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مستخدم:OsamaK/قوائم المقالات الطبية/طب الأطفال

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة
المقالة الإنجليزية طول المقالة الإنجليزية الأهمية الجودة طول المقالة العربية
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11β-hydroxylase deficiency 1034 Low B Missing
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency 1139 Low B Missing
Congenital disorder of glycosylation 4157 Low B Missing
Growth hormone treatment 5211 Mid B Missing
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 2517 Mid GA 499
Inborn error of metabolism 1359 Mid B Missing
Lesch–Nyhan syndrome 4475 Mid B 345
Lipoid congenital adrenal hyperplasia 2449 Low B Missing
Lymphoma 5704 High B 396
Maturity onset diabetes of the young 2732 Low B Missing
Menarche 3426 Mid B 63
Osteosarcoma 2966 Mid B 142
Pediatric plastic surgery 1544 Mid B Missing
Posterior urethral valve 1061 Mid B Missing
Primary care physician 2771 High B Missing
Rh disease 2467 High B Missing
Sudden infant death syndrome 5547 High B 258
Toddler's fracture 607 Mid B Missing
Transient synovitis 2134 Low B Missing
Diagnosis of Asperger syndrome 4182 Low B Missing
Pica 3090 Mid B 389
Executive dysfunction 9128 Mid B Missing
Executive functions 9021 High B 233
Causes of mental disorders 7972 Mid B Missing
Dopamine 15046 Mid GA 378
Dopamine transporter 4529 Mid B Missing
Lead poisoning 15159 High GA 450
Autism rights movement 6706 Low B Missing
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder management 13191 Mid B Missing
Dextroamphetamine 5587 Mid B Missing
Lisdexamfetamine 2594 Mid B Missing
Neurobiological effects of physical exercise 19314 High B Missing
TAAR1 6725 Low B Missing
Trace amine 2111 Low B Missing
History of Asperger syndrome 1648 Low B Missing
Lujan–Fryns syndrome 6162 Low GA Missing
Thiomersal controversy 5440 Mid GA Missing
Autism Speaks 3381 Low B 248
Oliver Sacks 5437 Low B 477
Normal People Scare Me 3291 Low B Missing
MMR vaccine controversy 10566 Mid B Missing
Cedillo v. Secretary of Health and Human Services 6120 Low GA Missing
Vaccine controversies 13262 Mid B Missing
Andrew Wakefield 11312 Low B Missing
Reactive attachment disorder 9722 Mid FA 289
Arachnoid cyst 2095 Mid B Missing
Craniofacial team 1650 Low B Missing
Fibrochondrogenesis 1194 Mid B Missing
Malpuech facial clefting syndrome 3814 Low GA Missing
Nasodigitoacoustic syndrome 2244 Low GA Missing
Osteochondroprogenitor cell 1281 Low B Missing
Situs inversus 1628 Low B Missing
Genetics of Down syndrome 1262 Mid B Missing
Hiatus hernia 1480 High B 393
Pyloric stenosis 1767 Mid B 206
Norrie disease 1904 Low B Missing
Progestin-induced virilisation 2222 Mid B Missing
Diplopodia 2044 Low B Missing
Pectus excavatum 3975 Mid B 335
Trigonocephaly 3427 Low B Missing
Megalencephaly 2008 Mid B Missing
Pachygyria 2624 Low B Missing
Ataxic cerebral palsy 2422 Mid B Missing
Athetosis 2611 Low B Missing
Adrenoleukodystrophy 3520 Low B Missing
Papillorenal syndrome 1662 Mid B Missing
Prenatal cocaine exposure 6947 Low B Missing
Arsenic 12055 Low B 379
Development of analogs of thalidomide 5420 Low B Missing
Endosulfan 6209 Low B Missing
Discovery and development of angiotensin receptor blockers 4766 Low B Missing
Isotretinoin 7569 Mid B 287
Bisphenol A 19641 Mid B 379
Tamoxifen 7350 Mid B 42
Rosuvastatin 2874 Mid B 320
Simvastatin 3019 Mid B 319
Doxycycline 4626 Mid B 411
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 620 Low B Missing
Angelman syndrome 2985 Mid B 461
Ectrodactyly–ectodermal dysplasia–cleft syndrome 2436 Low B Missing
Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines 2008 Low GA Missing
Progeria 5194 Mid B 440
X-linked ichthyosis 1926 Mid B Missing
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator 4962 Low B Missing
Emily's Entourage 1724 Low B Missing
Newborn screening 8211 Mid B Missing
Trimethylaminuria 1399 Low B 475
Glutaric aciduria type 1 2502 Low B Missing
Iminoglycinuria 2525 Low B Missing
Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency 1738 Low B Missing
Ocular albinism type 1 3598 Low B Missing
Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency 1876 Mid B Missing
5-alpha-reductase deficiency 1358 Mid B Missing
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 17 alpha-hydroxylase deficiency 1437 Low B Missing
Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency 1980 Low B Missing
Systemic primary carnitine deficiency 1573 Low B Missing
Hereditary coproporphyria 1698 Low GA Missing
Aceruloplasminemia 1015 Low B Missing
Familial hypercholesterolemia 4557 Mid GA Missing
Urbach–Wiethe disease 2571 Low B Missing
GM2 gangliosidoses 673 Low B Missing
GM2-gangliosidosis 960 Low B Missing
Niemann–Pick disease 3540 Low B Missing
Mucopolysaccharidosis 3609 Mid B Missing
Panayiotopoulos syndrome 5694 Mid B Missing
Causes and origins of Tourette syndrome 1707 Low B Missing
Donald J. Cohen 2024 Low B Missing
Coprolalia 1590 Low B Missing
History of Tourette syndrome 3614 Low B Missing
Klazomania 1973 Low B Missing
Sociological and cultural aspects of Tourette syndrome 5452 Low B Missing
Tourettism 574 Low B Missing
Treatment of Tourette syndrome 3298 Mid B Missing
Pediatric ependymoma 4862 Low B Missing
Poliomyelitis eradication 10117 Mid B Missing
Smallpox vaccine 6477 Mid B Missing
Gardasil 6159 High B Missing
HPV vaccines 13326 Mid B Missing
Live attenuated influenza vaccine 3888 Mid B Missing
Varicella vaccine 3976 Mid B 266
Hirschsprung disease 4089 Mid C 276
Lumbar Puncture 4655 High C 471
Tanner Scale 741 High C Missing
Atrioventricular septal defect 1612 Mid C Missing
Congenital heart defect 4074 High C 313
Patent ductus arteriosus 1684 Mid C 384
Ventricular septal defect 2501 Mid C 248
Omphalocele[1] 836 Mid Start Missing
Depression in Childhood and adolescence 3514 Low C Missing
Idiopathic short stature 593 Mid Start Missing
Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale 413 Low Start Missing
Pediatric trauma 1541 Mid Start Missing
Primitive reflexes 2577 High Start Missing
Speech disorder 1200 Mid Start Missing
Tic disorder 1123 Mid C Missing
Pulmonary atresia 1224 Mid C Missing
Esophageal atresia 2598 Mid C Missing
Neonatal bowel obstruction 753 Mid C Missing
Kyphosis 1683 Mid Start 116
Polycystic Kidney disease 1661 Mid C 132