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أحدث تعليق: قبل شهر واحد من Jonesbela في الموضوع Egypt Easter Tours & Holidays 2024/2025

مرحبًا، وأهلًا وسهلًا بك في ويكيبيديا العربية. ويكيبيديا هي مشروع موسوعة حرة، يمكن للجميع تحريرها. كي تستطيع تحرير ويكيبيديا بصورة أفضل؛ هذه بعض الإرشادات لبداية جيدة:

لاحظ أنه يجب إضافة المصادر ما أمكن للمعلومات التي تضيفها إلى ويكيبيديا، كما ينبغي أن لا تخرق حقوق النشر. إذا ما أردت إنشاء مقالة جديدة، يفضل أن تبدأها في الملعب أولًا، ثم نقلها إلى النطاق الرئيسي. أخيرًا، لا تتردد في طلب المساعدة إذا ما واجهتك أي مشكلة، وذلك بطرح سؤالك على فريق المساعدة. بالتوفيق.

-- أيـوب إضغط هنا لطلب المساعدة ✉️ 11:27، 8 مايو 2024 (ت ع م)ردّ

Egypt Easter Tours & Holidays 2024/2025[عدل]

Egypt Easter Tours & Holidays 2024/2025

Certainly! Egypt is a fascinating destination with a rich historical and cultural heritage. If you're interested in Easter tours and holidays in Egypt for the years 2024/2025, there are several options available to explore the country's ancient sites, enjoy the local traditions, and celebrate Easter in a unique way. Here's an example itinerary that you might find interesting:

Day 1: Arrival in Cairo

  • Arrive at Cairo International Airport and transfer to your hotel.
  • Spend the rest of the day at leisure, relaxing and recovering from your journey.

Day 2: Cairo Sightseeing

  • Visit the Giza Plateau and explore the iconic Pyramids of Giza, including the Great Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Pyramid of Menkaure.
  • Explore the enigmatic Sphinx and learn about its historical significance.
  • Visit the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, home to a vast collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun.
  • Enjoy a traditional Egyptian dinner in the evening.

Day 3: Luxor - East Bank

  • Fly to Luxor, often referred to as the world's greatest open-air museum.
  • Visit the Karnak Temple, a vast complex of temples dedicated to the ancient Egyptian gods.
  • Explore Luxor Temple, known for its grandeur and stunning architecture.
  • Check-in to your hotel in Luxor.

Day 4: Luxor - West Bank

  • Cross the Nile to the West Bank and visit the Valley of the Kings, where many pharaohs were buried.
  • Explore the Temple of Hatshepsut, dedicated to the only female pharaoh of ancient Egypt.
  • Visit the Colossi of Memnon, two massive stone statues representing Amenhotep III.
  • Sail on a traditional felucca boat along the Nile River during sunset.

Day 5: Nile River Cruise

  • Embark on a Nile River cruise and sail towards Aswan.
  • Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo, dedicated to the gods Sobek and Horus.
  • Continue sailing to Edfu and visit the well-preserved Temple of Horus.
  • Enjoy onboard entertainment and a delicious dinner.

Day 6: Aswan

  • Explore Aswan, a city famous for its beautiful scenery and historical landmarks.
  • Visit the High Dam, an impressive engineering feat that regulates the flow of the Nile River.
  • Take a boat trip to the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis.
  • Enjoy a traditional Nubian dinner and experience their vibrant culture.

Day 7: Abu Simbel and Return to Cairo

  • Optional: Take an early morning excursion to Abu Simbel, where you can marvel at the majestic temples of Ramses II and his queen, Nefertari.
  • Fly back to Cairo and transfer to your hotel.
  • Spend the evening at leisure, perhaps exploring the vibrant markets or enjoying a traditional Egyptian meal.

Day 8: Easter Celebrations in Cairo

  • Attend Easter Sunday services at one of the historic churches in Cairo.
  • Explore the Coptic Quarter and visit the Hanging Church (Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church), one of the oldest churches in Egypt.
  • Enjoy a festive Easter lunch with traditional Egyptian dishes.
  • In the evening, you can opt to take a dinner cruise on the Nile River and enjoy live music and entertainment.

Day 9: Departure

  • Check out from your hotel and transfer to Cairo International Airport for your departure.

Jonesbela (نقاش) 21:26، 8 مايو 2024 (ت ع م)ردّ