem" . Idress greem an originally arabian merchant from a very well known big yemeni tribe called khawalan, he was born in Sana'a and travelled to Europe at the age lf 23 to established a small business in France for it to grow very fast to make him very wealthy.

With his intelligence and communications skills , he was able to become known in the royal court ; rapidly growing to be gaved his own castle and land and be named baron greem after helping a viscount financially.

The muslim arabian family of house greem continue living in Europe until now day , and because of the cultural difference the stayed in the shadow for long time even today with discrimination being at it lowest , the preferred to stay in the shadows for their own reasons , with thier new young leader, Roalld of greem, who is quite mysterious but not as mysterious as his ancestors, he started opening the family more and more to the rest of the world .

.To summarise, house greem is still a very mysterious house even for other wealthy family just like house rothschild , but they are not as wealthy as house rothschild , our information are low all we know is the story i already told you and

Their wealth is in millions of euros at least100M

- There current leader is a young man called Roalld and he was described "wild" and "friendly" and his personality was compared to elon's musk personality الدكتور محمد صلاوان (نقاش) 14:37، 21 مارس 2024 (ت ع م)ردّ